Friday, January 30, 2009

2/2/09 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of February 2, 2009

Important Information
• The Distillation lab was postponed until Monday of this week
• There will be a test this on Evaporation, Condensation, and the States of Matter Tuesday Feb 10. A review session will be held on Monday February 9th during 6th period.

Monday, February 2
Distillation Lab setup and procedural write-up
Create a Neutral pH solution from and acidulated solution

Homework: None

Tuesday, February 3
Observe/record Distillation lab
Condensation Notes
Review Concepts
Hand out Weather books

Homework: None

Wednesday, February 4
Check on/record Distillation Lab
Review Procedural write-up/add observations and comments
Set up Data Table

Homework: None

Thursday, February 5
Finish Distillation Lab Write-up and answer Analysis questions

Homework: finish lab write-up and analysis questions

Friday, February 6
Bill Nye the Science Guy: The Water Cycle

Homework: None

1/26/09 Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
9th Period Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 26, 2009

Important Information:
• Conference sign-up confirmation sheets will be sent home Wednesday.
• There will be a punctuation test Wednesday, January 28th.

Monday, January 26- No School, Institute Day

Tuesday, January 27
Lesson 10 Spelling Pre-test and Rule
Do P. 47 Part B and P. 48- Part C

Homework: Finish class work, if necessary- due Thursday

Wednesday, January 28
Take Grammar Test
Writing Workshop: “Writing a Topic Sentence” P. 13
“Writing Paragraphs”

Homework: “Writing Topic Sentences” handout p. 14

Thursday, January 29
Review Spelling Homework
Writing Workshop: “Write a Persuasive Paragraph” handout p. 24

Homework: Study for spelling test on Friday

Friday, January 30
Take Lesson 10 Spelling Test
Peer review “Persuasive Paragraph” handout
Introduce Persuasive Writing Assignment

Homework: Choose a persuasive writing topic – due Monday, Feb. 1

1/26/09 Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading Syllabus
Week of January , 2009
Important Information:

• Characterization Sheets are Due Friday 1/30 along with the completed Plot-line Summary
• There will be a final Quiz on parts of the entire novel on Friday 1/30. Make sure you complete your other work before hand so you can have time to study.

Monday, January 26
No School

Tuesday, January 27
Read and complete appropriate Questions for Ch 32, 33, 34

Homework: Read and complete appropriate Questions for Ch 32, 33, 34

Wednesday, January 28
Read in class and complete appropriate Questions for Ch 35, 36, 37

Homework: Read in class and complete appropriate Questions for Ch 35, 36, 37

Thursday, January 29
Read and compete appropriate Questions for Ch 38, in class
Review for Quiz

Homework: Study for Quiz, compete final Projects

Friday, January 30
Final Projects are Due
Final Quiz today

Homework: Have a Great Weekend

Friday, January 23, 2009

1/26/09 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of January 26, 2009

Important Information
• We will be having a Quick Quiz this week on Evaporation on Wednesday Jan, 28
• We are going to conduct an experiment that requires each group to bring in a sample of juice this week, if you are the volunteer in your group make sure to not forget to bring in your supplies.

Monday, January 26
No School Institute Day

Homework: None

Tuesday, January 27
Distillation Lab Set-up

Homework: Bring in Your Juice to Distill

Wednesday, January 28
Quick Quiz: Evaporation
Finish Lab Set up
Handout Weather Books

Homework: Make sure your Juice is here

Thursday, January 29
Field Trip to The Museum of Science and Industry


Friday, January 30
Distillation Lab

Homework: Finish Lab write-up, if necessary

Thursday, January 22, 2009

1/19/09 Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
9th Period Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 19, 2009

Important Information:
• Please return your field trip permission slip forms and money. They are due this Tuesday.
• Progress reports were sent home on Friday along with a conference sign-up sheet. Remember conferences are assigned on a first come first serve basis so please return your time choices, as soon as possible, in order to ensure a conference time that works best for your schedule.
• If you haven’t shown Mr. Morrell your signed progress report please do so a.s.a.p.
• There will be a punctuation test next Wednesday, January 28th.
• Finally, Monday, January 26th, is Institute Day and schools will be closed.

Monday, January 19- Holiday - Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday

Tuesday, January 20
Review Apostrophes- handout p. 179
Punctuating Titles - textbook p. 224

Homework: None

Wednesday, January 21
Punctuating Titles - Do p. 225 in textbook
Mixed Review – handout p. 211

Homework: Finish p. 211 handout, if necessary

Thursday, January 22
Punctuating Poetry –p. 226
Handout p. 277 - Students Must Copy Poem and Make Corrections in Spiral

Homework: Finish class work, if necessary

Friday, January 23
Review Poem Corrections
Mixed Review –Textbook p. 228 - Pt. A

Homework: You may wish to begin studying for next week’s punctuation test.
Wow! Have another wonderful three-day weekend.

1/19/09 Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading Syllabus
Week of January 19, 2009
Important Information:

• There will be a Quick Quiz this week on the previous days chapters on Thursday 1/22
• I am offering differentiation this week, in place of this week’s packet questions and definitions you may research one of two topics and create either a colorful and neat timeline or a detailed presentation board on cloning an animal or an animal genome project. This must include pictures with captions, the scientists involved, at least 5 things that have benefited society and the scientific community, major problems or concerns within the science/research, and a one or two paragraphs on the ethical issues that have arisen from this research. This information will be presented to the class next week.

Monday, January 20
No School

Tuesday, January 13
Review Questions from Ch 21 and 22

Homework: Read and complete questions for Ch. 23,24

Wednesday, January 14
Read in class and complete Questions for Chapters 25, 26, 27, and 28

Homework: Read and complete questions for Ch. 25, 26, and 27

Thursday, January 15
Review Questions we can get to and discuss main ideas from chapters 23-28
Introduce Novel Study Final Project and Plot-line Summary
Read and complete questions for Ch. 29 and 30

Homework: Read and complete questions for Ch. 19 and 20, complete 10 vocabulary words and sentences for this week

Friday, January 16
Discuss Ch 29 and 30
Read Ch 30 and 31

Homework: Work on final project.

1/19/09 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of January 19, 2009

Important Information:
• There will be a quiz on Wednesday, January 28th on Evaporation.
• Money for the Field Trip is Due Tuesday of this week.
• Remember to have you progress report signed and returned with the conference time sheet

Monday, January 19
No School! Dr. Martin Luther King’s Birthday

Homework: None

Tuesday, January 20
Evaporation Notes
Practice using Relative Humidity Table

Homework: None

Wednesday, January 21
Activity 3 Evaporation and Condensation in the environment
Begin Condensation Notes

Homework: Finish Activity 3, if necessary

Thursday: January 22
Finish Condensation Notes
Introduce Dew Point lab

Homework: None

Friday, January 23
Dew Point Lab

Homework: None

1/12/09 Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
9th Period Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 5, 2009

Important Information:
• Your next reading log is due on Wednesday, February 11th.
• Remember the sixth grade honor roll breakfast is on Friday, January 16 @ 8:00am.
• Midterm progress reports will be sent home on Friday, January 16. The spring conference signup will also be sent home then. Remember conferences are assigned on a first come first serve basis so please return your time choices ASAP to ensure a conference time that works for your schedule.

Monday, January 12
Spelling Pretest: Lesson 28
Spelling page 123 Part A

Homework: Spelling Master 28A

Tuesday, January 13
Media Center Front Tables: Return and Check Out Books

Homework: Spelling Part B pages 123-124

Wednesday, January 14
Review Spelling Homework
Spelling Master 28B

Homework: Read your pleasure book!

Thursday, January 15
Read and Discuss Writing His Way to Greatness
Read and Discuss What is Your Life’s Blueprint

Homework: Write a letter to future readers.

Friday, January 16
Spelling Test: Lesson 28
Drawing Activity: Do you have a dream?
Student Speeches: I Have a Dream

Homework: Have a wonderful three-day weekend! Please get your second trimester midterm progress reports signed!

1/12/09 Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading Syllabus
Week of January 12, 2009
Important Information:

• There will be a Quick Quiz this week on the Youth section of the book.
• We have been having some excellent conversations in class, I love It! Keep up the good work
• I am offering differentiation this week, in place of this week’s packet questions and definitions you may research one of two topics and create either a colorful and neat timeline or a detailed presentation board on cloning an animal or an animal genome project. This must include pictures with captions, the scientists involved, at least 5 things that have benefited society and the scientific community, major problems or concerns within the science/research, and a one or two paragraphs on the ethical issues that have arisen from this research. This information will be presented to the class next week.

Monday, January 12
Complete group work
Read and complete questions for Ch. 12 and 13

Homework: Read and complete questions for Ch. 12 and 13

Tuesday, January 13
Quick Quiz on Youth 0-6
Discuss Ch 12 and 13
Read and complete questions for Ch. 14 and 15

Homework: Read and complete questions for Ch. 14 and 15

Wednesday, January 14
Discuss Ch 14 and 15
Read and complete questions for Ch. 16,17,and 18

Homework: Read and complete questions for Ch. 16, 17, and 18

Thursday, January 15
Discuss Ch 16,17,and 18
Read Ch 19 and 20

Homework: Read and complete questions for Ch. 19 and 20, complete 10 vocabulary words and sentences

Friday, January 16
Discuss Ch 19 and 20
Read and complete odd questions for Ch. 21 and 22

Homework: Read and complete odd questions for Ch. 21 and 22

Friday, January 9, 2009

1/12/09 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of January 12, 2009

Important Information:
• Make sure to complete the Case of he Disappearing Water activity by the end of the week.
• Progress Reports go home this Friday
• Make sure the turn in Activity 1, How Much Water if I did not get it yet.

Monday, January 12
States of Matter Notes

Homework: Finish the Case of the Disappearing Water, if you can.

Tuesday, January 13
Begin Relative Humidity Lab

Homework: Finish the case of the Disappearing Water, if you can

Wednesday, January 14
Finish Relative Humidity Lab

Homework: Finish lab if necessary, Make sure to complete and turn in the Case of the Disappearing Water.

Thursday: January 15
Evaporation Notes

Homework: None

Friday, January 16
Evaporation Game

1/5/09 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of January 5, 2009

Important Information:
• WELCOME BACK! I hope you had a wonderful break.
• Time to get the blood flowing back into those brains!

Monday, January 5
How Much Fresh Water?
Water Conservation

Homework: Finish How Much Fresh Water, if necessary

Tuesday, January 6

Homework: Finish The Case of the Disappearing water, if you can

Wednesday, January 7
Intro to States of Mater
Read States of Matter packet

Homework: Finish reading States of Matter Packet

Thursday: January 8
Begin States of Matter Notes
Directed Reading, States of Matter

Friday, January 9
States of Matter Notes
States of Matter Game

Homework: Finish The Case of the Disappearing water, if you can

1/5/09 Reading Syallabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 5, 2009

Important Information:
• We are beginning a month long Novel Study on The House of the Scorpion. This is a thick and challenging book. We will be reading this book very quickly at approx. 2 Chapters a day. It is absolutely mandatory that the students stay on top of their work and do not fall behind. (Of course exceptions and extended time will be given to student who miss because of illness or other unavoidable situations)

Monday, January 5
Introduction to The House of the Scorpion
Read Chapters 1 and 2 and complete questions.

Homework: Finish reading and questions for chapters 1 and 2

Tuesday, January 6
Scorpion: Ch. 3 and 4 and complete questions

Homework: Finish reading Ch 3 and 4 and questions

Wednesday, January 7
Scorpion: Ch. 5 and 6 and complete questions

Homework: Finish reading Ch. 5 and 6 and complete questions

Thursday: January 9
Scorpion: Ch 7,8, and 9 and complete questions

Homework: Finish reading Ch. 7,8,9 and complete questions

Friday, January 10
Scorpion: Ch 10 and 11

Homework: Finish Reading Ch 10 and 11 and complete question