Friday, August 28, 2009

Science Syllabus 8/31/09

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of August 31, 2009
Team 6-3

Important Information:
• A weekly science syllabus will go home every Monday throughout the school year. You may also access the syllabus by going to the website listed above.
• All students should have a folder and spiral (same color, Green) strictly for science. They must have their spiral and folder in class everyday.
• Lab Safety Cartoon will be due Friday Sept. 11th
• Student must have the lab safety contract returned to me signed by themselves and their Parent or Guardian to participate in any laboratory exercise.

Monday, August 31
Seating Chart
Begin Science Vocabulary

Homework: Finish the My Scientist Drawing.

Tuesday, September 1
Turn in and Discuss My Scientist Drawing
Lab Materials Practical

Homework: None

Wednesday, September 2
Review Lab Materials pracical
Penny Lab

Homework: Finish Penny Lab, if necessary

Thursday: September 3
Sponge Bob Lab Safety
Introduce Bad Safety Cartoon
Review Penny Lab

Homework: Work on lab Safety Cartoon

Friday, September 4
Observation and Inference
The 5 Senses

Homework: Work on “Lab Safety” Cartoon