Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of February 21, 2011




Important Information:

  • Trimester 2 ends on Friday, March 4th. In order to get grades ready we need all late work on our team by Tuesday, March 1st.
  • The edited drafts of the research paper will be returned today! Students need to work on making corrections to their essay's and have their final draft ready to turn in on Friday, February 25. The final paper must include a cover page, final outline, works consulted, and drafts of the outline and essay.
  • ISAT begins next week! Please be sure you get a good night sleep, are on time to school, and eat a good breakfast. You may bring in a healthy snack and water bottle each day next week!
  • Our sixth Reading Log is due on Friday, March 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.


Monday, February 21

No School


Homework: None


Tuesday, February 22

Return Edited Research Papers

Make corrections to your paper

9th Period: How to Make a Power Point


Homework: Work on the final draft of your Power Point. Make your Cover Page for your final paper.


Wednesday, February 23

Introduce Power Point Project and Rubric

Power Point Rough Draft


Homework: Finish your Power Point Rough Draft- it must be complete tomorrow before you can begin working on it on the computers. Work on your FINAL Research Paper


Thursday, February 24

Power Point Work Time


Homework: Finish your FINAL Research Paper! It is due tomorrow!
The final paper must include each thing in this order 1. Cover page 2. Final outline 3. Final paper 4. Works consulted 5. Edited Draft of Outline 6. Adult Edited Draft of Essay

Friday, February 25

Turn in FINAL Research Paper

Power Point Work Time


Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!! Work on your power point!

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of February 21, 2011

Team 6-3



Important Information:

  • Remember you can STILL CORRECT MISTAKES IN YOU CATASTROPHIC EVENTS NOTEBOOK for points. A lot of students did not take advantage of this first trimester!
  • There will be no late homework accepted for the 3rd Trimester


Monday, February 21

No School President's Day!!


Homework: Both one-sentence summaries are due tomorrow


Tuesday, February 22

Wrap up the Intro to Microscope drawing lesson

Microscope procedures

Focus lesson 2


Homework: None


Wednesday, February 23

The letter "e" and microscopes

Drawing with the microscopes


Homework: Finish Drawing, if necessary


Thursday, February 24

Explore Lesson 2 Wowbugs


Homework: Lesson 2 Reflection Questions due Monday


Friday, February 25

Reading from lesson 2


Homework: Finish Reflection Questions from yesterday due Monday



Friday, February 11, 2011

Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of February 14, 2011




Important Information:

  • Thank you for being so flexible with the rescheduling of conferences due to the snow days! I sent home confirmations of rescheduled conferences and phone conferences last week. Remember office hours are on Wednesday 2/16 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. Email me with any questions!
  • The typed first draft of the research paper is due on Wednesday 2/16. On Wednesday I will send home essays with edit forms to parents who volunteered to help edit.
  • We will begin presenting The Cay Projects (Book in A…) this week!
  • Our sixth Reading Log is due on Friday, March 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.


Monday, February 14 ©

Vocabra Captions

ISAT Reading Practice Test


Homework: Work on your 1st typed draft of the research paper. It is due on Wednesday.


Tuesday, February 15

Present Book in A…

Work on Research Draft


Homework: Finish your first typed draft of the research paper. It is due tomorrow! The dodgeball tournament is after school today at 4! Come cheer on your friends!


Wednesday, February 16 (Office Hours after school today from 4:00 to 5:30)

Turn in 1st Typed Draft of Research Paper

ISAT Practice Test with Extended Response


Homework: None


Thursday, February 17

Works Consulted- How to do it?

Peer Edit Extended Response

Vocabra: Spelling Race and White Board Sentences


Homework: Work on your works consulted page.

Friday, February 18

List #10 Vocabra Tests

Media Center 9th: Check Out/Return Books


Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!! Work on your research paper! Your first typed draft is due on Wednesday 2/16.

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of February 14, 2011

Team 6-3

Important Information:

  • Remember you can STILL CORRECT MISTAKES IN YOU CATASTROPHIC EVENTS NOTEBOOK for points. A lot of students did not take advantage of this first trimester!

Monday, February 14

What is Life and Taxonomy reading lesson 1

Homework: Review of microscopes sheet

Tuesday, February 15

Reading activity moved from Monday

Homework: Make sure you turn in your Quick Reading Sheet form class, due tomorrow

Wednesday, February 16

Using Loupes and Hand lenses
Collect yesterdays Quick Responses and drawing

Homework: Bring in materials to look at through hand lenses and Loupes

Thursday, February 17

Loupes and hand lenses cont.

Microscope notes

Drawings in Science

Homework: One-sentence summary about what we did in class today

Friday, February 18

Bill Nye

Homework: Enjoy your weekend

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mr, Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of February 7, 2011




Important Information:

  • Due to the Snow Days we did not have Parent- Teacher Conferences on Thursday. Our District is in the process of figuring out alternative plans. As soon as I know I will send home information. Thank you for your understanding in the unique situation.
  • Research: The research outlines are due on Tuesday, February 8. Due to the snow days we lost one work day so now they will be due at the end of the day on Tuesday. We will have the COWS on Tues. for any students who need those extra periods to finish up.
  • We will begin writing our essays this week. A typed draft of your introduction paragraph is due on Thursday 2/10. We will review how to write these in class this week. We will also work on writing conclusion paragraphs. The typed first draft is due on Wednesday 2/16.
  • The Cay Project (Book in A…) is due on Friday, February 11. Please be sure your group is productively working on this throughout the week.
  • Our fifth Reading Log is due on Friday, February 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.


Monday, February 7

Introduce List #10 Vocabra

Outline Work Time: COWs periods 8-9


Homework: Work on your outline. It is due by the end of 9th period tomorrow. You need to write 6 Vocabra Sentences. If your last name starts with A-K write sentences using the first six words; if you last name starts with M-Z write sentences using the last six words.


Tuesday, February 8

Begin Outline Conferences

Outline Work Time: COWs Periods 8-9

Work on Book in A…


Homework: Work on Book in A….


Wednesday, February 9

Finish Outline Conferences

How to Write an Introduction Paragraph

Vocabra Word Drawing


Homework: Finish your introduction paragraph (STRONGLY recommended that it be typed and double spaced)




Thursday, February 10

Peer Revisions: Introduction Paragraph

Work on Drafting your Research Paper

Work on Book in A… (Due tomorrow)


Homework: Work on your 1st Typed Draft of the Research Paper- it is due on Wednesday. Make sure your group is done with Book in A... it is due tomorrow. Your 5th reading log is due tomorrow- be sure to get parent signatures.

Friday, February 11

Turn in Book in A…

Turn in Reading Log

How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph


Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!! Work on your research paper! Your first typed draft is due on Wednesday 2/16.

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of February 7, 2011

Team 6-3

Important Information:

  • I have started the New Amazing Example Notebook of Science please use it as a reference,

    from lesson 10 and beyond!

  • Remember you can correct mistakes on your notebooks for points a lot of students did not take advantage of this first trimester!
  • STC Catastrophic Events books will be collected on Monday February 7th. If the book is lost or damaged beyond normal wear and tear the cost to replace the book is $30.00
  • We will be starting a new unit in science on February 7th. Students will need to have their Catastrophic Events Textbooks turned in and have an unused quad-grid composition book.

Monday, February 7

Wrap up Volcano Reading Activity

Collect Catastrophic Events Books

Make sure to bring new notebooks Tomorrow

Homework: Venn Diagram and Categories "What is life"

Tuesday, February 8

Talk about research

What is life?

Introduction to Organisms from Macro to Micro

Homework: None

Wednesday, February 9

Notebook Setup

Lesson 1from Organism textbook

Homework: None

Thursday, February 10

Finish Lesson 1

Set up Appendix

Proper Drawing in Science

Homework: We did not get through the explore section today so reflection questions will be reassigned at a later date. Thanks

Friday, February 11

Intro to Microscopes

Homework: I assigned reflection questions from lesson 1.1 tonight and they are due on Monday...Have a great weekend!

Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of January 31, 2011




Important Information:

  • Conferences are on Thursday, February 3. Conference Schedules went home and are posted on my blog. Remember you need to arrive 15 minutes early. Please email me if you need to change your scheduled time!
  • Research: Please be sure to follow along with the due dates given! Just as a reminder: the Final Note Cards/Source Cards are due on Monday 1/31. A BIG thank you to all the parents that volunteered to help out with this major project.
  • Our fifth Reading Log is due on Friday, February 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.


Monday, January 31

Final Notes Cards due TODAY!

Media Center: Back Tables


Homework: Start planning your outline- we are beginning tomorrow.


Tuesday, February 1

Return Final Note Cards

Plan for Outline

Demonstrate Inspiration (computer program)

9th Period: COWS to begin Outline


Homework: Keep working on your outline!


Wednesday, February 2

8th/9th Period COWS: Outline Work Time


Homework: Work on your outline


Thursday, February 3 (Noon Dismissal)

No Reading/LA Today


Homework: Tomorrow is PJ Day and our Read-A-Thon. Bring your books, a healthy snack, and one comfy item!

Friday, February 4 (Noon Dismissal)

Read-A-Thon and PJ Day


Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!! Work on your research outline! Your final outline is on Tuesday 2/8.