Friday, September 21, 2007

9/24 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr.Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 24, 2007

Important Information:
o Mrs. Alexander, Mr. Boyle, and I are in need of a parent from each of our classes to be our emergency caller parent. If interested, send us an email or leave a message on our voice mail. If you work at home or are easily accessible, this may be the right volunteer opportunity for you.
o Conference request forms were sent home last week, to all parents that did not attend Curriculum Night. Please complete the conference form a.s.a.p.
o Picture Day is Tues, 9/ 25. All students will take a picture for our yearbook even if he/she does not wish to purchase pictures. Remember to send the envelope and money with your child on Tuesday.
o We will discuss Bud, Not Buddy this week; be sure to have the summer reading guide completed by Friday, September 28.
o First Reading Log will be due on Thurs, 9/27. Each book must have a parent signature on the log.
o The final draft of the Seedfolks Writing Assignment is due on Friday, September 28.

Monday, September 24
Sentence Diagramming: Adjectives
Review and discuss literary terms: Protagonist, Antagonist, Theme, and Conflict
Review for Seedfolks Test: Comprehension and Vocabulary
Finish Peer Editing papers

Homework: Study for Seedfolks Test

Tuesday, September 25
Seedfolks Comprehension and Vocabulary Test
Introduce Christopher Paul Curtis author of Bud, Not Buddy
Compare and contrast realistic fiction vs. historical fiction

Homework: Draw a picture of most memorable character from Bud, Not Buddy and write 2-3 sentences explaining why. The drawings must be done on unlined paper and colored neatly.

Wednesday, September 26
Discuss setting, characters, events, and resolution
Complete Bud, Not Buddy story map
Sentence Diagramming: Adverbs
Edited Seedfolks rough drafts returned, Discuss final draft

Homework: Finish your reading log- you must have parent signatures. Students should bring 2-3 items that are important to him/her; place the items in a bag. Finish story map, if necessary

Thursday: September 27
Share your 2-3 important items with the class
Discuss history of jazz and blues
Jazz and blues music activity
Write reflection regarding jazz and blues music

Homework: Summer Reading Guide for Bud, Not Buddy- both due tomorrow

Friday, September 28
Review Summer Reading Guide for Bud, Not Buddy
Closing activity- Write final reflection, regarding items brought to school and personal connections to Bud, Not Buddy
Sentence Diagramming: Reviewing Sentence Basics

Homework: Enjoy your weekend! I have postponed the due date of the final copy of the Seedfolks essay until Monday September 24th.

9/24 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of September 24, 2007
Important Information:
o Students will have a science quiz on Friday, September 28. Students received a study guide for the quiz on Tuesday September 25.
o I am holding a lunchtime review session on Thursday, September 27. At the review session we will discuss and explain concepts necessary for the quiz on Friday.

Monday, September 24
Tug of War
Science Vocabulary

Homework: Finish Tug of War, if necessary

Tuesday, September 25
Notes: Opposing Forces and Vectors

Homework: None

Wednesday, September 26
Vectors Activity

Homework: The Construction Worker’s Accident

Thursday: September 27
Forces @ Work

Homework: Study for Quiz

Friday, September 28
Science Quiz including forces vocabulary and concepts

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, September 17, 2007

9/17 Language Arts and Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 17, 2007

Important Information:
• Students will take a Seedfolks comprehension & vocabulary test on Tuesday, Sept. 25.
• Last Friday, students were introduced to our next assignment, writing a Seedfolks chapter. The typed rough draft of the essay is due on Friday, Sept 21 and the final draft is due on Friday, Sept 28.
• Curriculum Night is Tuesday, Sept. 18th. It begins at 6:45 P.M. Each student brought home a letter with his or her schedule last Thursday.
• The reading log is due on Thursday, Sept. 27. Students are required to read at least two books each month and turn in a completed log with parent signatures. The Seedfolks novel can be counted as one of the books.

Monday, September 17
Discuss good and bad examples of a Seedfolks chapter
Lesson 2: Spelling pretest
Read and chart Maricela
Continue defining Seedfolks vocabulary
Homework: Finish Maricela chart, if necessary

Tuesday, September 18
Read and chart Amir and Florence
Spelling Lesson 2: Complete page 12 and discuss spelling rule
Spelling Lesson 2: Part A
Homework: Finish Spelling, if necessary

Wednesday, September 19
Seedfolks character review
Spelling Lesson 2: Part B
Spelling Activity: Practice the words
Homework: Finish Spelling, if necessary. Work on your Seedfolks Essay
Rough Draft- due on 9/21

Thursday: September 20
Spelling Lesson 2: Part C
SPARKLE: Spelling Review Game
Review Seedfolks vocabulary. Write five detailed sentences using five Seedfolks vocabulary words not used on our Word Wall List.
Homework: Study for Lesson 2 Spelling Test. Finish your Seedfolks rough draft- it must be typed.

Friday, September 21
Media Center- Check out and return books
Lesson 2: Spelling Test
Seedfolks rough draft due today
Peer Edits of rough draft
Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Science Syllabus week of 9/17

Science Syllabus
Week of September 17, 2006

• You need your science book on Tuesday and Thursday of this week.
• My blog is up and running, check it out!

Monday, September 17
Notes: Force and contact and non-contact forces
Turn in worksheets from previous week.
Get your book covered by the end of the week.

Homework: None

Tuesday, September 18
Notes: Contact and Non-Contact Forces continued
Read pages 11-14

Homework: Complete the Section Review on page 14 (answer questions in your science spiral)

Wednesday, September 19
Lab: Feel the Force

Homework: Finish Lab- if necessary

Thursday: September 20
Hot Air Balloon

Homework: Directed Reading for pages 11-14
Textbook Scavenger Hunt is due Friday

Friday, September 21
Bill Nye the Science Guy: Forces

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

9/10 Science Syllabus

Science Syllabus
Week of September 10, 2006


• Bad Safety Cartoon is due on Thursday, September 13.
• Students will receive Force and Motion textbook on Thursday of this week.
• Please have textbooks covered by Monday.
• Quiz Friday Sept 14: The Scientific Method, The Metric System, and Branches of Science. (Note: A question or two from Mrs. Freeze’s presentation my make it onto the quiz)

Monday, September 10
Notes: Scientific Method
Lab “What will burn longer?”
Finish and turn in inference paper

Homework: Finish what will burn longer lab and graph the results.

Tuesday, September 11
Notes: Scientific Method: Defining elements of the Scientific Method
Discuss “What will burn longer” lab and graphs.
Introduce The Metric System

Homework: Worksheet-Analyzing Elements of the Scientific Method.

Wednesday, September 12
Notes: The Metric System including prefixes and quantities

Homework: Worksheet-The Metric System pg. 17

Thursday: September 13
Hand out Force and Motion Textbooks
Work on Branches of science worksheet

Homework: Worksheet-The Metric System: matching exercise
Textbooks did not go out today! We will take care of that on Friday and please have books covered by Friday of next week.

Friday, September 14
Science quiz today: The Scientific Method, The Metric System, and Branches of Science.
“The Science Textbook Scavenger Hunt”

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!