Friday, September 21, 2007

9/24 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of September 24, 2007
Important Information:
o Students will have a science quiz on Friday, September 28. Students received a study guide for the quiz on Tuesday September 25.
o I am holding a lunchtime review session on Thursday, September 27. At the review session we will discuss and explain concepts necessary for the quiz on Friday.

Monday, September 24
Tug of War
Science Vocabulary

Homework: Finish Tug of War, if necessary

Tuesday, September 25
Notes: Opposing Forces and Vectors

Homework: None

Wednesday, September 26
Vectors Activity

Homework: The Construction Worker’s Accident

Thursday: September 27
Forces @ Work

Homework: Study for Quiz

Friday, September 28
Science Quiz including forces vocabulary and concepts

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

when is word wall due

Anonymous said...

I dont have all my vocabulary words, finished that we were working on yesterday, and i am not going to be in school today. -Hani

Anonymous said...

Oh now i see the vocab on this site. I just need my science spiral, and my homework that is due on wednesday. -hani

Anonymous said...

i dont have what i need for homework because im out today, but i will be back on wednesday. Hani

Mr. Morrell said...

Anyone who is out today 9/25 there is no homework. Make sure you get he notes on forces and vectors either from a reliable student or from me, Mr. Morrell. Also make sure I see your Tug-of-War paper as soon as you get back.

Anonymous said...

i think mr.morrell will understand just ask him about when you come back to school