Friday, January 11, 2008

1/14 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of January 14, 2008

Important Information:
• I still need some tennis balls so lets get these tables and chairs sound proof!
• Remember to get any notes that you didn’t write down from my blog.
• Make sure you finish “The Case of the Disappearing Water” by Tuesday
• There is no school on Friday the 18th and on Monday 21st

Monday, January 14
Review “The Water Planet” and water conservation
Go over the WebQuest
Read pages 36-39

Homework: Read Pages 36-39 if necessary

Tuesday, January 15
Begin Relative Humidity Lab

Homework: None

Wednesday, January 16
Finish Relative Humidity Lab

Homework: Finish Relative Humidity Lab, if necessary

Thursday: January 17
Review Relative Humidity Lab
Practice using Relative Humidity Table

Homework: None

Friday, January 18
No School! Institute Day

Homework: Enjoy the long weekend!!!!!!!!

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