Friday, April 18, 2008

4/14 Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Week of April 14, 2008

Important Information:
• Our next reading log is due on Thursday, April 17.
• All students must have a Tri-Fold Presentation Board by Monday, April 21 for the research visual aid. Students will receive the visual aid rubric and requirements on Monday, April 21.
• Your typed research paper rough draft is due on Tuesday, April 22.
• The sixth grade end of the field trip permission slip and money is due on Friday, April 18. Please get those into me as soon as possible! If you need a scholarship please see me before the due date.

Monday, April 14
Continue Outline and Note Card Conferences
Distribute School Wide Spelling Bee Lists
Research Work Time

Homework: Continue working on note cards and your research paper rough draft.

Tuesday, April 15
Research Work Time

Homework: Finish your note cards- a minimum of 25 cards are due tomorrow. Continue working on your research paper rough draft.

Wednesday, April 16
Final Note Cards are due today (minimum of 25)
1st Floor Tech Lab: Research Work Time

Homework: Continue working on your research paper rough draft. Finish your reading log- due tomorrow with parent signatures.

Thursday, April 17
Reading Log due
Research Work Time

Homework: Continue working on your research paper rough draft- the typed draft is due on Tuesday, April 22. END OF THE YEAR FIELD TRIP MONEY AND PERMISSION SLIP IS DUE TOMORROW- NO EXCEPTIONS! DON’T FORGET!

Friday, April 18
Research Work Time

Homework: Enjoy your weekend! Continue working on your research paper rough draft.

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