Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2/23/09 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 23, 2009
Blog: http://op97-morrell.blogspot.com
Email: jmorrell@op97.org

Important Information:
• Narrative essays are due Thursday February 26. They must be typed final draft is due on Thursday February 26. Please make sure to have a parent, family member, or sibling read over your paper before you turn it in.
• The Author Study Timeline due date has been changed to Tuesday, March 3rd.
• Author Study upcoming due dates:
Finish reading second novel by Monday, March 9
Plot-Line summary and differentiation essays are due Tuesday, March 10th.
Time-line presentations begin Tuesday, March 10th.
• Please send permission slip and money for our end of year cruise by April 17th.
• Don’t forget ISAT Testing next week, Tuesday-Friday, March 3–6th. Please encourage your child to get a good night’s rest. Students may bring a bottle of water and a healthy snack.
• Monday, March 2nd is no school due to Pulaski Day. Students will not receive a syllabus next week, due to testing.

Monday, February 23
Writing Workshop - Elaboration
Discuss Sample Narrative Essay Models
Media Center Computers 8th Period: Type Narrative Essay or Work on Biography Time-line
Homework: Work on Narrative Essay- due Thursday

Tuesday, February 24
Media Center Computers 9th Period: Type Narrative Essay or Work on Biography Time-line
ISAT Test Practice – Writing Reading Extended Response
Author Study Work Time, time permitting
Homework: Work on Narrative Essay- due Thursday

Wednesday, February 25
ISAT Test Practice- Review and Evaluate Reading Extended Response
Homework: Work on Narrative Essay- due Thursday

Thursday, February 26 - Collect Narrative Essays
ISAT Test Practice – Literary Devices for Reading and Poetry
Author Study Work Time, time permitting
Homework: Work on Time-Line, due Tuesday, March 3rd

Friday, February 27
ISAT Test Practice – Vocabulary and Author’s Purpose
Author Study Work Time
Homework: Finish Time-Line, due Tuesday, March 3rd
Have a great 3-day weekend!

Friday, February 20, 2009

2/23/09 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of February 23, 2009
Email: jmorrell@op97.org

Important Information
• ISAT Testing is starting March 3; make sure to get your sleeping cycle on track and eat healthy!
• Make sure to pay attention to the sky and pick out the cloud types this week

Monday, February 23
Finish name that cloud
Microscope activity
Hail video and discussion

Homework: Finish name that cloud and microscope worksheet, if necessary

Tuesday, February 24
Review Name That Cloud!

Homework: None

Wednesday, February 25
Activity Two: Satellite Images

Homework: Finish Satellite Images, if necessary

Thursday, February 26
Review Satellite images
Cloud crossword

Homework: Finish Crossword Puzzle, if necessary

Friday, February 27
Severe Weather Video: Hurricanes

Homework: None

Friday, February 13, 2009

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 2/16/09

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 16, 2009
Blog: http://op97-morrell.blogspot.com/
Email: jmorrell@op97.org

Important Information:
• Author Study upcoming due dates: finish reading first novel by Wednesday, February 18 and finish first plotline summary by Friday, February 20.
• The Author Study Timeline is due February 27.
• We are introducing the Narrative Essay writing assignment on Thursday February 19, the typed final draft is due on Thursday February 26. Please make sure to have a parent, family member, or sibling read over your paper before you turn it in.

Monday, February 16
No School President’s Day

Homework: Work on Reading your first Author Study novel and your plotline summary.

Tuesday, February 17
Diagramming Sentences Worksheets: Basic Sentence Parts, Articles and Verb Phrases, and Simple Sentences pages 4-7
Dictionary Scavenger Hunt
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Finish your first author study book by tomorrow and work on your plotline summary

Wednesday, February 18
Diagramming Sentences Worksheets: Adjectives and Adverbs pages 8-11
Elements of a Narrative essay
Introduce Author Study Timeline

Homework: Work on author study project, reading and gathering information about your author for the timeline

Thursday, February 19
Introduce Narrative Writing prompts
Diagramming Sentences Worksheets: Review Sentence Basics pages 12 and 13
Media Center: Computer Lab: look up Author information 9th period

Homework: Work on author study project reading and Timeline. Work on Narrative Essay due on Thursday February 26.

Friday, February 20
Diagramming Sentences: Compound Subjects and Predicates exercise 1 and 2 pages 14-17
Literary Devices
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Have a nice weekend. Work on Reading your second Author Study novel and your Narrative essay.

Science Syllabus 2/16/09

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of February 16, 2009
Email: jmorrell@op97.org

Important Information
• We will be going outside on Thursday and Friday of this week for a few minutes. Make sure to dress appropriately
• Water Cycle writing assignment is due Thursday, February 19

Monday, February 16
No School Presidents Day!!!!

Homework: Work on Your Water Cycle Writing Assignment.

Tuesday, February 17
Review Section Review page 43
The Man Who Named the Clouds
Latin Cloud Names

Homework: Finish class work, If necessary

Wednesday, February 18
Cloud Notes

Homework: None

Thursday, February 19
Finish cloud notes
Microscope activity

Homework: Finish microscope activity sheet

Friday, February 20
Lab: Name that Cloud

Homework: None

Thursday, February 12, 2009

2/09/09 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 9, 2009
Blog: http://op97-koplin.blogspot.com/
Email: jmorrell@op97.org

Important Information:
• Remember that Springs Conferences are on Thursday, February 12. Conference confirmation times were sent home on Friday, January 23. If you need to change your time please contact me ASAP.
• Reading logs are due on Wednesday, February 11.
• The final typed draft of the persuasive essay will be due on Tuesday, February 10.
• Author Study upcoming due dates: finish reading first novel by Wednesday, February 18 and finish first plotline summary by Friday, February 20.

Monday, February 9
Media Center Computers: Interactive ISAT Practice Tests

Homework: Finish final draft of the persuasive essay- due tomorrow. Remember you must turn in the first draft and the peer-editing sheet with your essay.

Tuesday, February 10
Turn in Final Persuasive Essay
Complete Subjects and Predicates: L/Network pages 528 and 529 part a,b, and c
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Finish reading log- due tomorrow! Remember you must have parent signatures. Read novel for author study.

Wednesday, February 11
Introduce Author Study Plot Line Summary
Simple Subjects: L/Network pg 528
Simple Predicates, or Verbs: L/Network pg 529
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Work on author study project reading and plotline summary.

Thursday, February 12 (CONFERENCE DAY!) Noon Dismissal
No Reading/LA Today

Homework: Work on author study project reading and plotline summary. Be sure to have your books and pj’s for tomorrow. You may also bring in a snack and one comfort item if you wish.

Friday, February 13 (PJ DAY!!!) Noon Dismissal
Read-A-Thon and Pajama Day

Homework: Have a nice weekend. Work on Reading your first Author Study novel and your plotline summary.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of February 9, 2009
Email: jmorrell@op97.org

Important Information
• There will be a test this on Evaporation, Condensation, and the States of Matter Tuesday Feb 10. A review session will be held on Monday, February 9th during 6th period.
• The Water Cycle Writing Activity will be introduced this week on Wednesday February 11; it will be due on Thursday, February 19.

Monday, February 9
Discuss Distillation lab results and work in groups
Review for test

Homework: None

Tuesday, February 10
Test today on Evaporation, Condensation, and the States of Matter

Homework: None

Wednesday, February 11
Introduce Water Cycle Writing Activity
Record all Trials on Distillation lab data Table
Notes on the Water Cycle

Homework: Read pages 40-43 and answer Section Review Questions

Thursday, February 12 (Half Day)
Water Cycle Lab Demo
Activity 1: The Water Cycle

Homework: Finish activity 1 Questions

Friday, February 6
No Science

Monday, February 2, 2009

2/2/09 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 2, 2009
Blog: http://op97-morrell.blogspot.com/
Email: jmorell@op97.org

Important Information:
• Conference confirmation times will be sent home today, Feb 2. If you need to change your time please contact me ASAP.
• Reading logs are due on Wednesday, February 11.
• The students were introduced to their Persuasive Essay Writing Assignment last Friday. The first draft must be typed and completed by Thursday, February 5. The final typed draft will be due on Tuesday, February 10.
• We are beginning an Author Study Unit this week. They will receive a letter this week explaining the project expectations and listing all due dates. The students must have their author selected, two to three books, and their completed contract by Friday, February 6.

Monday, February 2
Super Bowl Homonyms
Prepare for Socratic Seminar: Read, Mark and Write 2 Questions
Begin Writing Persuasive Essay- a typed first draft is due on Thursday, Feb. 5.

Homework: Socratic Seminar: Post-Reading Activity

Tuesday, February 3
Socratic Seminar: Cloning
Persuasive Essay Writing Time

Homework: Work on persuasive essay draft. Remember the typed first draft is due on Thursday.

Wednesday, February 4
Introduce Author Study Project
Media Center Front Tables 9th Period: Get books for Author Study Project

Homework: Work on getting books for Author Study and Complete contract- this must be done by Friday! Also you typed first draft of the persuasive essay is due tomorrow.

Thursday, February 5
Persuasive Essay Peer Edits and Conferences
Author Study Work Time and Q&A (in Media Center, back tables 9th period)

Homework: Work on Persuasive Essay Final Draft- due on Tuesday, February 10. Your reading contract is due tomorrow with parent signatures. You must have at least your first book with you in class tomorrow.

Friday, February 6
Author Study: Conference with Mr. Morrell
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Have a nice weekend. Work on Reading your first Author Study novel and you persuasive essay final draft.