Friday, February 13, 2009

Science Syllabus 2/16/09

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of February 16, 2009

Important Information
• We will be going outside on Thursday and Friday of this week for a few minutes. Make sure to dress appropriately
• Water Cycle writing assignment is due Thursday, February 19

Monday, February 16
No School Presidents Day!!!!

Homework: Work on Your Water Cycle Writing Assignment.

Tuesday, February 17
Review Section Review page 43
The Man Who Named the Clouds
Latin Cloud Names

Homework: Finish class work, If necessary

Wednesday, February 18
Cloud Notes

Homework: None

Thursday, February 19
Finish cloud notes
Microscope activity

Homework: Finish microscope activity sheet

Friday, February 20
Lab: Name that Cloud

Homework: None

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