Friday, March 27, 2009

4/6/09 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of April 6, 2009
Important Information:
• Don’t forget to turn in both the permission slip and a check, for our sixth grade end of the year field trip. It is due by Friday, April 18. No Exceptions! If you need a scholarship please see me as soon as possible, but definitely before the due date.
• Students will be assigned their research topic today. For the next three weeks students will have limited time in the media center to use the computers and reference books to gather research material. Students should plan to research on their own at the public library or here at school. Our library is open before school everyday except Wednesdays. It is open everyday after school from 3:30 - 4:30, as well.
• Source Cards are due April 16 and Fifteen Note Cards are due April 17
• Be sure to bring your research folder and materials to class every day. You never know when you can earn extra credit points.
• Our next reading log is due on Friday, April 17.
• Remember our team does not accept late work during the 3rd trimester.

Monday, April 6
Assign research topics
Review Research Basics booklet
L/Network textbook pages 418 – 425
Introduce “Preliminary Research” Handout
Introduce folktales and first story, The Very Angry Ghost

Homework: Look through Research Basics booklet and complete page 6 in booklet

Tuesday, April 7
Media Center Front Tables: 8th Period to Review Source Cards
Media Center Computers: 9th Period

Homework: Begin researching at home or the public library. Be sure to complete a source card for all material located for this project.

Wednesday, April 8
Media Center Back Tables: 8th Period Research
Review paraphrasing and how to complete note cards
Notetaking- “The Heart” Research:
Read The Very Angry Ghost

Homework: Continue researching at home or the public library. Be sure to complete a source card for all material located.

Thursday, April 9
Angry Ghost story map, discussion questions, and vocabulary handout
Review Note card Format
Research Q and A

Homework: Continue to do your research. Enjoy your Day off!

Friday, April 10: No School

4/6/09 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of April 6, 2009

Important Information
• Remember starting the 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!
• We will be starting a new Unit this week on the human body.
• Please bring your Weather books to class on Tuesday, April 7 so I can check them in.

Monday, April 6
Health Trivia
Introduction to health and the Human body

Homework: None

Tuesday, April 7
Turn in Weather Textbooks
Pass out Human Body Systems and Health Textbooks
Disease Q and A

Homework: Read Pages 4-11

Wednesday, April 8
Disease Q and A
Directed Reading pages 4-11
Bring your Human Body Textbook

Homework: Finish Directed Reading, if necessary

Thursday, April 9
The Human Body Notes

Homework: None

Friday, April 10
No School

Homework: None

Thursday, March 19, 2009

3/23/09 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 23, 2009

Important Information:
• Please send permission slip and money for our end of year cruise by April 17th.
• We are continuing our poetry unit this week. Students “If” poem is due on Monday, March 23. We will type the poems in school this week.
• Students will begin writing a second poem this week. They will choose from a Tribute Poem, an Image Poem, or a “MY” Poem. This must be completed by Wed, March 25.
• Students will receive a letter Monday explaining the upcoming research project. They must return the signed letter, have their top five topic choices, and bring in the required supplies by Thursday, March 26. Students will receive their assigned research topic when we return from Spring Break!

Monday, March 23 (Schedule FLIP: Periods 8, 9, 1, 2, 3)
Introduce Parent Research Letter, I will talk about this more tomorrow and answer any questions you may have.
Introduce 2nd Poem Options: Media Center Back Tables- Periods “1”
Writing time for 2nd Poem (Tribute, Image, or “MY”)
Typing 1st poem (“If” poem) 2nd period in media center

Homework: Work on writing 2nd Poem- due on Wednesday

Tuesday, March 24 (Schedule FLIP: Periods 8, 9, 1, 2, 3)
Answer Questions about parent research letter
Writing time for 2nd Poem Media Center back tables
Think-Pair-Share 2nd poem with partner media center back tables

Homework: Finish 2nd Poem- due tomorrow

Wednesday, March 25
Turn in Poems for Poetry Slam
Watch Peter Kahn Performance Video
Beat poem performances
“The Courage That My Mother Had”
Announce Poetry Slam Performers

Homework: Finish “The Courage That My Mother Had” if necessary. Rehearse if you are performing your poem in the poetry slam on Friday. Research letter, topics, and supplies are due tomorrow.

Thursday, March 26
Guest Poets

Homework: Rehearse for Poetry Slam.

Friday, March 27
Poetry Slam: Auditorium


3/23/09 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of March 23, 2009

Important Information
• Report Cards were sent home Friday March 20th please have your parents sign and return the envelopes as soon as possible.
• There will be a quiz on Thursday March 26th on the layers of the atmosphere. I will hold a lunchtime study session on Wednesday March 25th.
• Remember starting the 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!
• The schedule is flipped Monday and Tuesday of this week. 1st period will report for attendance and then go to their 8th and 9th period classes during the 1st and 2nd period time slot. 1st period science will meet during the 3rd period time slot, 2nd period will meet during the 8th period time slot, and 3rd period will meet during the 9th period time slot.

Monday, March 23 (Schedule Flipped Today!)
Earths Amazing Atmosphere Activity

Homework: Directed Reading pages 10-13 and Section Review

Tuesday, March 24 (Schedule Flipped Today!)
Introduce Lab: Heating of the Earths Surface
Review Dir. Reading if time allows

Homework: None

Wednesday, March 25
Lunch Time Review Session today!
Lab: Heating the Earth’s Surface

Homework: None

Thursday, March 26
Quiz: Layers of the Atmosphere and Air Pressure and Temperature

Homework: None

Friday, March 27
Movie: Limits of Perception
One sentence Summary

Homework: Have a wonderfully safe and restful spring break!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

3/16/09 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 16, 2009

Important Information:
• Please send permission slip and money for our end of year cruise by April 17th.
• The next reading log is due on Tuesday, March 20. Remember you can include your author study books and you do not need to write a response.
• Remember that our team is no longer accepting any late work. Be sure to stay organized and turn in all work on time.
• We are continuing our poetry unit this week. Students will begin an “If” poem this week and a handwritten copy must be completed by Monday, March 23. We will type the poems in school the following week.

Monday, March 16
Partner Share the Poems you found this weekend- be sure to explain why you selected it
Finish Poetry Exploration with your group
“The Road Not Take” by Robert Frost

Homework: Finish Comprehension Questions to “The Road Not Taken”

Tuesday, March 17
Poetry Exploration: Each group will report out one poem from the cart exploration
Listen to Rhythmic Poetry
Begin adding beats to some of the samples

Homework: Alliteration

Wednesday, March 18
LCD: Line Break Explorer
Rehearsal of Beat Poems
Perform Beat Poems
Introduce “If” Poem
Develop 3 Original “If” Poem Prompts

Homework: Continue your plan for adding rhythm to the poem your group selected- you will perform it tomorrow.

Thursday, March 19
Media Center Computers 8th Period: Line Break Explorer and Select a Poem to Add a Beat
Explore the Instrument Options—if you play an instrument you can bring it in to class!
Begin adding rhythm and beat to the poem you and your partner selected.

Homework: Decide what prompt you will write your “If” Poem using. It can be an example given in class or your own original prompt. Do not begin writing tonight- just select your prompt. Your reading log is due tomorrow!

Friday, March 20
Likes and Dislikes Table
Begin Writing “If” Poem

Homework: Your handwritten copy of the “IF” Poem must be completed by Monday, March 23. Enjoy your weekend!!!

3/16/09 Science Sylalbus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of March 16, 2009

Important Information
• There will be a quiz on Thursday March 26th on the layers of the atmosphere. I will hold a lunchtime study session on Wednesday March 25th.
• Remember 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!
• Make sure to have your book and colored pencils, crayons, or markers with you on Monday March 23rd.

Monday, March 16
Finish Everest: Death Zone
Review Directed Reading pages 4-9
Review Atmosphere Crossword

Homework: None

Tuesday, March 17
Finish Reviewing Crossword
Begin Atmosphere Notes

Homework: None

Wednesday, March 18
Finish Atmosphere Notes
Atmospheric Changes in the Troposphere

Homework: Questions on the Troposphere

Thursday, March 19
Review Questions on the Troposphere
Content framing the layers of the atmosphere.

Homework: Finish Content Framing, if necessary

Friday, March 20
Weather Gone Wild: Tornado!
One Sentence Summary for the Movie

Homework: None

Friday, March 6, 2009

Reading and Language Arts Syllabsus 3/9/09

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 9, 2009

Important Information:
• Author Study upcoming due dates:
o Finish reading second novel by Monday, March 9
o Plot-Line summary and differentiation essays are due Tuesday, March 10th.
o Time-line presentations begin Tuesday, March 10th.
• Please send permission slip and money for our end of year cruise by April 17th.
• We are starting the 3rd trimester TODAY! Remember that our team is no longer accepting any late work. Be sure to keep organized and turn in all work on time. If you are absent you have the number of days you missed to turn in the work. If you do not turn it in within the allotted time the work will be considered late and not accepted. Please let the team know if you have any questions about our Third Trimester Late Work Policy.

Monday, March 9
Second Author Study Book must be read by today
Sign-up for Timeline Presentation Order
Rehearse for Presentation of Timeline
Introduction to Poetry: What do you visualize?

Homework: Finish 2nd Plotline Summary- due tomorrow. Differentiation: Your Author Study Essay is due tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 10
Turn in 2nd Author Study Plotline
Begin Timeline Presentations
Descriptive Words: Now Say that Again

Homework: None

Wednesday, March 11
Finish Timeline Presentations
Metaphor Exercise

Homework: Finish Idiom Sheet. You may need to ask your family members for help with the meanings of some idioms. You may also want to do some online research to discover the meaning of tricky idioms.

Thursday, March 12
Review Idiom Meanings
Onomatopoeia and Personification
Explore Poetry Cart Individually, if time permits

Homework: Begin looking online to find a poem you really enjoy. You will need to print a copy of the poem with the author included. Then you need to write a minimum of four sentences explaining why you selected this poem. This is due on Monday, March 16.

Friday, March 13
Explore Poetry Cart with Groups- look for the elements of poetry we learned about this week.
Media Center Back Tables 9th Period: Return Author Study Books and Select new pleasure books

Homework: Find your great poem online and print a copy. Write at least four sentences explaining why you selected this poem.

Science Syllabus 3/9/09

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of March 9, 2009

Important Information
There will be a Quiz on the Water Cycle and Clouds on Thursday March 12, a review session will be held on Wednesday March 11 during lunch.

Monday, March 9
Directed Reading pages 4-9

Homework: Finish Dir. Reading, if necessary

Tuesday, March 10
Review Directed Reading pages 4-9
Atmosphere Crossword

Homework: Finish crossword, if necessary

Wednesday, March 11
Review Atmosphere Crossword
Cloud Bingo
Lunchtime Review Session today!

Homework: Study for Quiz tomorrow

Thursday, March 12
Water Cycle and Cloud Quiz

Homework: None

Friday, March 13
Mt. Everest: Death Zone

Homework: Have a WONDERFUL weekend! Be Safe, Be Good!