Monday, September 28, 2009

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 9/28/09

Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 28, 2009
Important Information:
• YOUR FIRST READING LOG IT IS DUE ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. Students must read 2 or more books month, log the book, and obtain PARENT SIGNATURES for each book read.
• We are beginning a short story unit this week to work on a variety of Literary Skills.
• Homework club is held in the Media Center from 3:30 to 4:40 with Mrs. Alexander on Tuesdays, with Ms. Koplin on Wednesdays, and with Mr. Morrell on Thursdays.
• I am returning the Teacher Edited Seedfolks Essay on Tuesday, September 29th. You must make teacher suggested corrections and turn in their FINAL draft on Friday, October 2.
• During our short story unit the students will be studying many literary skills. They will have a test over these skills (theme, setting, plot, conflict, characterization, and inferring) on Tuesday, October 6.
• Students will take a Chapter 1 Grammar Test on Thursday, October 8th. If you would like to check out a grammar book to study with please see me!
• The week we are reading a short story and working on the Literary Skills of Theme and Setting. Students who scored a 90% or higher on their last reading test will work in a differentiated group. These students will read a more challenging story independently, work on activities, and complete a mini-project. They will have some class time to work on this but will also need to work on this at home. All portions of this differentiation assignment are due on Friday, October 2.

Monday, September 28
Media Center 8th Period Back Tables: Check out and Return Books
Introduce Vocabra Words #3
Work on Reading Logs- THEY ARE DUE TOMORROW!!!!

Homework: Your FIRST Reading Log is due tomorrow! Be sure to have all books from the month logged and PARENT SIGNATURES! I will not collect your reading log without parent signatures!

Tuesday, September 29
Reading Log #1 Due
Return Edited Seedfolks Essay
Grammar Lesson 1.6
Introduce and Read “The Circuit”- Answer Critical Thinking Questions
*Introduce Differentiation Short Story “The All American Slurp” and Assignments

Homework: Vocabra Print Ad: You will be assigned a word and you will need to design an advertisement to SELL IT! Your ad should be neatly and creatively done with color. Also, work on making final edits to your Seedfolks essay. The FINAL draft is due on Friday.

Wednesday, September 30
Grammar Lesson 1.7
“The Circuit” Literary Analysis Theme
Vocabra: DRAW the Meaning of the Word Using the WORD Itself

Homework: Work on making final edits to your Seedfolks essay. The FINAL draft is due on Friday. Differentiation Remember- you will have computer time tomorrow to type your project- be sure you are prepared to use this time!

Thursday October 1
Media Center Computers and Tables 9th Period
“The Circuit” Setting Activity
Writing About the BIG Question: Is Conflict Always Bad?
Science Fiction Book Talk and Pick

Homework: FINISH making the final edits to your Seedfolks Essay! The FINAL draft is due tomorrow! Remember you must attach the FINAL copy on top followed by the 2nd draft, 1st draft, and peer-editing sheet.

Friday, October 2
Differentiation Assignments/Project Due TODAY
Grammar: Lesson 1.8 and 1.9
Plot Diagram
Vocabra: Spelling Scramble

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Science Syllabus 9/28/09

Science Syllabus
Week of September 28, 2009

• Good News Parents! For those students who do not want to take their textbooks home each time they have homework there is a downloadable PDF version of the textbook now available online. This is for a limited time until STC completes the fully interactive online textbook. It’s easy, just long onto
Password: Catastrophic and download the PDF or just click on the link on my blog!

Monday, September 28
Science World

Homework: none

Tuesday, September 29
Read Pages 6-11 in class and Complete Reflection questions a and b

Homework: The refection questions we did not complete in class

Wednesday, September 30
Focus lesson 2: Introducing Storms
Teacher Model: What is a Vortex?

Homework: None

Thursday: October 1
Explore: What is a Vortex

Homework: Finish Reflection Questions

Friday, October 2
Read pages 18-26
Complete Student Sheet 2.1

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 9/21/09

Mr. morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 21, 2009
Important Information:
• Your first Reading Log it is due on Tuesday, September 29. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• We are beginning a short story unit this week to work on a variety of Literary Skills.
• Homework club is held in the Media Center from 3:30 to 4:30 with Mrs. Alexander on Tuesdays, with Ms. Koplin on Wednesdays, and with Mr. Morrell on Thursdays.
• The second Vocabra Spelling and Vocabulary Test is Friday, September 25.
• Students began a Seedfolks Writing Assignment last week. The typed first draft is due on Tuesday, September 22. Students will peer edit in class that day then the make the peer suggested edits- the second typed draft is due on Thursday, September 24. I will edit the papers and return them on Tuesday, September 29th. The students must make teacher suggested corrections and turn in their FINAL draft on Friday, October 2.
• Mark your calendars! Picture Day is Tuesday, September 24 and our Julian Back to School Picnic is on Friday, September 25.

Monday, September 21
Learning About Fiction and Nonfiction
Introduce and Read: The Tail
Spelling Race with Vocabra Words

Homework: The first typed draft of your Seedfolks Writing Assignment is due TOMORROW. Remember it must be in 12-point font and be double-spaced. Finish Reading The Tail if necessary.

Tuesday, September 22
Turn in Typed 1st Draft of Seedfolks Essay
RTI Student Assessment
Peer Edit Seedfolks Essays
Using Differences to Make Inferences handout

Homework: Work on making Peer Edits to your Seedfolks essay. The 2nd draft is due on Thursday.

Wednesday, September 23
The Tail Response Questions
Characterization Activity
Vocabra: Newspaper Captions

Homework: Work on Seedfolks Writing Assignment edits. The 2nd draft is due TOMORROW! Finish Vocabra Newspaper Captions if necessary. SMILE, PICTURE DAY IS TOMORROW!

Thursday: September 24
Turn In 2nd Draft of Seedfolks Essay (I will edit it and return it to you on 9/29)
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 4
Writing About the BIG Question: Is Conflict Always Bad?
Vocabra Test Review: White Board Sentences

Homework: STUDY! You have your 2nd Vocabra vocabulary and spelling test TOMORROW!

Friday, September 25
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 5
Vocabra Spelling Test #2
Vocabra Vocabulary Test #2
Work on your Reading Log- 1st one due on 9/29

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Science Syllabus 9/21/09

Science Syllabus
Week of September 21, 2009

• Good News Parents! For those students who do not want to take their textbooks home each time they have homework there is a downloadable PDF version of the textbook now available online. This is for a limited time until STC completes the fully interactive online textbook. It’s easy, just long onto
Password: Catastrophic and download the PDF or just click on the link on my blog!

Monday, September 21
Catastrophic Events concept map discussion
Confection Connection

Homework: Complete Confection Connection, if necessary

Tuesday, September 22
Inquiry 1.2 using a Globe and a World Map
Student Sheet 1.2a
Apply questions from step 4 in the procedure pg 5

Homework: Complete apply questions, if necessary

Wednesday, September 23
Read pages 6-11
Complete reflection questions a and b

Homework: The refection questions we did not complete in class

Thursday: September 24
Focus lesson 2: Introducing Storms

Homework: Student 1.2b

Friday, September 25
Bill Nye the Science Guy Weather!

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Science Syllabus 9/14/09

Science Syllabus
Week of September 14, 2009


• Students will receive Catastrophic Events textbook on Friday of this week.
• Quiz on the Metric System will be held on Tuesday Sept 15th
• There will be a lunch time review session on the Metric System on Monday Sept 14th

Monday, September 14
Review the Metric System
Go over the Metric System handout
Lunchtime review session today!!!

Homework: Study for the Quiz

Tuesday, September 15
Metric System Quiz
A scientific method

Homework: None

Wednesday, September 16
Pass out textbook for real this time!
Confection Connection

Homework: Finish Confection Connection, if necessary

Thursday: September 17
Idea Mapping
Setting up your Fabulous Notebooks of Science!!!

Homework: None, Curriculum Night Tonight

Friday, September 18
Catastrophic Events: Introducing Storms

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 9/14/09

Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 14, 2009
Important Information:
• The typed final copy of Vital Statistics is due on Monday, September 14.
• Your first Reading Log it is due on Tuesday, September 29. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Don’t forget about Team 6-3 Homework Club! Homework club is held from 3:30 to 4:30 with Mrs. Alexander on Tuesdays, with Ms. Koplin on Wednesdays, and with Mr. Morrell on Thursdays.
• The second Vocabra Spelling and Vocabulary Test is Friday, September 25.
• Students will have a Seedfolks comprehension test on Wednesday, September 16. Be sure to study a little bit each night!
• Students will begin a Seedfolks Writing Assignment this week. The typed first draft is due on Tuesday, September 22. Students will peer edit in class that day then the make the peer suggested edits- the second typed draft is due on Thursday, September 24. I will edit the papers and return them on Tuesday, September 29th. The students must make teacher suggested corrections and turn in their FINAL draft on Friday, October 2.
• Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Thursday, September 17, at 6:45 P.M. and Picture Day is Tuesday, September 24 (information will be sent home soon). Also, our Julian Back to School Picnic is on Friday, September 25.

Monday, September 14
Final Draft of Vital Statistics due TODAY
Introduce Vocabra List #2
Seedfolks Wrap Up Activity
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 1

Homework: Seedfolks Review Sheet: Character Matching

Tuesday, September 15
Introduce Seedfolks Writing Assignment (1st draft due 9/22)
Complete Seedfolks Pre-Writing
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 2
Review for Seedfolks Test

Homework: Study for Seedfolks Test- TOMORROW!

Wednesday, September 16
Seedfolks Test
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Ice Cream
Literary Concept Notes

Homework: Work on Seedfolks Writing Assignment. Finish your Vocabra Word Story (remember you must underline Vocabra Words and use correct spelling).

Thursday: September 17
Media Center 8th Period: Check Out and/or Return Books
Read your Please Book and Work on Reading Log

Homework: Draw your assigned vocabulary word without using the actual word in your drawing. On the back you should write a good sentence for the word. NO PENCIL!!!

Friday, September 18
Review Vocabra Word Drawings
Song/Movie Titles with Vocabra Words
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 3

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 9/7/09

Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 7, 2009
Important Information:
• The typed final copy of Vital Statistics is due on Monday, September 14.
• Your first Reading Log it is due on Tuesday, September 29. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Team 6-3 Homework Club will begin THIS week. Homework club is held from 3:30 to 4:30 with Mrs. Alexander on Tuesdays, with Ms. Koplin on Wednesdays, and with Mr. Morrell on Thursdays.
• Every two weeks students will receive a new list of Vocabra-Words; these will be their spelling and vocabulary words. The students will be tested on these words every two weeks. The first Vocabra Spelling and Vocabulary Test is this Friday, September 11.
• We are finishing Seedfolks this week. Students will have a comprehension test on Wednesday, September 16. Be sure to study a little bit each night!
• Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Thursday, September 17, at 6:45 P.M. and Picture Day is Tuesday, September 24 (information will be sent home soon). Also, our Julian Back to School Picnic is on Friday, September 25.

Monday, September 7
NO School: Labor Day

Homework: None

Tuesday, September 8
Post Activities: President Obama’s Speech
Goal Setting
Read and Chart Sae Young

Homework: Get your Goal Setting Sheet signed. Read your pleasure book- be sure to keep up with your reading log!

Wednesday, September 9
Team Building Activity
Read and Chart Curtis & Nora
Vocabra: Spelling Race

Homework: Vocabra: Newspaper Captions

Thursday: September 10
Share Vocabra Newspaper Captions
Read and Chart Maricela & Amir
Review for Vocabra Spelling and Vocabulary Test

Homework: Study for your Vocabra Spelling and Vocabulary Test TOMORROW

Friday, September 11
Vocabra Spelling Test #1
Vocabra Vocabulary Test #1
Read and Chart Florence
Seedfolks Activity

Homework: Enjoy your weekend! Your FINAL draft of Vital Statistics is due on MONDAY, September 14.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Science Syllabus 9/7/09

Science Syllabus
Week of September 7, 2009


• Bad Safety Cartoon is due on Friday, September 11.
• Students will receive Catastrophic Events textbook on Friday of this week.
• Quiz on the Metric System will be held on Tuesday Sept 15th
• There will be a lunch time review session on the Metric System on Monday Sept 14th

Monday, September 7
No School! Labor Day

Homework: Work on your Bad Science Safety cartoon

Tuesday, September 8
Inference and Observation packet
The 5 senses

Homework: Work on your Bad Science Safety cartoon, Finish Inference packet, if necessary

Wednesday, September 9
Introduce the Metric System
Notes: The Metric System including prefixes and quantities

Homework: Worksheet-The Metric System matching, Work on your Bad Science Safety cartoon

Thursday: September 10
Go over the Metric System Matching sheet
The Metric System Worksheet pg. 17
The Branches of science

Homework: Bad Science Cartoon to Due tomorrow!

Friday, September 11
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Hand Out Text Books Maybe

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Revised Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 8/31/09

Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of August 31, 2009
Important Information:
• The hand-written draft of Vital Statistics is due on Tuesday, September 1. Students will need to type a draft in the proper format and turn it in on Friday, September 4. The typed final copy will be due Monday, September 14.
• Students received their first Reading Logs today; it is due on Tuesday, September 29. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Team 6-3 Homework Club will begin NEXT week. Homework club is held from 3:30 to 4:30 in Mrs. Alexander’s room on Tuesdays, Ms. Koplin’s room on Wednesdays, and Mr. Morrell’s room on Thursdays.
• Every two weeks students will receive a new list of Vocabra-Words; these will be their spelling and vocabulary words. The students will be tested on these words every two weeks.
• Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Thursday, September 17, at 6:45 P.M. and Picture Day is Tuesday, September 24 (information will be sent home soon). Also, our Julian Back to School Picnic is on Friday, September 25 @

Monday, August 31
Introduce Reading Logs
Introduce Spelling and Vocabulary Words
Review Seedfolks Vocabulary Chart
Read and Chart Kim

Homework: Read Pleasure book- be sure to keep up with your reading log. Finish your handwritten copy of vital statistics.

Tuesday, September 1
Check in Handwritten Copy of V.S.
Review the Typed Format for Vital Statistics
Read and Chart Ana & Wendell
Work on Seedfolks Vocabulary Chart

Homework: Draw your assigned vocabulary word without using the actual word in your drawing. On the back you should write a good sentence for the word. Make sure you have your Ziploc bags in class tomorrow because Seedfolks books will be assigned.

Wednesday, September 2
Share Vocabra-Word Drawings
Work on Seedfolks Vocabulary Chart
Media Center front tables: 9th Period

Homework: Read and Chart Gonzalo

Thursday: September 3
Review Ganzalo
Read and Chart Leona
Small Group work with Leona
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Video Games

Homework: Finish Vocabra Word Story

Friday, September 4
Media Center Computers: 8th Period
Read and Chart Sam & Virgil
Work on Seedfolks Vocabulary Chart
SELL IT (Vocabra)