Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Lesson 17 Reflection Questions

Directions – Answer these questions in your Science composition notebook. DO NOT rewrite these questions. Use complete sentences to reword the question in your response. (Ex. Question -How do you think CE affect people? Answer – I THINK CE AFFECT PEOPLE BY) You may need to use more than one sentence to explain your answers.

1. How are extrusive igneous rocks different from intrusive igneous rocks? (Look at the Student Information Sheet: Identifying Rocks for help if necessary.)



2. What is the difference between layered metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock?


3. Create a 3 circle Venn diagram comparing and contrasting igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. Under the Venn diagram please summarize your Venn diagram using a one-sentence summary.

Student Informatin Sheet Rock Types

Student Information Sheet

Igneous Rocks

Basalt is an extrusive igneous rock, so it is rather fine-grained. Basalt is usually dark gray or black,
with a fairly smooth surface. There are no visible layers.
Granite is an intrusive igneous rock. It is coarse-grained with large crystals. Granite can be white to
light gray, with black specks. Granite is often pinkish in hue. The crystals are not arranged in layers.
Obsidian is an extrusive igneous rock that looks like black glass. It is very smooth, often with semicircular
rings in places where it is fractured. The color may be grayish or greenish at times.
Pumice is an extrusive igneous rock, so it is rather fine-grained with no crystals. It is not a smooth
rock, however, as gas bubbles trapped within the rock during cooling give it many air pockets. Pumice
is very light and is usually gray in color (but can be white or pink).

Sedimentary Rocks

Sandstone is a very common sedimentary rock. It is composed of layers that are brown, pinkish, white,
or reddish in color. Sometimes sandstone is not well compacted, and often sand grains can be scraped
from the rock.
Shale is a fine-grained sedimentary rock made from clay. It can be many different colors, but is usually
black, gray, or brown.
Limestone is a sedimentary rock that is formed chemically from the mixing of calcite and sediment.
It can have many different grain sizes, and is usually white or light colored. It often contains fossils.
Because it contains calcium carbonate, limestone fizzes when vinegar is dropped on it. Acids like
vinegar will dissolve it over time.

Metamorphic Rocks

Gneiss is a coarse-grained metamorphic rock. It has layers that look like bands running through it.
Gneiss is formed when great pressure is applied to granite or schist.
Marble can vary in grain size. Crystals can usually be seen in marble. The color is usually light, often
white, and often has streaks of other colors within it. Marble is formed when limestone is subjected
to pressure. Like limestone, marble often fizzes when vinegar is applied.
Slate is a fine-grained, dark colored metamorphic rock, formed when shale is put under pressure. Slate
is layered and easily splits into flat pieces.
Ola Ka Honua: Volcanoes Alive 192 ©2001, 2007 UAF Geophysical Institute

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of December 13, 2010

Team 6-3

Important Information:

  • I have started the New Amazing Example Notebook of Science please use it as a reference,

    from lesson 10 and beyond!

  • Remember you can correct mistakes on your notebooks for points a lot of students did not take advantage of this first trimester!

Monday, December 13

Introduce Dichotomous key

"My Grandson the Rock"

Homework: None

Tuesday, December 14

Explore Rocks

Indentify rock characteristics using a dichotomous key

Homework: *We did not get to the reflection questions today.
We will get to them on Thursday."

Wednesday, December 15

Meteorologist 9:00-10:00am

Survey during science

Homework: None

Thursday , December 16

Finish dichotomous key activity, if necessary

Go over Earthquake tests

Introduce Volcanoes

Homework: None

Friday, December 17

Bill Nye the Science Guy

Homework: Have a Super Weekend!!!!!






Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell

Reading Syllabus

Week of December 13, 2010



Important Information:


  • We are beginning our sci-fi unit and working we will be meeting each day during 8th period in B204
  • Pay attention to the syllabus to find out when the quizzes are



Monday, December 13

Meet 8th and 9th today!

Book discussion

Read and answer questions for Chapters 29, 30, 31


Homework: Read Chapters 32 and 33 and answer questions


Tuesday, December 14

No Reading session today


Homework: Finish work from yesterday


Wednesday, December 15

Meet 8th and 9th

Read and Answer Questions for Chapter 34, 35, and 36 sustained silent reading.


Homework: Finish Questions    


Thursday, December 16

Meet 8th and 9th

Read and Answer Questions for Chapters 37 and 38

Talk and review for test


Homework: Turn in remaining packet pages tomorrow!!!!!!


Friday, December 17

Meet 8th Period Only

Test Today!!!


Homework: Read and answer questions for chapter 27 and 28


Monday, December 6, 2010






Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell

Reading Syllabus

Week of December 6, 2010



Important Information:


  • We are beginning our sci-fi unit and working we will be meeting each day during 8th period in B204
  • Pay attention to the syllabus to find out when the quizzes are



Monday, December 6

Read and answer questions for Chapters 16 and 17


Homework: Finish Reading and Questions for Chapter 17 remember 10-14 comprehension questions due tomorrow


Tuesday, December 7

Read and answer Questions for Chapter 18

Finish Sheet 15-18


Homework: Read and Answer Questions for Chapter 19


Wednesday, December 8

Read and Answer Questions for Chapter 20, 21, and 22 sustained silent reading.


Homework: Finish Questions for 19-22     


Thursday, December 9

Read and Answer Questions for Chapters 23 and 24


Homework: Read Chapter 25 Finish Questions from 19-25 due tomorrow


Friday, December 10

Pop Quiz today

Read and answer questions for chapter 26


Homework: Read and answer questions for chapter 27 and 28


Mr. Morrell

9th Period LA Syllabus

Week of December 6, 2010




Important Information:

  • Our forth Reading Log is due on Thursday, 1/6/11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
  • Students will have a Grammar Test on Nouns and Pronouns on Tuesday, December 7.


Monday, December 6

Review for Grammar Test: Nouns and Pronouns


Homework: STUDY for you NOUN and PRONOUN TEST


Tuesday, December 7

Noun and Pronoun Test

Start Vocabra Sell It


Homework: Finish Vocabra Sell It


Wednesday, December 8

Review for Vocabra Tests


Homework: None


Thursday, December 9

Media Center Front Tables


Homework: None


Friday, December 10

List #7 Vocabra Tests


Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of December 6, 2010

Team 6-3




Important Information:

  • I have started the New Amazing Example Notebook of Science please use it as a reference,

    from lesson 10 and beyond!

  • Remember you can correct mistakes on your notebooks for points a lot of students did not take advantage of this first trimester!
  • There will be a Science Test on lessons 10 through 16 on December 10th lunch time review session is scheduled for Thursday Dec. 9th 6th period
  • I will be collecting science notebooks on December 10th I will be checking in more lessons this time so the notebook with be worth more than in the past, make sure it is kept up!!!



Monday, December 6

Finish 15.3

Reflection Questions for 15.2 and 15.3 (finish with group before the end of class)

Intro to lesson 16


Homework: None


Tuesday, December 7

Explore Lesson 16

Reflection Question (if not finished in class they are homework due tomorrow)


Homework: Study Guide Due Thursday


Wednesday, December 8

Review reflection Questions

Work on Study Guide


Homework: Finish Study Guide


Thursday , December 9

Review Study Guide

Test Q and A


Homework: Study for Test Tomorrow


Friday, December 10

Earthquake Test Today!!!


Homework: Have a Super Weekend!!!!!



Monday, November 29, 2010






Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell

Reading Syllabus

Week of November 29, 2009



Important Information:


  • We are beginning our sci-fi unit and working we will be meeting each day during 8th period in B204
  • Pay attention to the syllabus to find out when the quizzes are



Monday, November 29

Read and Answer Questions for Chapters 1 and 2


Homework: Read and answer questions for Chapter 3


Tuesday, November 30

Read and answer Questions for Chapter 4 and 5


Homework: Read and answer questions for 6 don't forget to complete your vocabulary sheet


Wednesday, December 1

Read and Answer Questions for Chapter 7 and 8


Homework: Read answer Questions for Chapter 9    


Thursday, December 2

Read and Answer Questions for Chapters 10 and 11


Homework: Read and answer questions for 12



Friday, December 3

Pop Quiz today

Read and answer questions for chapter 13


Homework: Read and answer questions for chapter 14 and 15


Mr. Morrell

9th Period LA Syllabus

Week of November 29, 2010




Important Information:

  • Our third Reading Log is due on Tuesday, 11/30. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
  • Students will have a Grammar Test on Nouns and Pronouns on Tuesday, December 7.


Monday, November 29

Introduce Vocabra List #7

Grammar Packet: Page 14


Homework: FINISH READING LOG #3- it is due TOMORROW!


Tuesday, November 30

Turn in Reading Log

Grammar Packet Pages 15


Homework: Vocabra Word Drawing


Wednesday, December 1

Grammar Packet Pages 16

Vocabra: Act out Meaning


Homework: Vocabra
Word Story: Topic is Greek TOWN


Thursday, December 2

Grammar Practice Packet Page 17

Vocabra: Conversation Bubbles


Homework: None


Friday, December 3

Nouns and Their Jobs (Application)


Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Study for the Noun and Pronoun Test on Tuesday.

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of November 29, 2010

Team 6-3




Important Information:

  • I have started the New Amazing Example Notebook of Science please use it as a reference,

    from lesson 10 and beyond!

  • Remember you can correct mistakes on your notebooks for points a lot of students did not take advantage of this first trimester!
  • There will be a Science Test on lessons 10 through 16 on December 10th lunch time review session is scheduled for Thursday Dec. 9th 6th period
  • I will be collecting science notebooks on December 10th I will be checking in more lessons this time so the notebook with be worth more than in the past make sure it is kept up!!!
  • We are blocking periods Wed, Thurs., and Fri. of this week


Monday, November 29

Intro to lesson 15 readings and setup


Homework: None


Tuesday, November 30

Explore lesson 15.1


Homework: Reflection Questions Due Thursday for 1st period and Friday for 2nd and 3rd periods


Wednesday, December 1

Block 1st and 2nd

Explore lesson 15.2 and 15.3

Begin reflection questions for 15.2 in class


Homework: Finish 15.1 Reflection questions, if necessary


Thursday , December 2

Block 3rd and 1st

1st period- Finish 15.3 and answer reflection questions as a group and turn in to be graded

2nd period- Explore lesson 15.2 and 15.3


Homework: Periods 2 and 3 finish 15.1 reflection questions


Friday, December 3

Block 2nd and 3rd

2nd and 3rd periods- Finish 15.3 and answer reflection questions as a group and turn in to be graded


Homework: Have a Super Weekend!!!!!



Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mr. Morrell

Reading/LA Syllabus

Week of November 15, 2010




Important Information:

  • Our trimester ends on TUESDAY, November 23rd. If you have ANY late work in ANY of your core classes is MUST be turned in by then or it will remain a ZERO.
  • Students will take a Greek Myth MINOR Gods Vocabulary Test on Thursday, 11/ 18. They will have the comprehension test over all the Minor God Concepts Mon. 11/22
  • Our third Reading Log is due on Tuesday, 11/30. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.


Monday, November 15

Read Syrinx and The Wild & Vulgar Centaurs

Vocabra: Act Out the Meanings

Media Center: Front Tables


Homework: Get the back of this syllabus signed.


Tuesday, November 16

Grammar Packet Pages 7-9

Read Asclepius


Homework: Read The Nine Muses. Complete Grammar Packet page 10.


Wednesday, November 17

Grammar Packet Pages 11-12

Read Orpheus' and The Nine Muses

Work on Minor Gods Handout- due tomorrow


Homework: Finish Minor Gods Handout. Study for the Minor Gods Vocabulary test- TOMORROW.


Thursday: November 18

Review Minor Gods Handout

Minor Gods Vocabulary Test

Grammar Practice Packet Page 13

Vocabra: Spelling Tic Tac Toe


Homework: Study for your List #6 Tests tomorrow. Remember it is a trickier spelling week!


Friday, November 19

List #6 Vocabra Tests

Sci-Fi Book Talk and Selection

Grammar Practice Packet Page 14

Study for Minor Gods Test


Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Prepare for the Minor Gods Comprehension Test that you are taking on Monday.



Monday, November 22

Minor Gods Comprehension Test

Begin Hercules


Homework: Our trimester ends on TOMORROW. If you have ANY late work in ANY of your core classes is MUST be turned in tomorrow or it will remain a ZERO- no exceptions.

Tuesday, November 23

Finish Hercules


Homework: Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday! You should work on your reading log #3 over break- it is due next Tuesday!!!!





Dear Parents and Guardians,


As a concluding activity to our awesome Greek Mythology Unit we plan to show the animated Disney movie Hercules to our students.  While the movie is very entertaining the main purpose of showing this film is for students to compare and contrast the stories they have been engrossed over the past 7 weeks to the movie.  Students will chart the similarities and differences they see in the characters and the plots. 


Summary: Hercules, son of the Greek God, Zeus, is turned into a half-god, half-mortal by evil Hades, God of the Underworld, who plans to overthrow Zeus. Hercules is raised on Earth and retains his god-like strength, but when he discovers his immortal heritage Zeus tells him that to return to Mount Olympus he must become a True Hero. Hercules becomes a famous hero with the help of his friend Pegasus and his personal trainer, Phil the satyr. Hercules battles monsters, Hades and the Titans, but it is his self-sacrifice to rescue his love Meg which makes him a True Hero. (The film is rated G).


Please sign below indicating you approve of your child watching this film during class on November 22nd.  If you do not want your child to watch this movie we will provide them with an alternate educational activity to complete.  As always, contact us with any questions.



Team 6-3 Teachers



___________________________________________        ________________________

Parent Signature                        Date

Friday, November 12, 2010

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of November 15, 2010

Team 6-3




Important Information:

  • I have started the New Amazing Example Notebook of Science please use it as a reference

    from lesson 10 and beyond!

  • The FINAL DAY TO TURN IN LATE WORK will be November 23rd
  • There will be a Science quiz on November 23rd we will review in class it will be on lessons 10-14.
  • Remember you can correct mistakes on your notebooks for points, this must be done by 11/23


Monday, November15

Check in reflection questions from 12.1 and 12.3

Review lesson 13

Read "Magnitude and Intensity"


Homework: Lesson 13 explore, apply, and reflections need to be completed by tomorrow


Tuesday, November16

Review lesson 10 through 13


Homework: Catch up on any late/missing work tonight!!!


Wednesday, November 17

Begin lesson 14

Begin with Teacher Demonstration

Explore lesson 14


Homework: Lesson 14 Reflection Question (on handout) due Friday


Thursday , November 18

Finish lesson 14

Read "Earth's Interior"


Homework: Finish lesson 14 Reflections due tomorrow


Friday, November 19

Bill Nye: Earth's Crust


Homework: Have a Super Weekend!!!!!



Monday, November 1, 2010

Mr. Morrell

Reading/LA Syllabus

Week of November 1, 2010




Important Information:

  • Students will take a Greek Myth Major Gods Vocabulary Test on Tuesday, November 2. They will have the comprehension test over all the material and element chart on Thursday, November 4.
  • Students who did not purchase pictures on Picture Day may still purchase them online. Go to and use Julian's picture day ID: RN600479YO. Retakes are 11/11.
  • Our third Reading Log is due on Tuesday, 11/30. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
  • Greek Myth Differentiation Students: Both projects are due on Wednesday, Nov 10.


Monday, November 1

Read and Chart Persephone and Hades

Vocabra Word Story: Topic is YOUR Weekend

Begin Venn Diagram Activity


Homework: Study for the Major Gods Greek Myth Vocabulary TEST- tomorrow!


Tuesday, November 2

Major God Vocabulary TEST

Read and Chart Dionysus

Spelling Race


Homework: Study for your Major Gods Comprehension Test and Study for Vocabra TESTS.


Wednesday, November 3

Greek Myth Jeopardy

Vocabra: White Board Sentences


Homework: Study for Major GOD Comprehension Test AND Vocabra TESTS!


Thursday: November 4

Major Gods Comprehension Test

Vocabra: List #5 Tests


Homework: Have a great three-day weekend!


Friday, November 5



Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!



Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of November 1, 2010

Team 6-3

Important Information:

  • I have started the New Amazing Example Notebook of Science please use it as a reference from lesson 10 and beyond!

Monday, November 1

Focus and Introduction to lesson 11

Homework: None

Tuesday, November 2

Explore 11.1

Student Sheet 11.1

Homework: Reflection Questions 1b, 1c, 2a , and 2b on page 127due Thursday

Wednesday, November 3

Introduction to lesson 12

Read "A Brief History of Earthquake Detection"

Homework: Finish Reading, if necessary

Thursday , November 4

Explore lesson 12.2 Reading the Seismograph

Reflection Questions 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b on page 145

Homework: No Homework, we did not get through explore 12.2 we will continue it on Monday November 8th

Friday, November 5

No School Veteran's Day

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of October 25, 2010

Team 6-3




Important Information:

  • Unfortunately my Amazing Example Notebook of Science! has gone missing I am continuing to look for it as well as begining another one. If anyone comes across it in there things please return it to me. It is a quad-grid composition book that has Catastrophic Events on the cover above Mr. Morrell team 6-3. Thanks for understanding! If anyone has any questions about what goes in the student notebooks at this time please come and see me and we can work things out.
  • Red Ribbon week is this week remember to wear your fun attire and support being drug free.

Monday, October 25

Movie: Killer Quake

Answer questions from page 117 on a loose leaf paper


Homework: Finish Questions, if necessary


Tuesday, October 26

Review Test Questions

Intro to Earthquakes


Homework: Read pages 109-111


Wednesday, October 27

Lesson 10 introducing Earthquakes

Make a concept map for earthquakes


Homework: None


Thursday , October 28

Read about earthquake origins and myths

Introduce one-sentence summaries


Homework: Finish one-sentence summary, if necessary


Friday, October 29

Do-it-yourself science


Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!



Monday, October 18, 2010

Mr. Morrell

Reading/LA Syllabus

Week of October 18, 2010




Important Information:

  • Don't forget that your Vocabra List #4 TESTS are on Wednesday this week!
  • Our second Reading Log is due on Thursday, 10/28. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
  • Portfolio conferences are this week on Thursday 10/21. Conference schedules went home three weeks ago. It is also available on my blog. REMEMBER you need to arrive 15 minutes early.
  • There will be a Chapter 27 Capitalization Grammar Test on Friday, October 29.
  • Students who did not purchase pictures on Picture Day may still purchase them online. Go to and use Julian's picture day ID: RN600479YO. Retakes are 11/11.


Monday, October 18

Vocabra Word Story: Ice Cream

Greek Myth Guided Vocabulary Notes: Hera, Hephaestus, Aphrodite

Grammar Text: Page 607 to 608 (Exercise 6)


Homework: Read and Chart Hera


Tuesday, October 19

Review Hera

Read and Chart Hephaestus and Aphrodite

Greek Myth Guided Vocabulary Notes: Ares, Athena, and Poseidon

Spelling Race


Homework: Study for your Vocabra TESTS!


Wednesday, October 20

Vocabra List #4 Tests

Grammar Text: Pages 609 to 611 (Exercises 7 and 10)

Read and Chart Ares


Homework: None


Thursday: October 21 (Conferences TODAY!) ½ Day

No Reading/LA Today


Homework: Don't forget that tomorrow is PJ Day and our Read-A-Thon! You need your books, a snack, and you may bring in one comfy item (pillow, blanket, stuffed animal, etc)


Friday, October 22 ½ Day

PJ Day and Read-A-Thon


Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!



Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of October 18, 2010

Team 6-3




Important Information:

  • Unfortunately my Amazing Example Notebook of Science! has gone missing I am continuing to look for it as well as begin another one. If anyone comes across it in there things please return it to me. It is a quad-grid composition book that has Catastrophic Events on the cover above Mr. Morrell team 6-3. Thanks for understanding! If anyone has any questions about what goes in the student notebooks at this time please come and see me and we can work things out.
  • Please Bring in an example of a weather map from the news paper
  • Science Test will be on October 21
  • There will be a study session on Wednesday October 20th during lunch


Monday, October 18

Explore lesson 7.1a


Homework: Reflection Questions 1a and 1c page 87 Correction*

Read How Trade Winds Cause Upwelling on page 87 Correction*

Continue working on your study guide


Tuesday, October 19

Study Guide is due today

Go over Reflection Question

Begin Storms Review (going over the study guide you already completed)


Homework: Begin Studying for the Test on Thursday


Wednesday, October 20

Finish Storm Review


Homework: Study for Test tomorrow


Thursday , October 21

Storm Test Today


Homework: Finish Reading, if necessary


Friday, October 22

AWWWWW! No Science L


Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!



Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 10/11/10

Mr. Morrell

Reading/LA Syllabus

Week of October 11, 2010




Important Information:

  • Our second Reading Log is due on Thursday, 10/28. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
  • Due to conferences next week and the adjusted schedule we will take our Vocabra List #4 Tests early next week. Instead of Friday they will be on Wednesday 10/20.
  • Portfolio conferences are Thursday 10/21. Conference schedules went home two weeks ago. It is also available on my blog.
  • Students who did not purchase pictures on Picture Day may still purchase them online. Go to and use Julian's picture day ID: RN600479YO. Retakes are 11/11.


Monday, October 11

NO SCHOOL: Columbus Day


Homework: NONE


Tuesday, October 12

Introduce Vocabra List #4

Greek Myths Pre-Assessment

Introduce Greek Myths and Elements Charts

Read Olden Times and Gaea (Chart Gaea Together)


Homework: Newspaper Captions List #4


Wednesday, October 13

Greek Myth Guided Vocabulary Notes: Titans, Cronus, Zeus & His Family

Grammar Chapter 27 Diagnostic (Text Pages 601)

Vocabra Conversation: Buried Treasure


Homework: Finish Vocabra Conversation


Thursday: October 14

Read and Correct Vocabra Conversations with Partners

Grammar Text: Pgs 602 to 604 (Exercise 2 and 3)

Read and Chart Titans and Cronus


Homework: None


Friday, October 15

Read and Chart Zeus & His Family (Highlight and Notes in Margins)

Grammar Text: Page 605 to 606 (Exercise 5)

Vocabra: Word Drawing


Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!







Friday, October 8, 2010

Science Journal Set up

How to Set Up your Science Journal for each new lesson






Lesson # and Title






















Restate Objective:





****Fill out table of contents when lesson is over!!! ****

Science Syllabus 10/11/10

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of October 11, 2010

Team 6-3

Important Information:

  • Remember to use the Amazing Example Notebook of Science! to compare what you have in your composition books to what I expect you to have in your composition books
  • Please Bring in an example of a weather map from the news paper
  • Science Test will be on October 21st and there will be a lunch time review session on October 20th

Monday, October 11

No School Yeah!!!!!!!!

Homework: None

Tuesday, October 12

Explore Lesson 6.3

Complete Student Sheet 6.3 Table and Questions

Review lessons 6.1 and 6.2

Homework: Reflection Questions pg 75 1a-1d Those are the questions on the student sheet!

Wednesday, October 13

Readings from Lesson 6

Go over reflection questions

Student Sheet 6.2

Homework: Complete Student Sheet 6.2, if necessary

Thursday , October 14

Review and correct reflection questions from lesson 5 and 6

Intro to lesson 7

Demonstration Activity

Readings from lesson 7

Homework: Finish Reading, if necessary

Friday, October 15

Explore lesson 7

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Conference Confirmation Sheet



October 21, 2010

Below are the times designated for conferences on Thursday. Please indicate three (3) choices for conference times that work for your schedule. If possible, please indicate an afternoon time as the most requested conference slots are evenings.

Email me if you have any questions at Remember to show up 15 minutes before your scheduled time to go over the portfolios with your child. This is a student run portfolio conference it is important that your child be there with us.

Afternoon Evening

Thursday afternoon

Thursday Evening

12:35 – 12:50 p.m.

Mia Petrosino

5:45 – 6:00 p.m.

Nathan Thompson

12:50 – 1:05 p.m.

Jeremiah Kennedy

6:00 – 6:15 p.m.

Levi Neiburger

1:05 – 1:20 p.m.

Maja Hampton

6:15 – 6:30 p.m.

Alejandra Serratos

1:25 – 1:40 p.m.

Trey Hawkins

6:30 – 6:45 p.m.

Samual Thornton

1:40 – 1:55 p.m.

Caroline Galo

6:45 – 7:00 p.m.

Grace Halverson

1:55 – 2:10 p.m.

7:00 – 7:15 p.m.

Henry Johnson

2:10 – 2:25 p.m.

7:15 – 7:30 p.m.

Jimmy Kumpin

2:25 – 2:40 p.m.

7:30 – 7:45 p.m.

Keith White

2:40 – 2:55 p.m.

7:45 – 8:00 p.m.

Navya Mohlajee

2:55 – 3:10 p.m.

Anna Long

(8:00 – 8:15 p.m.)

Maya Gary

3:10 – 3:25 p.m.

3:25 – 3:40 p.m.

Will Hoffenkamp

Tueday 4:00p.m.

Katherine Bromley

3:40 – 3:55 p.m.

David Trisko

Tuesday 4:45p.m.

Nathaniel Bhooshi

3:55 – 4:10 p.m.

Irwin Loud

Tuesday 5:15p.m.

Chardonnay Leark

4:10 – 4:25 p.m.

Jack Runyan

Tuesday 5:30p.m.

Leah Brumfeild

4:25 – 4:40 p.m.

4:40 – 4:55 p.m.

Ryan Murray

4:55 – 5:10 p.m.

Mia Williams

Student Name Parent Name

Home Phone: Work: Cell: