Monday, December 13, 2010






Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell

Reading Syllabus

Week of December 13, 2010



Important Information:


  • We are beginning our sci-fi unit and working we will be meeting each day during 8th period in B204
  • Pay attention to the syllabus to find out when the quizzes are



Monday, December 13

Meet 8th and 9th today!

Book discussion

Read and answer questions for Chapters 29, 30, 31


Homework: Read Chapters 32 and 33 and answer questions


Tuesday, December 14

No Reading session today


Homework: Finish work from yesterday


Wednesday, December 15

Meet 8th and 9th

Read and Answer Questions for Chapter 34, 35, and 36 sustained silent reading.


Homework: Finish Questions    


Thursday, December 16

Meet 8th and 9th

Read and Answer Questions for Chapters 37 and 38

Talk and review for test


Homework: Turn in remaining packet pages tomorrow!!!!!!


Friday, December 17

Meet 8th Period Only

Test Today!!!


Homework: Read and answer questions for chapter 27 and 28


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