Friday, March 12, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 3/15/10

Mr, Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 15, 2010
Important Information:
• Upcoming research due dates:
o Monday, March 15: Draft Boxes of Power Point Due (by end of the day)
o Monday, March 22: Final Power Point Presentations are due! You must also be ready to present next week.
• The Chicago Board Options Exchange field trip is on Tuesday. Don't forget to bring your lunch and come to school on time. Remember you must be dressed appropriately or you will NOT be able to attend this field trip and your $4.00 will not be refunded.
• The 6th Reading Log is due on Tuesday, March 16. Don’t forget signatures!!!
• REMEMBER we accept NO late work at all during the 3rd Trimester!

Monday, March 15
8th Period: Band Assembly
9th Period: Vocabra Newspaper Captions

Homework: READING LOGS ARE DUE TOMORROW- don't forget they must be signed!

Tuesday, March 16C
Collect Reading Logs!!!
Prepare for Hunting Socratic Seminar- Read Article, Mark Article, Write Two Questions
9th Period: Media Center Computers (Power Point Work Time)

Homework: Read your Socratic Seminar Article at LEAST one more time and make sure you are ready to participate in our Seminar tomorrow! Have your high level critical thinking questions ready to ask!

Wednesday, March 17 (Happy St. Patties Day!!!)
8th Period: Socratic Seminar
9th Period: Sign up for Power Point Presentation Order
Spelling Race

Homework: Write 12 Vocabra Sentences using each of your words

Thursday, March 18
8th Period: Media Center Computers (Power Point Work Time)
9th Period Media Center Front Tables (check out and return books)

Homework: Work on your Power Point if you did not finish it in school! Today was our last day of in class work time! It Is due on MONDAY! Study for your VOCABRA TESTS!!!

Friday, March 19
8th Period: Media Center Computers (Power Point Work Time)
#11Vocabra Tests
Power Point Presentation Rehearsal- Partner Practice

Homework: Have an outstanding WEEKEND ☺ Your power point presentations are due on Monday! Be ready to present on Monday if you are signed up at the b

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