Friday, April 30, 2010

Science Syllabus 5/3/10

Science Syllabus
Week of May 3, 2010

• For those students who do not want to take their textbooks home each time they have homework there is a downloadable PDF version of the textbook now available online. It’s easy, just log onto Password: Catastrophic
• Link to the Organisms from Macro to Micro Textbook: Password: Organisms
Download the PDF or just click on the link on my blog!
• If anyone has an old electric kettle for boiling water that they do not use anymore or is just taking up space, we would love if it could be donated to the science class. It will not be used to drink from so even if it dirty or rusty we can use it! It is worth extra credit.
• Extra Credit Biome Packets are due May 17!!!
• There will be a science test on Thursday May 6th on ponds/ecosystems, microorganisms, cells, and plants/plant sexual reproduction. I will also be collecting notebooks on that day and checking in three random sections. MAKE SURE YOUR NOTEBOOK IS NEAT AND CAUGHT UP WITH A COMPETE TABLE OF CONTENTS!!!
• There will be a lunchtime review session on Wednesday 5/5.

Monday, May 3
Finish observing your pollen grains and all drawings involved with the flowering plants with detailed lebelssee pages 109 and 111 for labeling help
Begin pollinating fast plants today (hopefully)

Homework: Finish all drawings; make sure your table of contents is up to par.

Tuesday, may 4
Continue pollinating fast plants
Explore: Lesson 10.1

Homework: Student Sheet 10.1

Wednesday, May 5
Continue pollinating fast plants
lesson 10.2 and 10.3
Test review and clean up work on composition books

Homework: study for test tomorrow!

Thursday: May 6
Test Today on microorganisms, flowers, and plants

Homework: Read pages 113-119

Friday, May 7
finish testing on microorganisms, flowers, and plants

Homework:Have an awesome weekend!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 4/26/10

Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of April 26, 2010
Website: http://op97-
Important Information:
• April is National Poetry Month! In honor of this we will spend the entire month reading, exploring, and writing poetry. Students must have their poetry packet with them in class everyday! The final poetry project will be due on Friday, April 30!
• We are going to have a Poetry Elements Quiz on Tuesday, April 27. Students should study their Poetry Elements Notes to prepare.
• This week we are starting Grammar Chapter 6: Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections. Students will have a Chapter 6 Test on Monday, May 3
• During the month of May we will be doing Multicultural Literature Circles. I sent home a letter about this last week asking for parent volunteers to come in each week and lead a group. Please check your schedule and hopefully you will be able to help out ☺ THANKS!
• The FINAL Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 20. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, April 26
Lit Circle Book Talks and Selection
Grammar Lesson 6.1 (Handout pgs 121-122)
Write Ode to… Poems
Review for Poetry Element Quiz

Homework: I need signed Lit Circle Parent Letters by tomorrow! Your Poetry Elements Quiz is tomorrow—STUDY! Make sure you have all of your poems in class tomorrow; we will have some editing time to improve our poetry.

Tuesday, April 27
Poetry Element Quiz
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Dragons
Grammar Lesson 6.2 (Handout pg 124)
Edit Poetry: Add Elements and ☺ Tricks

Homework: Work on your poetry project- it is due THIS FRIDAY! Be sure to review the requirements and rubric!

Wednesday, April 28
Grammar Lesson 6.3 (Handout pg 127)
Vocabra Charades
Poetry Work Time

Homework: Grammar Handout pg 128

Thursday, April 29
Vocabra Quickie Skits
Grammar Lesson 6.4 (Handout pg 130-131)
Review for Vocabra Tests

Homework: FINISH your POETRY PROJECT—DUE TOMORROW!!!! Study for your Vocabra Tests.

Friday, April 30
Poetry Project due
Vocabra Tests #13
Review Grammar Chapter 6

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!!

Science Syllabus 4/26/10

Science Syllabus
Week of April 19, 2010

• For those students who do not want to take their textbooks home each time they have homework there is a downloadable PDF version of the textbook now available online. It’s easy, just log onto Password: Catastrophic
• Link to the Organisms from Macro to Micro Textbook: Password: Organisms
Download the PDF or just click on the link on my blog!
• If anyone has an old electric kettle for boiling water that they do not use anymore or is just taking up space, we would love if it could be donated to the science class. It will not be used to drink from so even if it dirty or rusty we can use it! It is worth extra credit.
• Extra Credit Biome Packets are due May 17!!!
• Mistake on Syllabus last week: Friday was an institute day and it completely slipped my mind. All work that was going to be checked in on Friday will be checked in on Monday April 26th.
• There will be a science test on Thursday May 6th on ponds/ecosystems, microorganisms, cells, and plants/plant sexual reproduction. I will also be collecting notebooks on that day and checking in three random sections. MAKE SURE YOUR NOTEBOOK IS NEAT AND CAUGHT UP WITH A COMPETE TABLE OF CONTENTS!!!
• There will be a lunchtime review session on Wednesday 5/5.

Monday, April 26
Observe your bean and corn plants remember to draw and measure them!
Check in corn and lima bean drawings
Check in microorganism drawings from ponds (must have four separate drawings labeled and explain what physical features led to the identification of the organism)
Check in reflection questions from 12.1
Intro to 12.2
Fast plants should e trimmed down to 6 plants by today
Homework: Read welcome to Monera Kingdom! Pages 141-145

Tuesday, April 27
Observe your bean and corn plants remember to draw and measure them!
Explore: Lesson 12.2
Intro to lesson 9
Homework: finish table and questions for 12.2. Don’t forget to bring in your flowers tomorrow!!

Wednesday, April 28
Observe your bean and corn plants remember to draw and measure them!
Explore lesson 9.1 dissecting the perfect flower!
Make sure to complete all 4 flower drawings!
Discuss questions from the procedure with your group.
Complete 9.1 reflection questions
Homework: Finish Reflection Questions for lesson 9.1 (on worksheet) if necessary!

Thursday: April 29
Observe your bean and corn plants remember to draw and measure them!
Explore: Lesson 9.2 Pollinating your fast plant flowers
Homework: Read pages 113-119

Friday, April 30
Observe your bean and corn plants remember to draw and measure them!
Pollinate your fast plants again today and on Monday and Tuesday of next week, please give everyone a chance to pollinate.
Check in this weeks Reflection questions and finish going over them
Protist CD
Homework: Have a super weekend!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 4/19/10

Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of April 19, 2010
Important Information:
• April is National Poetry Month! In honor of this we will spend the entire month reading, exploring, and writing poetry. Students must have their poetry packet with them in class everyday! The final poetry project will be due on Friday, April 30!
• We are finishing our work in Grammar Chapter 5 this week! The chapter 5 grammar test will be on Thursday, April 22.
• During the month of May we will be doing Multicultural Literature Circles. I am sending home a letter about this later in the week asking for parent volunteers to come in each week and lead a group. Please check your schedule and hopefully you will be able to help out ☺
• The 7th Reading Log is due on Tuesday, April 20. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, April 19
Introduce Vocabra List #13
Grammar Lesson 5.6 (Handout pgs 115-116)
Write Experience Poems

Homework: Write 6 Sentences using at least 6 Vocabra Words. Finish your Reading Log and get SIGNATURES- it is due tomorrow! Type your poems!

Tuesday, April 20
Reading Log #7 DUE TODAY!
Grammar Lesson 5.7 (Handout pgs 118 and 120)
Write Emotion Poems
9th Period Media Center: Check Out/Return Books

Homework: Vocabra Newspaper Captions. Keep typing your poems- this will only help you get your final project done!

Wednesday, April 21
Grammar Chapter 5 Review Game
Write Rhetorical Question Poems

Homework: STUDY for your Chapter 5 Adjective and Adverb Test. Vocabra: Draw the Meaning of the Word using the Word ITSELF!

Thursday, April 22
Chapter 5 Grammar Test
Write Bill Durham Credo Poems
Write Just Because.. Poems
Lit Circle- Parent Volunteer Letter

Homework: Get your Lit Circle Parent Letter Completed and Signed- due on Tuesday! Keep working on your Poetry Project!!! Enjoy your three-day weekend☺

Friday, April 23
Institute Day: No School!

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!!

Science Syllabus 4/19/10

Science Syllabus
Week of April 19, 2010

• For those students who do not want to take their textbooks home each time they have homework there is a downloadable PDF version of the textbook now available online. It’s easy, just log onto Password: Catastrophic
• Link to the Organisms from Macro to Micro Textbook: Password: Organisms
Download the PDF or just click on the link on my blog!
• If anyone has an old electric kettle for boiling water that they do not use anymore or is just taking up space, we would love if it could be donated to the science class. It will not be used to drink from so even if it dirty or rusty we can use it! It is worth extra credit.
• Extra Credit Biome Packets are due May 17!!!

Monday, April 19
Check your Bean and corn plants Remember to draw them if they are germinated (and they will be!)
Read Pages 56-63 together and make a one-sentence summery on your own and share it with the class
Then read pages 152-155 about pond ecosystems

Homework: Finish Reading pgs 152-155. Create a one-sentence summery on the same page about The Changing Pond

Tuesday, April 20
Review one-sentence summaries.
Observe and draw your Bean and Corn plants
Observe your fast plants and follow procedures from lessons 5.1-5.4 (Replant during lunch if there are no sprouts)
Start pond drawing if time is available side view only! Color and label all living and nonliving things you can.

Homework: None

Wednesday, April 21
Observe and draw your Bean and Corn plants
Observe ponds and draw at least 4 microorganisms label all essential parts and identify each one, also explain what structure led you to identify them in that way.

Homework: Finish labeling and identifying if necessary

Thursday: April 22
Observe your Bean and Corn plants
Observe ponds; finish identifying microorganisms and begin lesson 12.2 counting Lemna reproduction

Homework: Reflection question from 12.1 and 12.2

Friday, April 23
Finish up pond observations
Check in pond and plant drawings
Check in reflection questions
Observe and draw your Bean and Corn plants
Thin out your fast plants

Homework: Have a super weekend!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 4/12/10

Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of April 12, 2010
Important Information:
• April is National Poetry Month! In honor of this we will spend the entire month reading, exploring, and writing poetry. Students must have their poetry packet with them in class everyday! The final poetry project will be due on Friday, April 30!
• We are continuing our work in Grammar Chapter 5 this week! Students will have a variety of opportunities to do challenge and differentiation for this chapter. Watch the syllabus for the different options! The chapter 5 grammar test will be on Thursday, April 22.
• The 7th Reading Log is due on Tuesday, April 20. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, April 12
Visualize Poetry
Poetry Packet: Metaphors
Read Poetry from Poetry Cart—Read the Poetry CRITICALLY!

Homework: ☺ Trick #8

Tuesday, April 13
Poetry Packet: Descriptive Words
☺ Trick #2
Grammar Lesson 5.4
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Poetry (you can write poems, write a story about writing a poem, explain what poetry means to you… Whatever you want as longs as it relates to poetry in general)

Homework: Grammar Handouts- Pick ONE!
1.) Average Difficulty- Lesson 5.4 Re-teaching page 109
2.) Challenge- 5.4 More Practice page 110

Wednesday, April 14
Intro Poetry Project
Concrete Poetry: Write one Concrete Poem
Quickie Skits

Homework: Write a 2nd Concrete Poem

Thursday, April 15 (FLIPPED SCHEDULE) 8/9/1/2/3
8th Period: Continue Advisory Cyber bullying Discussion
9th Period: Grammar Lesson 5.5
Spelling Race

Homework: Read Haiku Handout (Both Sides). Study for #12 Vocabra Tests!

Vocabra Tests #12
Write Haiku Poetry
Write Dream Poetry

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!! Get your Midterm Progress Report SIGNED!

Science Syllabus 4/12/10

Science Syllabus
Week of April 12, 2010

• For those students who do not want to take their textbooks home each time they have homework there is a downloadable PDF version of the textbook now available online. It’s easy, just log onto Password: Catastrophic
• Link to the Organisms from Macro to Micro Textbook: Password: Organisms
Download the PDF or just click on the link on my blog!
• If anyone has an old electric kettle for boiling water that they do not use anymore or is just taking up space, we would love if it could be donated to the science class. It will not be used to drink from so even if it dirty or rusty we can use it! It is worth extra credit.

Monday, April 12
Finish clean up from Cell Construction
Wrap up 11.1 and do drawings
Check in graphic organizer from field trip

Homework: Two-Column notes for microorganisms

Tuesday, April 13
Check in two column notes
Introduce fast plants
Pond Drawing (back to lesson 4)

Homework: Read pages 141-145

Wednesday, April 14
Explore lesson 5.1-5.3
Construct fat plant planters

Homework: Remember schedule is flipped tomorrow and we will meet in room b204

Thursday: April 15
Meet in Rm B204
Read and notes from pages 56-63
Introduce lesson 6 if time is available

Homework: None

Friday, April 16
Introduce lesson 12 Revisiting your pond! Yeah its finally here!

Homework: Have a super weekend!