Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 4/26/10

Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of April 26, 2010
Website: http://op97-
Important Information:
• April is National Poetry Month! In honor of this we will spend the entire month reading, exploring, and writing poetry. Students must have their poetry packet with them in class everyday! The final poetry project will be due on Friday, April 30!
• We are going to have a Poetry Elements Quiz on Tuesday, April 27. Students should study their Poetry Elements Notes to prepare.
• This week we are starting Grammar Chapter 6: Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections. Students will have a Chapter 6 Test on Monday, May 3
• During the month of May we will be doing Multicultural Literature Circles. I sent home a letter about this last week asking for parent volunteers to come in each week and lead a group. Please check your schedule and hopefully you will be able to help out ☺ THANKS!
• The FINAL Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 20. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, April 26
Lit Circle Book Talks and Selection
Grammar Lesson 6.1 (Handout pgs 121-122)
Write Ode to… Poems
Review for Poetry Element Quiz

Homework: I need signed Lit Circle Parent Letters by tomorrow! Your Poetry Elements Quiz is tomorrow—STUDY! Make sure you have all of your poems in class tomorrow; we will have some editing time to improve our poetry.

Tuesday, April 27
Poetry Element Quiz
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Dragons
Grammar Lesson 6.2 (Handout pg 124)
Edit Poetry: Add Elements and ☺ Tricks

Homework: Work on your poetry project- it is due THIS FRIDAY! Be sure to review the requirements and rubric!

Wednesday, April 28
Grammar Lesson 6.3 (Handout pg 127)
Vocabra Charades
Poetry Work Time

Homework: Grammar Handout pg 128

Thursday, April 29
Vocabra Quickie Skits
Grammar Lesson 6.4 (Handout pg 130-131)
Review for Vocabra Tests

Homework: FINISH your POETRY PROJECT—DUE TOMORROW!!!! Study for your Vocabra Tests.

Friday, April 30
Poetry Project due
Vocabra Tests #13
Review Grammar Chapter 6

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!!

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