Friday, March 25, 2011

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of April 4, 2011

Team 6-3



Important Information:

  • There will be no late homework accepted for the 3rd Trimester
  • I will still allow corrections to the Organisms Notebook, but all corrections must be turned in within two weeks of receiving your graded notebook
  • I am excepting glue for extra credit for a limited time in science. Bottles of glue are worth two points and glue sticks one point maximum ten points to any student.


Monday, April 4

Intro lesson 5

Read Procedure for 5.4


Homeowork: None


Tuesday, April 5

Lesson 5.4 Observing the Germination and Development of Corn and Bean Seeds


Homework: Lesson 5 Reflection Questions Due Thursday


Wednesday, April 6

Finish lesson 5.4

Read pages 55-63


Homework: Lesson 5 Reflection Questions Due tomorrow


Thursday, April 7

Revisit Ponds for second set of drawings

Discuss with class any changes that occurred in the Pond


Homework: None


Friday, April 8

Bill Nye: Plants


Homework: Have a Wonderful Spring Weekend



Monday, March 21, 2011

Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of March 21, 2011




Important Information:

  • There will be a Chapter 5 Grammar: Adverbs and Adjectives Test on Thurs, March 24.
  • Please note that our team does not accept any late work during the 3rd trimester. It is very important to stay organized and get all of your work in on time to do well.
  • Our seventh Reading Log is due on Tuesday, April 12. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
  • End of the Year Field Trip permission slip and money is due on April 5. No


Monday, March 21

Adjectives and Adverbs- Lesson 5.6 (PP pg 8-9)

Media Center: 9th Period (Return/Check Out Books)


Homework: Study for your Adverb/Adjective TEST on Thursday.


Tuesday, March 22

Adjectives and Adverbs- Lesson 5.7 (PP pg 10-11)

Review Elements of Nonfiction

Begin Nonfiction Flip Books


Homework: Study for your Adverb/Adjective TEST on Thursday.


Wednesday, March 23

Finish Nonfiction Flip Books

Adjectives and Adverbs REVIEW


Homework: Study for your Chapter 5 Grammar Test (Students will receive a practice Test TODAY to help study)J The Extra Credit Multicultural Essay is due TOMORROW!


Thursday, March 24

Turn in Extra Credit Essay

Adjectives and Adverbs TEST

Study for List #11 TESTS


Homework: STUDY for your List #11 TESTS!!!!!

Friday, March 25

Vocabra List #11 Tests

Nonfiction Reading Activity


Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING Spring Break!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of March 21, 2011

Team 6-3

Important Information:

  • There will be no late homework accepted for the 3rd Trimester
  • I will still allow corrections to the Organisms Notebook, but all corrections must be turned in within two weeks of receiving your graded notebook

Monday, March 21

Check in Venn diagram and questions

Set up notebooks for lesson 4 Creating Your Own Pond

Getting Started "focus"

Homework: None

Tuesday, March 22

Lesson 4.1 Constucting your pond

Go directly on to 4.2

Homework: None

Wednesday, March 23

Finish lesson 4.2

Pond drawings

Draw the entire view of the pond

Begin samples of pond and start drawing those from the procedure 4.2

Homework: Lesson 4 Reflection Questions Due Friday

Thursday, March 24

Finish ponds

Reading form page 43-45

Homework: Work on Fortune Fish write up

Friday, March 25

Begin Lesson 5 fast plants

Homework: Have a Wonderful Spring Break!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of March 14, 2011




Important Information:

  • We are beginning Chapter 5 Grammar: Adverbs and Adjectives this week. There will be a chapter 5 Test on Thursday, March 24.
  • Please note that our team does not accept any late work during the 3rd trimester. It is very important to stay organized and get all of your work in on time to do well.
  • Our seventh Reading Log is due on Tuesday, April 12. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.


Monday, March 14 (Purple Food and Clothes)

Vocabra List #11

Introduce Adjectives and Adverbs- Lesson 5.1 (PP pg 2)

9th Period: Socratic Seminar


Homework: Adjectives/Adverbs PP page 1 (You're Soooo Famous)


Tuesday, March 15 (White Food and Clothes)

Author Presentation Period 8 (Commons)

Adjectives and Adverbs- Lesson 5.2 (PP pg 3-4)


Homework: Finish Adjectives/Adverbs PP pg 3-4 if necessary.


Wednesday, March 16 (Red Food and Clothes)

Adjectives and Adverbs- Lesson 5.3 (PP pg 5)

Vocabra Word Drawing


Homework: None


Thursday, March 17 (Green Food and Clothes)

Adjectives and Adverbs- Lesson 5.4 (PP pg 6)

Write 12 Vocabra Sentences

Vocabra White Board Sentences


Homework: Vocabra Sell It! Your ad needs to be in define your word, sell it to the reader, be neatly done, and in color.

Friday, March 18 (Yellow/Orange Food and Clothes)

Adjectives and Adverbs- Lesson 5.5 (PP pg 7)

Vocabra Newspaper Captions

Read your Pleasure Book


Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!! Get your Report Card Envelop Signed

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of March 14, 2011

Team 6-3



Important Information:

  • There will be no late homework accepted for the 3rd Trimester
  • I will still allow corrections to the Organisms Notebook, but all corrections must be turned in within two weeks of receiving your graded notebook
  • Microscope Quick Quiz this Thursday March 17


Monday, March 14

Compare RAFT writing to rubric

Intro lesson 3

Start 3.1

Homework: Finish RAFT writing


Tuesday, March 15

Finish 3.1

Start 3.2


Homework: Did not get to the reflection questions just make sure to be finished with the focus and apply questions


Wednesday, March 16

Finish lesson 3

Review microscopes


Homework: Finish reflection questions due Friday, study for quick quiz


Thursday, March 17 Happy St. Patty's Day!!!

Microscope Quick Quiz

Create data table for lesson 3

Begin Setup for lesson 4


Homework: finish data table if necessary


Friday, March 18

Read 34-37

Venn diagram on student sheet 3.1and answer the questions, I will check this in!


Homework: Finish Venn Diagram and Reflection Questions from student sheet 3.1and reflection questions from lesson 4, due Monday



Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of March 7, 2011




Important Information:

  • Welcome to the final trimester of 6th grade! Please note our team does not accept any late work during the 3rd trimester. It is very important to stay organized and get all of your work in on time to do well.
  • We are presenting our PowerPoint presentations this week! Be sure to have your PP on your flash drive, a printout of your project, and be rehearsed! Remember you get 2 extra points if you practice for your parents and have them fill out the form in your packet!
  • Our sixth Reading Log is due on Friday, March 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.


Monday, March 7

No School


Homework: Practice your PowerPoint presentation


Tuesday, March 8

How to Mark a Socratic Seminar Reading

PowerPoint Presentations


Homework: Read Socratic Seminar Handouts- highlight the important parts of it.


Wednesday, March 9

Read and Mark Socratic Seminar Article: "Singapore Whipping"

Write Letters to 5th Graders


Homework: Read "Singapore Whipping" AGAIN!


Thursday, March 10

PowerPoint Presentations


Homework: Write TWO questions about the "Singapore Whipping". These questions should NOT be able to be answered with a yes or no; they must require deeper thinking.
Your 6th reading log is due TOMORROW! Remember we do not except late work so it is very important to get it signed and in on time!

Friday, March 11

Turn in Reading Log #6

PowerPoint Presentations


Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!!

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of March 7, 2011

Team 6-3

Important Information:

  • There will be no late homework accepted for the 3rd Trimester
  • I will still allow corrections to the Organisms Notebook, but all corrections must be turned in within two weeks of receiving your graded notebook

Monday, March 7

No School Pulaski Day

Homework: None

Tuesday, March 8

Intro to WOWbug acitivity

Begin Lesson 2.1

Homework: None

Wednesday, March 9

Finish Lesson 2.2 and 2.3

Creating the slide and Drawing your Wowbugs

Homework: Lesson 2 reflection questions from student sheet 2.3b due Friday

Thursday, March 10

Finished up WOWbug drawings

did not get to lesson 3 yet will move to Monday

Homework: Finish lesson 2 reflection questions and drawings

Friday, March 11

Reading activity

We will start lesson 3 next week

Homework: None