Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of March 14, 2011

Team 6-3



Important Information:

  • There will be no late homework accepted for the 3rd Trimester
  • I will still allow corrections to the Organisms Notebook, but all corrections must be turned in within two weeks of receiving your graded notebook
  • Microscope Quick Quiz this Thursday March 17


Monday, March 14

Compare RAFT writing to rubric

Intro lesson 3

Start 3.1

Homework: Finish RAFT writing


Tuesday, March 15

Finish 3.1

Start 3.2


Homework: Did not get to the reflection questions just make sure to be finished with the focus and apply questions


Wednesday, March 16

Finish lesson 3

Review microscopes


Homework: Finish reflection questions due Friday, study for quick quiz


Thursday, March 17 Happy St. Patty's Day!!!

Microscope Quick Quiz

Create data table for lesson 3

Begin Setup for lesson 4


Homework: finish data table if necessary


Friday, March 18

Read 34-37

Venn diagram on student sheet 3.1and answer the questions, I will check this in!


Homework: Finish Venn Diagram and Reflection Questions from student sheet 3.1and reflection questions from lesson 4, due Monday



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