Monday, April 25, 2011


Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of April 25, 2011




Important Information:

  • Students received a letter regarding the Literature Circle Unit today, we will begin next week. I am looking for parent volunteers; please review the letter and send it back to school tomorrow. If you have any questions please email me! THANKS!
  • The final poetry project will be due on Friday, April 29th. Make sure you are working on your project and not waiting until the last minute J
  • Our eighth Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 12.


Monday, April 25

Just Because… Poems (Pg 34)

Write 12 Vocabra Sentences

White Board Sentences with Partners


Homework: Be sure to get Literature Circle Letters filled out by your parents. I need these by tomorrow, please. Work on poetry project!


Tuesday, April 26

Ode to… Poem (Pg 35)

Lit Circle Book Picks

Vocabra Skits


Homework: Work on your poetry Project. By today you should have all of your poems written. You need to work on editing, typing, illustrations, table of contents, and a cover. Be sure to have your poetry in class tomorrow- we are working on Identification of Elements.


Wednesday, April 27

Poetry Project- Review Identification Requirements (Page 36)

Vocabra Sell It


Homework: Finish adding Poetry Elements and J Tricks to your poetry. There needs to be at least one identified in each poem. You need to use a highlighter and/or sticky notes to identify these throughout your project. You will have some poetry work time in class tomorrow- be sure you have your materials.


Thursday, April 28

Poetry Project Work Time

Spelling Race


Homework: Poetry Project is DUE TOMORROW! Be sure to check your rubric (Pg 37) and requirements handouts (Pg 22-23)! Study for Vocabra #13TESTS.

Friday, April 29

Turn in Poetry Project

Vocabra List 13 TESTS


Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of April 25, 2011

Team 6-3



Important Information:

  • There will be no late homework accepted for the 3rd Trimester
  • I will still allow corrections to the Organisms Notebook, but all corrections must be turned in within two weeks of receiving your graded notebook.
  • Notebooks were passed back on Tuesday April 19th
  • There will be a test this week on Friday April 29th on lessons 1-8 from the Macro to Micro book
  • Please check out a book from me if you need one to study otherwise the entire book is online



Monday, April 25

Finish up lessons 7.1-7.4

Intro to Cell Activity


Homework: Reflection Questions from 7.1-7.4 Due Wednesday. Start bringing in pictures for you cell posters!


Tuesday, April 26

Cell Posters


Homework: Reflection Questions from 7.1-7.4 due tomorrow, Bring in Pictures for Posters


Wednesday, April 27

Cell Posters



Homework: Study Guide Due tomorrow, Make sure to bring study guide to class on Thursday


Thursday, April 28

Review for Test Tomorrow


Homework: Study Guide Due tomorrow, Study for Test


Friday, April 29

Test Today Lesson's 1-8


Homework: Have a Wonderful Weekend!



Monday, April 18, 2011

Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of April 18, 2011




Important Information:

  • Students will have a Chapter 6 Grammar Test on Tuesday, April 19th.
  • The final poetry project will be due on Friday, April 29th. Make sure you are working on your project over the course the next few weeks! Don't wait until the last minute J
  • Our eighth Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 12. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.


Monday, April 18

Introduce List #13 Vocabra Words

Grammar Ch 6: Review for Test

Emotion Poems (Pg 29-30)

Rhetorical Question Poems (Pg 31)


Homework: Study for the Chapter 6 Grammar test tomorrow! Use review sheet at the end of your packet. Also, work on your poetry project.


Tuesday, April 19

Turn in Reading Log #7

Grammar: Chapter 6 TEST

Bill Durham Poems (Pg 32)

I Don't Understand Poems (Pg 33)


Homework: Vocabra Word Drawing. Write Poetry. Work on Poetry Project. Remember- tomorrow is our Team PBIS Electronic Reward Day! You can bring in an electronic video game to play- if you are planning on bringing in a large game system please check with me. You need 10 Bright Blue Bee Tickets to participate.


Wednesday, April 20

Turn in Word Drawings

Team PBIS Electronic Reward Day!


Homework: Work on Poetry Project. Get Literature Circles Parent Letter Signed!!!! Enjoy your days off J


Thursday, April 21

No School: Institute Day


Homework: Poetry Project

Friday, April 22

No School: Good Friday


Homework: Work on your poetry project!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of April 18, 2011

Team 6-3



Important Information:

  • There will be no late homework accepted for the 3rd Trimester
  • I will still allow corrections to the Organisms Notebook, but all corrections must be turned in within two weeks of receiving your graded notebook
  • Thank you for all the glue we had a huge response and it will all be very much appreciated by 6-3 science students. I do not need any more, but keep your eye peeled for more extra credit opportunities.


Monday, April 18

Begin Pollination of Fast Plants

Finish Pond Drawings if necessary

Bean and Corn plant drawings plus measurements

Start Cells 7.1


Homework: None


Tuesday, April 19

Cont. Pollinating

Cells 7.1-7.3 Finish by the end of Wednesday

If you are behind on your cells you will need to come to the lab during lunch!


Homework: None


Wednesday, April 20

Cells 7.1-7.3

Finish by the end of class your work will be checked in First Thing Monday!!!!


Homework: Enjoy the Long Weekend!!!!


Thursday, April 21

No School Institute Day


Homework: None


Friday, April 22

No School


Homework: Have a Wonderful Weekend!



Friday, April 8, 2011

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of April 11, 2011

Team 6-3



Important Information:

  • There will be no late homework accepted for the 3rd Trimester
  • I will still allow corrections to the Organisms Notebook, but all corrections must be turned in within two weeks of receiving your graded notebook
  • I am excepting glue for extra credit for a limited time in science. Bottles of glue are worth two points and glue sticks one point maximum ten points to any student.
  • I will be collecting notebooks on Monday April, 11. Please make sure you have all you are required to have in the notebooks
  • There will be a Science Quiz on April 15 Covering lessons 1-5


Monday, April 11

Bill Nye: Plants

Collecting Notebooks


Homework: None


Tuesday, April 12

Two Column notes and Drawing

Assign Groups for Butterfly Readings


Homework: Finish two-column notes if necessary


Wednesday, April 13

Magnet Summary

Butterfly Readings Jigsaw


Homework: None


Thursday, April 14

Revisit Ponds

Intro Cells

Hit on some Key points from lesson 12


Homework: None


Friday, April 15

Science Quiz Chapters 1-5

More on cells


Homework: Have a Wonderful Weekend!



Monday, April 4, 2011

Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of April 4, 2011




Important Information:

  • Happy National Poetry Month! In honor of this we will spend the month exploring poetic devices, reading poetry, and writing a variety of different poems.
  • Our seventh Reading Log is due on Tuesday, April 12. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
  • End of the Year Field Trip permission slip and money is due on April 5. No
  • Report Card Envelopes need to be signed and returned by Wednesday, April 6th


Monday, April 4

Introduce List #12 Vocabra

Introduce Poetry Unit with Visualization Poem

Elements of Poetry Notes (Poetry Packet Page 1-2)


Homework: None!!! End of the year permission slips and money are due TOMORROW! NO EXCEPTIONS!


Tuesday, April 5

Read Books from Poetry Cart

Likes and Dislikes Chart (PP pg 3)

Alliteration (PP pg 4)


Homework: Read Poetry Packet Page 5. Write SIX Vocabra sentences using any six words you would like. No vague sentences.


Wednesday, April 6

Personification, Onomatopoeia, and Symbol (PP pg 6-9)

Vocabra: Draw the Meaning Using the Word Itself


Homework: Idioms in Poetry Packet (Page 10). You can ask your parents if they know the meanings of the idioms you don't know and/or use the internet to find out.


Thursday, April 7

Metaphors and Descriptive Words (PP pg 11-13)

Vocabra Sell It- with groups


Homework: Irony in Poetry Packet (Pages 14-15).

Friday, April 8

Oxymoron, Paradox, and Rhetorical Questions (PP page 16-19)

Read Poems from Poetry Cart

Vocabra Charades


Homework: Have an AWESOME weekend! Work on your reading log- it is due on Tuesday!