Monday, April 25, 2011


Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of April 25, 2011




Important Information:

  • Students received a letter regarding the Literature Circle Unit today, we will begin next week. I am looking for parent volunteers; please review the letter and send it back to school tomorrow. If you have any questions please email me! THANKS!
  • The final poetry project will be due on Friday, April 29th. Make sure you are working on your project and not waiting until the last minute J
  • Our eighth Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 12.


Monday, April 25

Just Because… Poems (Pg 34)

Write 12 Vocabra Sentences

White Board Sentences with Partners


Homework: Be sure to get Literature Circle Letters filled out by your parents. I need these by tomorrow, please. Work on poetry project!


Tuesday, April 26

Ode to… Poem (Pg 35)

Lit Circle Book Picks

Vocabra Skits


Homework: Work on your poetry Project. By today you should have all of your poems written. You need to work on editing, typing, illustrations, table of contents, and a cover. Be sure to have your poetry in class tomorrow- we are working on Identification of Elements.


Wednesday, April 27

Poetry Project- Review Identification Requirements (Page 36)

Vocabra Sell It


Homework: Finish adding Poetry Elements and J Tricks to your poetry. There needs to be at least one identified in each poem. You need to use a highlighter and/or sticky notes to identify these throughout your project. You will have some poetry work time in class tomorrow- be sure you have your materials.


Thursday, April 28

Poetry Project Work Time

Spelling Race


Homework: Poetry Project is DUE TOMORROW! Be sure to check your rubric (Pg 37) and requirements handouts (Pg 22-23)! Study for Vocabra #13TESTS.

Friday, April 29

Turn in Poetry Project

Vocabra List 13 TESTS


Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!

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