Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Science Syllabus 8/29/11

Mr.Morrell’s Science Syllabus

Week of August 29, 2011


Blog :

Team 6-2

Important information:

· A weekly syllabus will be provided every Monday throughout the school year to all students on team. The syllabi will be sent home on paper for the first few weeks and then it will be provided in class on Mondays for students to write down homework in their planners and provided on my blog for reference later in the week.

· All students will need a green folder and two quad-grid composition books for the year. One composition book should be with the student every day there is science class unless told otherwise by a team teacher.

· Students must have the Science Lab Safety Contract in the students handbook signed and turned into their advisory teacher before they will be able to conduct any labs in science class

Monday, Aug 29

Review Syllabus

Notebook Setup

The Nature of Science Cont.

Homework: None

Tuesday, Aug 30

Notebooks Cont.

My Scientist

Homework: Finish My Scientist Drawing

Wednesday, Aug 31

Lab Safety

Bad lab Safety Cartoon

Homework: Finish Bad Lab Safety Cartoon due Thursday Sept 8th

Thursday, Sept 1

Introduce Catastrophic Events and STC

Intro e-books

Create a concept map

Homework: Work on Lab Safety Cartoon

Friday, Sept 2

Continue group concept Map

Begin lesson 1.2 Using Globes and World Maps

Homework: Work on Lab Safety Cartoon

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