Friday, September 9, 2011

Catastrophic Events Lesson 2 Reflection Questions

Directions – Answer these questions in your Science composition notebook. DO NOT rewrite these questions. Use complete sentences to reword the question in your response. (Ex. Question – How do you think catastrophic events affect people? Answer – I THINK CATASTROPHIC EVENTS AFFECT PEOPLE BY) You may need to use more than one sentence to fully explain your answers!

1. Describe what happened when you first held the model so that the water was in the top bottle. Why do you think this happened? Draw a picture.

2. How did the motion of the glitter and beads change as they moved closer to the center of the spiral?

3. Think about your model as a tornado. What might the glitter and beads represent? What does their movement tell you about the movement of the air within storms?

4. Read the passage Tornado Watch or Warning? What is the difference between a Tornado Watch and a Tornado Warning?

Catastrophic Events Lesson 1 Reflection Questions

Directions – Answer these questions in your Science composition notebook. DO NOT rewrite these questions. Use complete sentences to reword the question in your response. (Ex. Question -How do you think ecosystems evolve over time? Answer – I THINK ECOSYSTEMS EVOLVE BY) You may need to use more than one sentence to fully explain your answers.

1. Are any of the catastrophic events that you listed in your notebook or recorded on your world map related to each other in any way? If so, how?

2. Do any of these events help change the way the earth looks over time? If so which ones? Why do you think this?

3. What information do you think can be learned about the earth by studying catastrophic events?

4. How might scientists predict these events?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 9/5/11

Mr. Morrell

Reading/LA Syllabus

Week of September 5, 2011


Blog Website:

· Reading logs are due on Wednesday, September 28. Students must read two or more books each month, log the book, and obtain a parent signature for each book read.

· Every two weeks students will receive a new list of Vocabra-Words; these will be their spelling and vocabulary words. The students will be tested on these words at the end of the two weeks. They will take a fill in the blank vocabulary test and a spelling test. The first tests will be on Friday, Sept 9.

· Mark your calendars! Picture Day is Monday, September 12 (information will be sent home soon) and Curriculum Night is Wednesday, September 14, at 6:30 P.M.

· Remember our teaming will be “going green.” We will discontinue giving students a paper syllabus in a few weeks. Students will be responsible for printing their own syllabus at home or at the media center. Please contact us if you do not have access to a computer and you need us to give you a syllabus.

Monday, September 5 - No school due to Labor Day

Homework: Vital Statistics final draft WITH PICTURE is due tomorrow! Vocabra spelling and fill in the blank vocabulary tests on Friday!

Tuesday, September 6

Turn in final copy of Vital Statistics WITH A PICTURE

Assign Seedfolks books

Finish charting Gonzalo then read and chart Leona and Sam

Fill in Seedfolks Vocabulary Chart

List 1 -Vocabra “Sell It” activity with a partner – will be presented tomorrow

Homework: Read and chart Virgil and Sae Young in Seedfolks book – due THURSDAY & don’t forget to fill in your Seedfolks vocabulary chart; Finish “Sell it” activity presentations will be tomorrow

Wednesday, September 7

Present “Sell it” Vocabra activity

Smiley face trick # 1 – the “Magic 3”

Write a letter about yourself to me, and incorporate the “Magic 3”

Homework: Read and chart Virgil and Sae Young – due tomorrow! Study for your Vocabra spelling and fill in the blank vocabulary tests that will be on Friday!

Thursday: September 8

Smiley face trick # 2 – Figurative Language

Figurative Language Activity

List 1 -Vocabra review activity

Homework: Study for your Vocabra spelling and fill in the blank vocabulary tests tonight!

Friday, September 9

List 1 - Vocabra spelling and fill in the blank vocabulary tests

Pleasure book reading time – your reading log is due 9/28!

Fill in Seedfolks Vocabulary Chart

Discuss Virgil and Sae Young

Homework: Make sure you are reading your pleasure book and have a good weekend!

Science Syllabus 9/6/11

Mr.Morrell’s Science Syllabus

Week of September 5


Blog :

Team 6-2

Important information:

· A weekly syllabus will be provided every Monday throughout the school year to all students on team. The syllabi will be sent home on paper for the first few weeks and then it will be provided in class on Mondays for students to write down homework in their planners and provided on my blog for reference later in the week.

· All students will need a green folder and two quad-grid composition books for the year. One composition book should be with the student every day there is science class unless told otherwise by a team teacher.

· Students must have the Science Lab Safety Contract in the students handbook signed and turned into their advisory teacher before they will be able to conduct any labs in science class

Monday, Sept 5

No School

Homework: Work on Bad Lab Safety Cartoon

Tuesday, Sept 6

Begin Inquiry1.2

Homework: Work on Bad Lab Safety Cartoon

Wednesday, Sept 7

Finish inquiry1.2

Reading from lesson 1

Homework: Finish Bad Lab Safety Cartoon due tomorrow! Lesson 1 Reflection questions due Friday

Thursday, Sept 8

Begin lesson 2

Lesson 2Getting started

Lesson 2 procedure

Collect Bad Lab Safety Cartoons

Homework: Lesson 1 Reflection Questions. Make sure they are answered in complete sentences to receive full credit.

Friday, Sept 9

Continue Inquiry 2.1

Lesson 2 reading

Go over lesson 1 reflection questions

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!