Friday, September 9, 2011

Catastrophic Events Lesson 2 Reflection Questions

Directions – Answer these questions in your Science composition notebook. DO NOT rewrite these questions. Use complete sentences to reword the question in your response. (Ex. Question – How do you think catastrophic events affect people? Answer – I THINK CATASTROPHIC EVENTS AFFECT PEOPLE BY) You may need to use more than one sentence to fully explain your answers!

1. Describe what happened when you first held the model so that the water was in the top bottle. Why do you think this happened? Draw a picture.

2. How did the motion of the glitter and beads change as they moved closer to the center of the spiral?

3. Think about your model as a tornado. What might the glitter and beads represent? What does their movement tell you about the movement of the air within storms?

4. Read the passage Tornado Watch or Warning? What is the difference between a Tornado Watch and a Tornado Warning?

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