Monday, November 26, 2007

11/26 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 26, 2007

Important Information:
• Quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration on Monday December 3
• A lunch time review session fro the quiz will be held on Friday Nov, 30
• Typed rough draft of the procedure section is due on Friday Nov 30 along with a typed initial and final material list and an initial and final blueprint.
• Final Lab Report is due December 5
• Official time trials are Wednesday November 28, Good luck!

Monday, November 26
Final Days of Mousetrap construction

Homework: Finish speed, velocity, and acceleration worksheets

Tuesday, November 27
Absolutely last chance to tweak your car
Work with your group on final blueprint (make sure they are similar)
Fill in any gaps in your procedures

Homework: Type your initial and final material lists, and your procedure due Friday.

Wednesday, November 28
Time Trails today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Homework: finish your procedure section and begin your rough draft for the results section

Thursday, November 29
Field Trip to the Hellenic Museum!

Homework: Procedure rough draft due tomorrow remember it must be typed! Along with your final material list and your final blueprint.

Friday, November 30
Discuss your results and conclusion section as a class and with your group
Notes: Newtons laws and Inertia
Review for Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration test on Monday
Mousetrap Q and A

Homework: Finish up your Lab reports and study for the quiz

11/26 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 26, 2007

Important Information:
o Permission slips for our upcoming trip to Greek Town on Nov. 29th , were sent home last week. Money and permissions slips will be collected by your child’s reading teacher. It is due by Tuesday. Please send cash only.
o Our third reading Log is due on Friday, November 30th. Remember, if your child wants to include the Greek Myth book he/she must read the entire book.
o We will begin a new novel, Where the Red Fern Grows, this week. Students will be given a blue Red Fern packet to complete as indicated below. I am recommending that each child put the packet in a separate folder that has fasteners, for safekeeping. Finally, please do not encourage your child to read ahead of our class due to certain prediction activities. You will be notified about enrichment opportunities at a later date.
o We are beginning our new marking period this week. Report cards go home Dec. 7th.

Monday, November 26
Reading: Introduce author and new novel, Where the Red Fern Grows
Make a prediction and discuss vocabulary for Ch. 1; Introduce Word Wall Words
Finish Hercules Movie
Homework: Reading- Begin Word Wall handout- due Thursday

Tuesday, November 27
Reading: Pre-reading discussion, read, and discuss Ch. 1
Grammar: L/Network book- Punctuation- “Periods and End Marks” pp 206-207; Take notes
Homework: Reading – Ch. 1 odd questions #’s 1, 3, 5, and 7
Grammar – L/Network book- Finish Pt A – top of p. 208, if necessary

Wednesday, November 28
Reading: Review homework, figurative language handout
Introduce Ch. 2 vocabulary, read, and discuss Ch. 2
Grammar: L/Network book- Pt. B Bottom of p. 208
Review rules- “Commas in sentences” pp. 209-211 begin Pt. A top of p. 211
Homework: Reading- Finish reading Ch. 2 & odd questions # 1 - 7
Finish Word Wall handout

Thursday, November 29
Reading: Review homework, read and discuss Ch. 3; begin odd questions # 9-13 and finish vocabulary; Review word wall handout
Grammar: L/Network book- Finish Pt. A top of 211 and discuss
Homework: Reading- Finish Ch. 3 questions, if necessary
Study for Word Wall test on Friday

Friday, November 30
Reading: Take Word Wall test; Ch. 4 Pre-reading, read, and discuss Ch. 4
Complete questions # 1-4
Grammar: L/Network book- Do Pt. B – bottom of p. 211
Homework: None

Friday, November 9, 2007

11/12 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 12, 2007

Thank you in advance to all of the parents that are coming out to help. This is going to be a fun and constructive week for all involved!

Monday, November 12
Periods 1 and 2, Mousetrap Car Construction

Homework: Bring in additional materials for your car if necessary.

Tuesday, November 13
Periods 1 and 3, Mousetrap Car Construction

Homework: Bring in additional materials for your car if necessary.

Wednesday, November 14
Periods 2 and 3, Mousetrap Car Construction

Homework: Bring in additional materials for your car if necessary.

Thursday: November 15
Periods 1 and 2, Mousetrap Car Construction

Homework: Bring in additional materials for your car if necessary.

Friday, November 16
Periods 1 and 3, Period 1 only, First Time Trials- you are not graded on this time trial. This time trial helps you know what improvements you should make on your car before the final time trial.

Homework: Start working on the rough draft of the procedure section for your lab report.

Monday, November 19
Periods 2 and 3, First Time Trials- you are not graded on this time trial. This time trial helps you know what improvements you should make on your car before the final time trial

Homework: Make your final material list and your final blue print. Also work on your procedure section, rough draft is due on Friday, Nov. 30.

Tuesday, November 20
Review Calculating speed, velocity, and acceleration

Homework: Homework: Make your final material list and your final blue print. Also work on your procedure section, rough draft is due on Friday, Nov. 30.

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your holiday but remember, we have our final time trials on Wednesday, November 28 and your ENTIRE lab report is due on Wednesday December 5.
When we return you will have Monday and Tuesday for last minute adjustments So collect what you will need over the break. You should have both material lists typed and both blueprints drawn neatly and labeled after that.

Monday, November 5, 2007

11/5 Language Arts and Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of November 5, 2007

Important Information:
o Students are expected to complete a “Minor Gods” handout while reading this next section of the myth book. This sheet is due on Monday November 12.
o Students will begin working on a project for the Greek Myths this week. This project will be due on Thursday, November 15.
o Students will take a Minor Gods Comprehension and Vocabulary Test on Friday, November 16.
o Students participating in the Greek Myth enrichment group do not have to participate in the myth activities with the rest of the class. Instead they will work on selected enrichment projects. The projects are due November 9. They are also expected to finish the entire myth novel and complete a handout for the minor gods by November 9. On Monday November 12, enrichment students will receive a writing assignment that will be due on Tuesday, November 20.
o The third Reading Log is due on November 30.

Monday, November 5
Vocabulary for Eos, Helios, Selene, and Pan
Read Eos and Helios
Media Center for book return and Check out
Word Wall 5

Homework: Read Selene and work on Minor Gods handout

Tuesday, November 6
Vocabulary for Echo, Syrinx, The Wild & Vulgar Centaurs, and Orpheus
Read Pan and Echo
Capitalization Mixed Review

Homework: Read Syrinx and work on Minor Gods handout

Wednesday, November 7
Collect boxes from major gods
Capitalization: Write a letter
Write 5 sentences using Minor Gods Vocabulary
Introduce Greek Myth Project- due November 15

Homework: Capitalization Proofreading. Work on Greek Myth Project.

Thursday, November 8
Review Grammar Homework
Read The Wild & Vulgar Centaurs and Asclepius
Work on Minor Gods Handout
Word Wall boxes are due

Homework: Read The Nine Muses. Work on Greek Myth Project

Friday, November 9
Read Orpheus and The Muses
Finish Minor God Sheet
Study for Buzzword Test

Homework: Have a FANTASTIC WEEKEND! Work on Myth Project

11/5 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 5, 2007

Important Information:
• All materials for mousetrap cars are due by Friday, November 9. Don’t forget to bring in a shoebox to store your groups materials.
• Your first list of materials is due on Tuesday, November 6. Each group member needs a copy of the list and I also need a copy.
• Your first blueprint is due on at the end of class on Wednesday, November 7. Each member of the group should make their own blueprint- they should be the same design.
• Students will take a quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration after mousetrap car construction. We will revisit those concepts throughout the project.
• Students will need their science book on Thursday and Friday of this week

Monday, November 5- signed parent letter due tomorrow.
Review speed and velocity worksheet
Mousetrap Car groups are assigned
Work on 1st list of materials

Homework: Finish 1st list of materials- due tomorrow, study for quiz, and finish speed and velocity page

Tuesday, November 6
Discuss Lab Report Requirements
Quick Quiz on speed, velocity, and acceleration

Homework: None

Wednesday, November 7
Mousetraps are due today.
Work on Blueprints- due at the end of class
Sign group contracts today

Homework: Finish Mousetrap car blueprint

Thursday: November 8
Notes on Newton’s Laws of physics
Review Acceleration/Speed/Velocity Practice

Homework: Directed reading pages 36-42

Friday, November 9
Review directed reading pages 36-42
Discuss section review from pages 8 and 10
All Materials for Mousetrap Cars are due today!

Homework: Have a GREAT Weekend! We begin construction on Monday!