Monday, November 26, 2007

11/26 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 26, 2007

Important Information:
• Quiz on Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration on Monday December 3
• A lunch time review session fro the quiz will be held on Friday Nov, 30
• Typed rough draft of the procedure section is due on Friday Nov 30 along with a typed initial and final material list and an initial and final blueprint.
• Final Lab Report is due December 5
• Official time trials are Wednesday November 28, Good luck!

Monday, November 26
Final Days of Mousetrap construction

Homework: Finish speed, velocity, and acceleration worksheets

Tuesday, November 27
Absolutely last chance to tweak your car
Work with your group on final blueprint (make sure they are similar)
Fill in any gaps in your procedures

Homework: Type your initial and final material lists, and your procedure due Friday.

Wednesday, November 28
Time Trails today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Homework: finish your procedure section and begin your rough draft for the results section

Thursday, November 29
Field Trip to the Hellenic Museum!

Homework: Procedure rough draft due tomorrow remember it must be typed! Along with your final material list and your final blueprint.

Friday, November 30
Discuss your results and conclusion section as a class and with your group
Notes: Newtons laws and Inertia
Review for Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration test on Monday
Mousetrap Q and A

Homework: Finish up your Lab reports and study for the quiz


Anonymous said...

why do we have to put how to calculate speed. i am having trouble explaining it.

Anonymous said...

i also was wondering if i added how i learned about other people if it would "fluff"