Friday, November 9, 2007

11/12 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of November 12, 2007

Thank you in advance to all of the parents that are coming out to help. This is going to be a fun and constructive week for all involved!

Monday, November 12
Periods 1 and 2, Mousetrap Car Construction

Homework: Bring in additional materials for your car if necessary.

Tuesday, November 13
Periods 1 and 3, Mousetrap Car Construction

Homework: Bring in additional materials for your car if necessary.

Wednesday, November 14
Periods 2 and 3, Mousetrap Car Construction

Homework: Bring in additional materials for your car if necessary.

Thursday: November 15
Periods 1 and 2, Mousetrap Car Construction

Homework: Bring in additional materials for your car if necessary.

Friday, November 16
Periods 1 and 3, Period 1 only, First Time Trials- you are not graded on this time trial. This time trial helps you know what improvements you should make on your car before the final time trial.

Homework: Start working on the rough draft of the procedure section for your lab report.

Monday, November 19
Periods 2 and 3, First Time Trials- you are not graded on this time trial. This time trial helps you know what improvements you should make on your car before the final time trial

Homework: Make your final material list and your final blue print. Also work on your procedure section, rough draft is due on Friday, Nov. 30.

Tuesday, November 20
Review Calculating speed, velocity, and acceleration

Homework: Homework: Make your final material list and your final blue print. Also work on your procedure section, rough draft is due on Friday, Nov. 30.

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your holiday but remember, we have our final time trials on Wednesday, November 28 and your ENTIRE lab report is due on Wednesday December 5.
When we return you will have Monday and Tuesday for last minute adjustments So collect what you will need over the break. You should have both material lists typed and both blueprints drawn neatly and labeled after that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When is the Final Blue Print due