Monday, March 31, 2008

3/31 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of March 31, 2008

Important Information
• Remember starting the 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!
• We will be starting a new Unit this week on the human body.
• Please bring your Weather books to class on Tuesday, April 1 so I can check them in.

Monday, March 31
Health Trivia
Introduction to health and the Human body

Homework: None

Tuesday, April 1
Turn in Weather Textbooks
Pass out Human Body Systems and Health Textbooks
Disease Q and A

Homework: Read Pages 4-11

Wednesday, April 2
Disease Q and A
Directed Reading pages 4-11
Bring your Human Body Textbook

Homework: Finish Directed Reading, if necessary

Thursday, April 3
Introduction to the Human Body Notes

Homework: None

Friday, April 4
Activity One: Balance Lab

Homework: Finish Lab, if necessary

3/31 Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading Syllabus
Week of March 31, 2008

Important Information:
• Students will take a comprehension quick quiz over Chapters 1-3 on Friday, April 4.
• All students will need a quart size Ziploc bag by Thursday April 3rd to keep their novel in.
• Students must not read ahead during this novel study; students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of differentiated activities throughout the novel (these opportunities will be announced on the syllabus each week).

Monday, March 31
Read Chapter 2: pages 20-30
Chapter 2 Comprehension Questions #1-6
Differentiated Activity: Ch. 2 or 3 comprehension questions odd only! A discussion with a vagrant.

Homework: Finish Comprehension Questions or Differentiated Activity

Tuesday, April 1
Review Chapter 1 and 2 Comprehension Questions
Finish reading chapter 2: pages 30-41 and complete comprehension questions
Chapter 3 Vocabulary

Homework: Finish Reading Chapter 2. Read Chapter 3 and finish vocabulary. Answer Chapter 3 Comprehension Questions. Study for Chapter 1-3 Comprehension Quick Quiz.
(this must all be done by Thursday)

Wednesday, April 2
No Reading Today

Homework: Finish Reading Chapter 2. Read Chapter 3 and finish vocabulary. Answer Chapter 3 Comprehension Questions. Study for Chapter 1-3 Comprehension Quick Quiz.
(Due by tomorrow)

Thursday, April 3
Check in homework and assign novels
Read Chapter 4

Homework: complete chapter 4 vocabulary and odd comprehension questions

Friday, April 4
Quick Quiz was moved to today!
Review Chapter 1-4 Comprehension Questions
Read Chapter 5 complete chapter 5 comprehension questions part 1 odd

Collect Novels

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

3/31 Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Week of March 31, 2008

Important Information:
• Second trimester report cards went home on Thursday, March 20; please be sure to return the signed envelope to me. Remember our team does not accept late work during the 3rd trimester.
• Students will all be assigned their research topic today from their top five choices. For the next two weeks we will spend time in the media center using the computers and reference books to gather our research. We will also focus on the necessary skills to research and write and research report.
• Our next reading log is due on Thursday, April 17.
• The sixth grade end of the field trip permission slip and money is due on Friday, April 18. Please get those into me as soon as possible! If you need a scholarship please see me before the due date.

Monday, March 31
Assign Research Topics
Review Research Rubrics and Requirements
What/How do I research?
Preliminary Research

Homework: Begin Preliminary Research

Tuesday, April 1
1st Floor Computers: Research
Introduction to Source Cards

Homework: Continue gathering Preliminary Research- handout must be completed by Thursday.

Wednesday, April 2 (Double Period of Language Arts)
Introduction to Source Cards and Media Center Reference Tools
How to Paraphrase on Notecards
Make Sample Notecards (Heart Disease)
Review Source Cards Further

Homework: Finish gathering Preliminary Research- handout must be completed by tomorrow.

Thursday, April 3
Media Center Computers: Research

Homework: Continue research at home

Friday, April 4
1st Floor Computers: Research

Homework: Continue working on research. Be sure you are paraphrasing all information you collect and have a source card for each and every source you use. You must have all your source cards (minimum of three) ready to turn in on Monday, April 7. Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

3/17 Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Week of March 17, 2008

Important Information:
• Second trimester report cards go home on Thursday, March 20. Remember our team does not accept late work during the 3rd trimester.
• We are beginning a new novel this week. Each teacher is reading a different novel from which the students chose. I am reading The White Mountains.
• Students should not be reading the novels over spring break we will pick up when we return to class
• Our next reading log is due on Thursday, April 17.
• Penny Wars began on Monday, March 10 and end on Thursday, March 20. Bring in pennies and paper currency for your advisory and silver coins to attack another advisory class. All proceeds will be donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Monday, March 17
No Reading introduce research project

Homework: None

Tuesday, March 18
Introduce the author: John Christopher
Read pages 1-10

Homework: Chapter 1 vocabulary and comprehension questions 1-5

Wednesday, March 19
Read pages 11-19

Homework: comprehension questions 6-15

Thursday, March 20
Read pages 20-30
Chapter 2 vocabulary

Homework: Have a FANTASTIC Spring Break! Have Fun and Relax!

Friday, March 21
No School!!!

Homework: Have a FANTASTIC Spring Break!

3/17 Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Week of March 17, 2008

Important Information:
• Second trimester report cards go home on Thursday, March 20. Remember our team does not accept late work during the 3rd trimester.
• We are beginning a Research Project this week. Students will receive a parent letter with all project requirements and due dates on Monday, March 17. This letter must be signed and returned to me by Wednesday, March 19.
• Our next reading log is due on Thursday, April 17.
• Penny Wars began on Monday, March 10 and end on Thursday, March 20. Bring in pennies and paper currency for your advisory and silver coins to attack another advisory class. All proceeds will be donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Monday, March 17
Socratic Seminar
Finish timeline presentations
Review Research Project Requirements and Due Dates
Pass out and review Research Basic Guides

Homework: Get Research Letter Signed- due Wednesday. Begin collecting research supplies; two-pocket folder, quart size plastic bag, and at least 40 lined note cards- due Thursday.

Tuesday, March 18
First Floor Technology Lab: Select a Research Topic
Language Network: Key Point Notes from Pages 418-431

Homework: Get Research Letter Signed- due tomorrow. Continue collecting research supplies; two- pocket folder, quart size plastic bag, and at least 40 lined note cards. Top 5 research topics are also due on Thursday.

Wednesday, March 19
Turn in Signed Research Letter
8th period will be on the Media Center computers to begin research

Homework: You must have a two-pocket folder, quart size plastic bag, and at least 40 lined note cards by tomorrow. You must also have your top five research topics selected by tomorrow.

Thursday, March 20
Top FIVE Topics due (research topics will be assigned when we return from spring break)
Two-pocket folder, Ziploc bag, and Note cards are due
Research Project Q & A
Review Language Network Key Point Notes from Pages 418-431

Homework: Have a FANTASTIC Spring Break! Have Fun and Relax!

Friday, March 21
No School!!!

Homework: Have a FANTASTIC Spring Break!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

3/17 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of March 17, 2008

Important Information
• There will be a quiz on Thursday March 20 on Atmospheric Pressure, winds and the Heating of the Earth’s surface. I will hold a lunchtime study session on Wednesday March 19th.
• Remember starting the 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!

Monday, March 17
Guest Speaker

Homework: None

Tuesday, March 18
Review labs Heating of the Earth’s Surface and The Greenhouse Effect
Begin Notes on Heating of the Earth’s Surface

Homework: Study for Quiz

Wednesday, March 19
Review Previous Assignment (Directed Reading pages 10-19)

Homework: Study for Quiz

Thursday, March 20
Quiz Today

Homework: None

Friday, March 21
No School

Homework: Have a Wonderful Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

3/10 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 10, 2008

Important Information:
• We are approaching the end of the second trimester. Students with missing work in any of their core classes who wish to turn it in for late credit must have it turned in no later than Wednesday, March 12 to receive partial credit. Report cards go home on Thursday, March 20. Remember starting 3rd trimester Team 6-3 no longer accepts any late work.
• We are finishing our Author Study Unit this week. Completed timelines are due on Monday, March 10. Students must have their 2nd plotline summary graphic organizer and their typed summary essay completed by Wednesday March 12. Differentiation essays are also due on Wednesday, March 12. Students will be presenting their timelines to the class 3/12 to 3/14.
• Our next reading log is due on Tuesday, March 11.
• Penny Wars begin on Monday, March 10 and end on Thursday, March 20. Bring in pennies and paper currency for your advisory and silver coins to attack another advisory class. All proceeds will be donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Monday, March 10
AS Timeline due
Spelling Pre-Test: Lesson 13
Discuss Spelling Rule
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Work on Author Study projects and finish novels. Complete reading log including parent signatures. Remember you can include your AS novels with out completing a response question.

Tuesday, March 11
Spelling Page 59 Part A
Sign Up for Timeline Presentation Order
Hidden Meaning Puzzles

Homework: Finish 2nd plotline summary graphic organizer and their written summary- remember the summary must be typed (due tomorrow)

Wednesday, March 12
Begin Presenting Timelines
Begin Reading and Marking Socratic Seminar Article

Homework: None

Thursday, March 13
Spelling Master 13A
Study for Spelling Test
Socratic Seminar Activity Sheet

Homework: Finish Socratic Seminar Activity Sheet. To participate in the Socratic Seminar tomorrow you must have your article fully marked and your activity sheet complete with you in class. Study for Spelling Test Lesson 13.

Friday, March 14
Spelling Test: Lesson 13
Finish Timeline Presentations
Socratic Seminar: Who’s Watching Your TV?

Homework: Have a FANTASTIC weekend!

3/10 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of March 10, 2008

Important Information
• All late work for all core classes is due on Wednesday, March 12. This will be the last opportunity you have to turn in assignments for the 2nd trimester.
• There will be a quiz on Wednesday March 12 on Earth’s Atmosphere. I will hold a lunchtime study session on Tuesday March 11th
• Remember starting the 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!

Monday, March 10
Into to Lab: Heating the Earth’s Surface

Homework: Read pages 10-13

Tuesday, March 11
Lab: Heating the Earth’s Surface

Homework: Finish lab, if necessary and Study for quiz

Wednesday, March 12
Atmosphere Quiz

Homework: None

Thursday, March 13
Demonstration: The Greenhouse Effect

Homework: Finish demonstration sheet, if necessary

Friday, March 14
Directed Reading pages 10-13 and the section review

Homework: Finish Lab