Tuesday, March 11, 2008

3/10 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of March 10, 2008

Important Information
• All late work for all core classes is due on Wednesday, March 12. This will be the last opportunity you have to turn in assignments for the 2nd trimester.
• There will be a quiz on Wednesday March 12 on Earth’s Atmosphere. I will hold a lunchtime study session on Tuesday March 11th
• Remember starting the 3rd trimester Team 6-3 will no longer be accepting any late work. It is your responsibility to turn in ALL assignments on time!

Monday, March 10
Into to Lab: Heating the Earth’s Surface

Homework: Read pages 10-13

Tuesday, March 11
Lab: Heating the Earth’s Surface

Homework: Finish lab, if necessary and Study for quiz

Wednesday, March 12
Atmosphere Quiz

Homework: None

Thursday, March 13
Demonstration: The Greenhouse Effect

Homework: Finish demonstration sheet, if necessary

Friday, March 14
Directed Reading pages 10-13 and the section review

Homework: Finish Lab

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