Monday, March 31, 2008

3/31 Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Week of March 31, 2008

Important Information:
• Second trimester report cards went home on Thursday, March 20; please be sure to return the signed envelope to me. Remember our team does not accept late work during the 3rd trimester.
• Students will all be assigned their research topic today from their top five choices. For the next two weeks we will spend time in the media center using the computers and reference books to gather our research. We will also focus on the necessary skills to research and write and research report.
• Our next reading log is due on Thursday, April 17.
• The sixth grade end of the field trip permission slip and money is due on Friday, April 18. Please get those into me as soon as possible! If you need a scholarship please see me before the due date.

Monday, March 31
Assign Research Topics
Review Research Rubrics and Requirements
What/How do I research?
Preliminary Research

Homework: Begin Preliminary Research

Tuesday, April 1
1st Floor Computers: Research
Introduction to Source Cards

Homework: Continue gathering Preliminary Research- handout must be completed by Thursday.

Wednesday, April 2 (Double Period of Language Arts)
Introduction to Source Cards and Media Center Reference Tools
How to Paraphrase on Notecards
Make Sample Notecards (Heart Disease)
Review Source Cards Further

Homework: Finish gathering Preliminary Research- handout must be completed by tomorrow.

Thursday, April 3
Media Center Computers: Research

Homework: Continue research at home

Friday, April 4
1st Floor Computers: Research

Homework: Continue working on research. Be sure you are paraphrasing all information you collect and have a source card for each and every source you use. You must have all your source cards (minimum of three) ready to turn in on Monday, April 7. Enjoy your weekend!

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