Friday, December 12, 2008

12/15/08 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of December 15, 2008
Blog: – email:

Important Information:
o Students began a Heracles time line project last Friday. It is an in-school assignment and should be completed by Tuesday, December 16.
o The differentiation group received a Hero writing assignment last week. The typed final draft is due Tuesday, December 16.
o Our students will also be a part of a play. They received the play and their parts last Thursday. Lines should be memorized and we will perform our play on Wednesday in the auditorium during 8th and 9th period.
o Last week students not in the differentiation group began a Greek Myth Project. They were given a Tic-Tac-Toe Board and told to select one of the nine project choices. It is due on Thursday, December 18. Remember this is a FINAL project so it must be of the highest quality!
o Our next Reading Log will be due on Thursday, January 8
o If you have not returned the signed report card envelope, please do so a.s.a.p.
o Please let your child’s Reading teacher know if your child will be absent this week. It really helps our reporting of the attendance. Be sure to encourage your child to turn in projects prior to their absence if they will not be at school when it is collected.

Monday, December 15
Finish In-Class Heracles Timeline Project
Play Rehearsal
Greek Project Work Time
Homework: Memorize and practice play lines and/or bring in requested props.
Differentiation Group – Hero Writing Assignment is due on Tuesday.
Non Differentiation Group: Continue to work on Greek project-due Thursday

Tuesday, December 16
Differentiation Group: Hero Project Due Today
Participate in Team 6-3 Olympics
Play Rehearsal, time permitting
Homework: Memorize and practice play lines and/or bring in requested props.
Work on Greek Myth Project – due Thursday, December 18.

Wednesday, December 17
Present Plays in Auditorium
Homework: Finish Greek Myth Project – due Thursday

Thursday, December 18
Tic-Tac-Toe, Greek Project is due today.
Begin Watching Hercules Movie
Homework: Students may bring a store brought, healthy snack to share on Friday.

Friday, December 19 (Report Cards TODAY)
Continue Watching Hercules Movie
Homework: Have a SUPER winter holiday. Be sure to relax and enjoy your holiday.

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