Friday, December 12, 2008

12/15/08 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of December 15, 2008

Important Information:
Bring your Forces, Motion, and Energy Textbook Tuesday Dec. 16 to turn in. You must turn this in to get your textbook for the Weather unit.

Monday, December 15
Bill Nye: Momentum

Homework: None

Tuesday, December 16
Turn in Physics textbooks
Brainstorm: What is El Niño
Short Film: Chasing El Niño

Homework: None

Wednesday, December 17
Finish Chasing El Niño, if necessary
Estimating how much water is on Earth

Homework: finish How Much Water? If necessary

Thursday, December 18
Activity: How Much Fresh Water?

Homework: Finish How Much Fresh Water, if necessary

Friday, December 19
Weather Gone Wild!

Homework: Winter Break, Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! I hope it is wonderful and restful for you and your loved ones! Come back ready to work.

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