Tuesday, April 21, 2009

4/20/09 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of April 20, 2009
email: jmorrell@op97.org

Important Information
• Remember we are no longer accepting late work for the 3rd trimester
• Bring your crayons, marker, or colored pencils with you to science class this week
• There will be a Quiz on body organization and the Skeletal System on Tuesday, April 28.
• Lunchtime Review session will be held during lunch on Monday, April 27

Monday, April 20
Review Balance Lab
Talk about 321 activity from Friday
Skeletal System Vocabulary

Homework: None

Tuesday, April 21
Skeleton Notes
The Framework: The Skeleton System

Homework: Do You Know Your Bones? Worksheet

Wednesday, April 22
Your Bones and Muscles
Skeleton System Worksheet
What’s the Connection?

Homework: Finish What’s the Connection, if necessary.

Thursday, April 23
Make the Skeleton Activity

Homework: Study for Quiz on Tuesday

Friday, April 24
No School, Institute Day

Homework: Enjoy your weekend

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