Thursday, January 28, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 2/1/10

Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 1, 2010
Important Information:
• Students received information regarding the Research Paper we are beginning to write. The signed parent letter and topic choices are due on Wednesday 2/3. Be sure to follow all the due dates given!
• Students working in the Red Fern Read Ahead Group must continue writing their comparison essay. The essay is due on Friday, February 5.
• Students will take a Red Fern Vocabulary Test (chapters 12-20) on Monday February 1.
• The final Red Fern Comprehension Test will be on Tuesday, February 2.
• Spring Conferences are on Thursday, February 4. Scheduled conference times went home the beginning of last week. Please email me if you need to change your time.
• Our school started Penny Wars two weeks ago to raise money for the Haiti Relief Fund. Bring in your pennies and paper currency for your advisory and silver coins to bomb☺ The Penny Wars end in one week on Monday, Feb 8.
• The 5th Reading Log is due on Friday, February 12. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, February 1
Introduce Research topics and due dates
Where the Red Fern Grows Vocabulary TEST Chapters 12-20
Continue Working on Persuasive Packet
Study for the Red Fern Comprehension Test (Whole Novel)

Homework: Study for Red Fern Comprehension Test! Best way to study is to review the questions within your Red Fern packet!

Tuesday, February 2
Red Fern Comprehension Test
Begin Watching: Where the Red Fern Grows

Homework: Signed Parent Letter and Top 5 Research Topics are due TOMORROW! Remember- you must rank your five choices using numbers 1 to 5!

Wednesday, February 3
Collect Signed Research Letter and Topic Choices
Finish Red Fern Movie
How to Make a Source Card and Note Card
Work on Persuasive Packet

Homework: Persuasive Packet ______________________________. Bring in your research folder, index cards, and bag. These need to be in class with you on FRIDAY! Make sure your parents know when your conference is!

Thursday, February 4 (Conferences are TODAY!!!) HALF DAY!
No Reading/LA Today

Homework: Bring in your research folder, index cards, and bag. These need to be in class with you TOMORROW! Wear you PJs to school tomorrow☺ Arrive 15 minutes before you conference today!!!

Friday, February 5: HALF DAY and PAJAMA DAY!!!
Check in Research Folder, Index Cards, and Bag
Topics are Assigned and Research Begins!!!!

Homework: Have a SUPER WEEKEND! Work on Research Note Cards and Source Cards! Remember- Penny Wars end on MONDAY☺

Science Syllabus 2/1/10

Science Syllabus
Week of February 1, 2010

I am requesting that all students have composition books instead of spirals for the Organisms unit in science class. While observing other science classes the composition books seemed to hold up a lot better.

• Good News Parents! For those students who do not want to take their textbooks home each time they have homework there is a downloadable PDF version of the textbook now available online. This is for a limited time until STC completes the fully interactive online textbook. It’s easy, just log onto
Password: Catastrophic and download the PDF or just click on the link on my blog!
• If anyone has an old electric kettle for boiling water that they do not use anymore or is just taking up space, we would love if it could be donated to the science class. It will not be used to drink from so even if it dirty or rusty we can use it! It is worth 5 points of extra credit.
• We will be researching catastrophic weather events starting the beginning of February in our language arts classes. If anyone has any weather related text, books, articles, or magazines and this information can be properly sited please allow us to use it for a month or so and your student will receive 2 points of extra credit in science. Also look for the parent volunteer sheets that will be coming soon and you can come in and help our student’s research and create a presentation.

Monday, February 1
Check in Student Sheets 15.1 and 15.3. Make sure they are completed!
Refection Questions from 15.1 and 15.3
Introduce lesson 16
Discuss movie

Homework: None

Tuesday, February 2
Explore: Lesson 16

Homework: Finish Student Sheet 16.1a and reflection questions 1,2,and 3 on page 193

Wednesday, February 3
Earthquakes Review Student Sheet 16.1b

Homework: Finish Student sheet 16.1b, if necessary

Thursday: February 5
Review Student Sheet 16.1b Hurricane review

Homework: None

Friday, February 6
PJ day!
No Science today.

Homework: Have a great weekend!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 1/25/10

Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 25, 2010
Important Information:
• Friday 1/22 marked the mid-term in Trimester 2! Please be sure to log onto the online gradebook and view your child’s grade.
• Students working in the Red Fern Read Ahead Group must continue reading Call of the Wild and then begin writing their essay. The essay is due on Friday, February 5.
• Verb Differentiation: Keep up with your verb due dates and expectations.
• Students will take a Chapter 4 VERBS test on Thursday, January 28.
• Students will take a Red Fern Vocabulary Test (chapters 12-20) on Monday February 1.
• The final Red Fern Comprehension Test will be on Tuesday, February 2.
• Spring Conferences are on Thursday, February 4. Scheduled conference confirmation are going home Tuesday Jan 26.
• Our school started Penny Wars last week to raise money for the Haiti Relief Fund. Bring in your pennies and paper currency for your advisory and silver coins to bomb☺
• The 5th Reading Log is due on Tuesday, February 12. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, January 25
NO SCHOOL: Teacher Institute Day

Homework: None

Tuesday, January 26
Read Chapter 17
Comprehension Questions Chapters 16/17
Vocabulary Chapters 19/20
Vocabra Word Story: Topic = Pranks

Homework: Read Red Fern Chapter 18. Finish Vocabra Word Story.

Wednesday, January 27
Read Chapter 19
VERB Jeopardy

Homework: Study for Verb Test- you can bring home a Language Network Book to study with if you would like!

Thursday, January 28 (Stuffing DAY!!!)
Read Chapter 20
Cloze Vocabulary (End of Packet)
Spelling Race
Introduce Research Assignment and Parent Letter
Introduce Persuasive Writing Packet

Homework: Study for Vocabra Tests

Friday, January 29
List #9 Vocabra Tests
Pleasure book reading time
Reading up on possible research topics

Science Syllabus 1/25/10

Science Syllabus
Week of January 25, 2010
Make sure your spiral is still in good condition and is organized; you may need a new on when we start the next unit in February!

• Good News Parents! For those students who do not want to take their textbooks home each time they have homework there is a downloadable PDF version of the textbook now available online. This is for a limited time until STC completes the fully interactive online textbook. It’s easy, just log onto
Password: Catastrophic and download the PDF or just click on the link on my blog!
• If anyone has an old electric kettle for boiling water that they do not use anymore or is just taking up space, we would love if it could be donated to the science class. It will not be used to drink from so even if it dirty or rusty we can use it! It is worth 5 points of extra credit.
• We will be researching catastrophic weather events starting the beginning of February in our language arts classes. If anyone has any weather related text, books, articles, or magazines and this information can be properly sited please allow us to use it for a month or so and your student will receive 2 points of extra credit in science. Also look for the parent volunteer sheets that will be coming soon and you can come in and help our student’s research and create a presentation.

Monday, January 25
No School! Teacher Institute!

Homework: None

Tuesday, January 26
Student Sheet 15.1
Review Reflection Questions from lesson 15

Homework: Finish 15.1 if necessary

Wednesday, January 27
Demonstrate Fault models
Read 182-183 and 186-189
Reflection Questions from 15.2 and 15.3

Homework: Finish reflection questions 1 and 2 from lesson 15.3, if necessary

Thursday: January 28
Explore Lesson 16

Homework: Finish Reflection Questions from lesson 16, if necessary

Friday, January 29
16b Earthquakes review

Homework: Reflection Questions for lesson 16, if necessary

Friday, January 15, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 1/18/10

Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 18, 2010
Important Information:
• Students working in the Red Fern Read Ahead Group must be ready to take a comprehension test Tuesday, January 19. The students need to be done with the comprehension questions with in the packet as well. They are also required to keep up with the vocabulary and take vocab tests.
• All students will take a Chapter 1-11 Vocabulary Test on Tuesday, January 19.
• Verb Differentiation: Keep up with your verb due dates and expectations.
• Students will take a Chapter 4 VERBS test on Thursday, January 28.
• Students will take a Red Fern Vocabulary Test (chapters 12-20) on Monday February 1. The final Red Fern Comprehension Test will be on Tuesday, February 2.
• Spring Conferences are on Thursday, February 4. Please make sure you have sent back your time choices!
• Our school is starting Penny Wars this week to raise money for the Haiti Relief Fund. The “war” starts on Thursday 1/21- bring in your money to donate and bomb☺ We are also collecting blankets (new and used) to donate to those in need.
• The 5th Reading Log is due on Tuesday, February 12. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, January 18
NO SCHOOL: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Homework: None

Tuesday, January 19
Introduce Vocabra List #9
Red Fern: Vocabulary Chapters 1-11 Test
Grammar Lesson 4.7
Chapter 12-13 Vocabulary
Vocabra Word Drawing in Color with Sentence on Back

Homework: Read Red Fern Chapter 12. Finish Vocabra Word Drawing in Color with Sentence on Back.

Wednesday, January 20
Read Chapter 13
Chapter 12-13 Comp Questions
Grammar Lesson 4.8
Vocabra Captions (I am collecting these for a grade)

Homework: Grammar Handout page 95. Pick one of the two chapter 12/13 Red Fern activities.

Thursday, January 21
Chapter 14/15 Vocabulary
Read Chapters 14 and 15
Grammar Lesson 4.9

Homework: Chapter 14/15 Comprehension Questions

Friday, January 22
Grammar 4.9 Differentiation Poster Presentation
Chapter 16/17 Vocabulary
Read Chapter 16
Write SIX Vocabra Sentences

Homework: Have a SUPER DUPER 3-Day WEEKEND!

Science Syllabus 1/18/10

Science Syllabus
Week of January 18, 2010
Make sure your spiral is still in good condition and is organized; you may need a new on when we start the next unit in February!

• Good News Parents! For those students who do not want to take their textbooks home each time they have homework there is a downloadable PDF version of the textbook now available online. This is for a limited time until STC completes the fully interactive online textbook. It’s easy, just log onto
Password: Catastrophic and download the PDF or just click on the link on my blog!
• If anyone has an old electric kettle for boiling water that they do not use anymore or is just taking up space, we would love if it could be donated to the science class. It will not be used to drink from so even if it dirty or rusty we can use it! It is worth 5 points of extra credit.
• We will be researching catastrophic weather events starting the beginning of February in our language arts classes. If anyone has any weather related text, books, articles, or magazines and this information can be properly sited please allow us to use it for a month or so and your student will receive 2 points of extra credit in science. Also look for the parent volunteer sheets that will be coming soon and you can come in and help our students research and create a presentation.

Monday, January 18
No School! Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday!

Homework: None

Tuesday, January 19
Review Exploration 12.2 and 12.3
Check in reflection questions from 12.3
Introduce lesson 13

2nd period check in reflection questions 12.2 and 12.3

Homework: None

Wednesday, January 20
Explore lesson 13.1

Homework: Finish Reflection Questions if necessary

Thursday: January 21
Read pages 167-169
One sentence summary
Introduce lesson 15

Homework: Heading written and procedure read for Explore: 15.1

Friday, January 22
Explore 15.1
Begin reflection questions in class with your group

Homework: Reflection Questions for 15.1 1 A-I and 2, if necessary

Friday, January 8, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 1/11/10

Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 11, 2010

Important Information:
• Remember students- you are responsible for making up late and absent work. The best time to see your teachers and find out what is missing is during lunch.
• Students working in the Read Ahead Group must be done reading the novel and ready to take a comprehension test over the entire novel on Tuesday, January 26. The students need to be done with the comprehension questions with in the packet as well. This will help students study for the test to ensure they get an A on the test which is necessary to complete the Read Ahead Activity. They are also required to keep up with the vocabulary and take vocab tests.
• All students will take a Chapter 1-11 Vocabulary Test on Tuesday, January 19.
• Verb Differentiation: Keep up with your verb due dates and expectations.
• The 4th Reading Log is due on Tuesday, January 12. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, January 11
Read Chapters 6 & 7 and Complete the Comprehension Questions
Grammar Lesson 4.4
Grammar Handout Page 83
Review Red Fern Chapters 1-7 (Quiz Tomorrow)

Homework: Finish Reading Logs and be sure to get PARENT SIGNATURES! Study for the Chapter 1-7 Red Fern Comp Quiz tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 12
Red Fern: Comprehension Quiz Chapters 1-7
Grammar Lesson 4.5 (Review Irregular Verb Chart and Search Magazines)
Media Center Front Tables 9th Period (Check Out/Return Books)

Homework: Spelling Scramble List #8

Wednesday, January 13
Verb Differentiation Irregular Verb Chart Presentation
Chapter 8-9 Vocabulary
Read Chapter 8
Vocabra Spelling Tic Tac Toe

Homework: Read Red Fern Chapter 9 and Complete Chapter 10-11 Vocabulary

Thursday, January 14
Red Fern Comprehension Questions Chapters 8-9
Read Chapter 10
Grammar Lesson 4.6
Review for Vocabra Tests

Homework: Study for Vocabra Spelling and Vocab Tests tomorrow!

Friday, January 15
Vocabra Tests
Read Chapter 11
Chapter 10-11 Comprehension Questions
Select ONE of the Chapter 10-11 Activities to Complete

Homework: Have a SUPER DUPER 3-Day WEEKEND!

Science Syllabus 1/11/10

Science Syllabus
Week of January 11, 2010
Make sure your spiral is still in good condition and is organized; you may need a new on when we start the next unit in February!

• Good News Parents! For those students who do not want to take their textbooks home each time they have homework there is a downloadable PDF version of the textbook now available online. This is for a limited time until STC completes the fully interactive online textbook. It’s easy, just log onto
Password: Catastrophic and download the PDF or just click on the link on my blog!
• If anyone has an old electric kettle for boiling water that they do not use anymore or is just taking up space, we would love if it could be donated to the science class. It will not be used to drink from so even if it dirty or rusty we can use it! It is worth 5 points of extra credit.
• We will be researching catastrophic weather events starting the beginning of February in our language arts classes. If anyone has any weather related text, books, articles, or magazines and this information can be properly sited please allow us to use it for a month or so and your student will receive 2 points of extra credit in science. Also look for the parent volunteer sheets that will be coming soon and you can come in and help our students research and create a presentation.

Monday, January 11
Wrap up and discuss Earthquake houses
Restate lesson 11 objective
Check in work from lesson 11
Introduce lesson 12 Recording Earthquake Waves

Homework: None

Tuesday, January 12
Explore: 12.1 Recording Vibrations

Homework: Reflection Questions all of 1 and 2 on page 141

Wednesday, January 13
Review 12.1 Reflection Questions
Introduce 12.2
Explore: 12.2 Reading a Seismograph

Homework: Reflection Questions all of 1 and 2 on page 145, if necessary

Thursday: January 14
Review lesson 12.2 reflection questions
Introduce 12.3
Explore: 12.3 Locating the epicenter of an Earthquake
Student sheet 12.3

Homework: Reflection Question 2a, b, and c

Friday, January 15
Review 12.3 Reflection Questions and any other Reflection Questions we did not get to through the week.
Review student sheet 12.3
Introduce lesson 13 if time allows

Homework: Enjoy the weekend!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 1/4/10

Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 4, 2010

Important Information:
• Remember students- you are responsible for making up late and absent work. The best time to see your teachers and find out what is missing is during lunch.
• We’ll begin our Where the Red Fern Grows novel study this week. Students may not read ahead of the assigned chapters due to certain prediction activities. I will notify students regarding differentiated activities on Friday, January 8.
• Students will have a quick comprehension quiz over chapters 1-7 on Tuesday, January 12. They will take a Chapter 1-11 Vocabulary Test on Friday, January 15.
• Students will all take a Verb Pre-Assessment on Monday. Those students showing mastery of verbs will work on a variety of different activities over the course of Grammar Chapter 4. They will receive a handout with expectations and due dates.
• The 4th Reading Log is due on Tuesday, January 12. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, January 4
Introduce Vocabra List #8
Begin Where the Red Fern Grows: Introduce Author, Setting, and Packet
Complete Novel Predictions, Chapter 1 Vocabulary, and Figurative Language Handout
Read Chapter 1 and Complete Comp Questions
Chapter 4 Verb Pre-Assessment

Homework: Vocabra Newspaper Captions

Tuesday, January 5
Grammar Lessons 4.1 and 4.2
Red Fern Vocabulary Chapter 2 and 3
Read Chapter 2

Homework: Grammar Handout Pages 75 and 76. I am assigning Red Fern Novels tomorrow. You will not receive your novel unless I have your Greek Myth Book!

Wednesday, January 6
Verb Differentiation Sentence Presentations
Grammar Lesson 4.3
Read Chapter 3
Comprehension Questions Chapter 2 and 3
Chapter 4 and 5 Vocabulary
Vocabra List 8 Word Drawing
Assign Red Fern Books

Homework: Read Red Fern Chapter 4 and Grammar Handout page 80 (all due Friday).

Thursday, January 7
No Reading/LA: Team 6-3 Olympics

Homework: Finish Reading Red Fern Chapter 4 and Grammar Handout page 80 (due tomorrow)

Friday, January 8
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Tropical Vacations
Read Chapter 5
Chapter 4-5 Comprehension Questions
Chapter 6-7 Vocabulary
Introduce Red Fern Differentiation

Science Syllabus 1/04/10

Science Syllabus
Week of January 4, 2010

• Good News Parents! For those students who do not want to take their textbooks home each time they have homework there is a downloadable PDF version of the textbook now available online. This is for a limited time until STC completes the fully interactive online textbook. It’s easy, just log onto
Password: Catastrophic and download the PDF or just click on the link on my blog!

• If anyone has an old electric kettle for boiling water that they do not use anymore or is just taking up space, we would love if it could be donated to the science class. It will not be used to drink from so even if it dirty or rusty we can use it!

Monday, January 4
Happy New Year!!!!
Introduce 11.2 Building an Earthquake Resistant House
Homework: None

Tuesday, January 5
Begin Construction on houses

Homework: Make a rough sketch of your house remember to use all 40 marshmallows and toothpicks.

Wednesday, January 6
Test and Fix you earthquake house
Remember to answer Questions from step 7 with your group

Homework: After building and testing today make a detailed drawing of your house using graph paper

Thursday: January 7
Finish testing and build houses
Finish answering questions from step 7 in textbook

Homework: Answer Questions from step 8 in your Notebooks under the heading Evaluations.

Friday, January 8
Review Notebooks
Finish up any last minute changes to the houses
The Big One

Homework: Enjoy the weekend!