Friday, January 8, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 1/11/10

Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 11, 2010

Important Information:
• Remember students- you are responsible for making up late and absent work. The best time to see your teachers and find out what is missing is during lunch.
• Students working in the Read Ahead Group must be done reading the novel and ready to take a comprehension test over the entire novel on Tuesday, January 26. The students need to be done with the comprehension questions with in the packet as well. This will help students study for the test to ensure they get an A on the test which is necessary to complete the Read Ahead Activity. They are also required to keep up with the vocabulary and take vocab tests.
• All students will take a Chapter 1-11 Vocabulary Test on Tuesday, January 19.
• Verb Differentiation: Keep up with your verb due dates and expectations.
• The 4th Reading Log is due on Tuesday, January 12. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, January 11
Read Chapters 6 & 7 and Complete the Comprehension Questions
Grammar Lesson 4.4
Grammar Handout Page 83
Review Red Fern Chapters 1-7 (Quiz Tomorrow)

Homework: Finish Reading Logs and be sure to get PARENT SIGNATURES! Study for the Chapter 1-7 Red Fern Comp Quiz tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 12
Red Fern: Comprehension Quiz Chapters 1-7
Grammar Lesson 4.5 (Review Irregular Verb Chart and Search Magazines)
Media Center Front Tables 9th Period (Check Out/Return Books)

Homework: Spelling Scramble List #8

Wednesday, January 13
Verb Differentiation Irregular Verb Chart Presentation
Chapter 8-9 Vocabulary
Read Chapter 8
Vocabra Spelling Tic Tac Toe

Homework: Read Red Fern Chapter 9 and Complete Chapter 10-11 Vocabulary

Thursday, January 14
Red Fern Comprehension Questions Chapters 8-9
Read Chapter 10
Grammar Lesson 4.6
Review for Vocabra Tests

Homework: Study for Vocabra Spelling and Vocab Tests tomorrow!

Friday, January 15
Vocabra Tests
Read Chapter 11
Chapter 10-11 Comprehension Questions
Select ONE of the Chapter 10-11 Activities to Complete

Homework: Have a SUPER DUPER 3-Day WEEKEND!

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