Thursday, January 28, 2010

Science Syllabus 2/1/10

Science Syllabus
Week of February 1, 2010

I am requesting that all students have composition books instead of spirals for the Organisms unit in science class. While observing other science classes the composition books seemed to hold up a lot better.

• Good News Parents! For those students who do not want to take their textbooks home each time they have homework there is a downloadable PDF version of the textbook now available online. This is for a limited time until STC completes the fully interactive online textbook. It’s easy, just log onto
Password: Catastrophic and download the PDF or just click on the link on my blog!
• If anyone has an old electric kettle for boiling water that they do not use anymore or is just taking up space, we would love if it could be donated to the science class. It will not be used to drink from so even if it dirty or rusty we can use it! It is worth 5 points of extra credit.
• We will be researching catastrophic weather events starting the beginning of February in our language arts classes. If anyone has any weather related text, books, articles, or magazines and this information can be properly sited please allow us to use it for a month or so and your student will receive 2 points of extra credit in science. Also look for the parent volunteer sheets that will be coming soon and you can come in and help our student’s research and create a presentation.

Monday, February 1
Check in Student Sheets 15.1 and 15.3. Make sure they are completed!
Refection Questions from 15.1 and 15.3
Introduce lesson 16
Discuss movie

Homework: None

Tuesday, February 2
Explore: Lesson 16

Homework: Finish Student Sheet 16.1a and reflection questions 1,2,and 3 on page 193

Wednesday, February 3
Earthquakes Review Student Sheet 16.1b

Homework: Finish Student sheet 16.1b, if necessary

Thursday: February 5
Review Student Sheet 16.1b Hurricane review

Homework: None

Friday, February 6
PJ day!
No Science today.

Homework: Have a great weekend!

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