Friday, February 5, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 2/8/10

Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 8, 2010
Important Information:
• Students will spend the entire week doing research on their catastrophic event. Although they will have class time students will need to do research at home too.
• Upcoming research due dates:
o Wednesday 2/10: Students need to have at least 15 note cards done.
o Friday 2/11: Collect students final note cards (minimum of 25)
• The 5th Reading Log is due on Friday, February 12. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, February 8
2nd Period: Front Tables
3rd Period: Computers

Homework: Work on researching your topic.

Tuesday, February 9
2nd Period: Back Tables
3rd Period: Back Tables

Homework: Work on researching your topic. Remember- you must have at least 15 note cards done by tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 10
2nd Period: Computers
3rd Period: Front Tables—note card check!

Homework: Author’s Purpose Packet. Work on researching your topic.

Thursday, February 11
2nd Period: Back Tables
3rd Period: Back Tables

Homework: Keep working on research, note cards, and source cards. Your final note cards will be collected at the end of the class tomorrow. Reading Log #5 is due tomorrow!

Friday, February 12
Collect Reading Logs
2nd Period: back Tables
3rd Period: Back Tables- Collect Final Note Cards

Homework: Have a SUPER Three-Day WEEKEND ☺

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