Friday, February 12, 2010

Science Syllabus 2/15/10

Science Syllabus
Week of February 15, 2010

• For those students who do not want to take their textbooks home each time they have homework there is a downloadable PDF version of the textbook now available online. It’s easy, just log onto Password: Catastrophic
• Link to the Organisms from Macro to Micro Textbook: Password: Organisms
Download the PDF or just click on the link on my blog!
• If anyone has an old electric kettle for boiling water that they do not use anymore or is just taking up space, we would love if it could be donated to the science class. It will not be used to drink from so even if it dirty or rusty we can use it! It is worth 5 points of extra credit.

Monday, February 15
No School!!

Homework: None

Tuesday, February 16
What is an Organism?

Homework: None

Wednesday, February 17
Read pages 6-11
What is an Organism? Continued

Homework: Finish Graphic organizer, if necessary

Thursday: February 18
Read pages 22-27
Practice with Microscopes

Homework: None

Friday, February 19
Drawing what you see! Microscope activity

Homework: Have a great weekend!

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