Monday, September 27, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus 9/27/2010

Mr. Morrell
Reading/LA Syllabus
Week of September 27, 2010
Important Information:
• Students’2nd essay drafts will be returned on Wednesday, 9/29. The 3rd and FINAL draft of the essay will be due on Friday, 10/1.
• Don’t forget that our first Reading Log is due on Thursday, 9/30. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read. Seedfolks can be included on the reading log and they do not have to complete a log for it
• Students will create and plot-line summary from a story they read on Wednesday, 9/29.
• Portfolio conferences are Oct. 21st. Please return the conference forms a.s.a.p.
• There will be a grammar test on Ch. 9 on Tuesday, October 5th.
• Students, who did not purchase pictures on Picture Day, may still be able to purchase them online. Go to and use Julian’s picture day ID: RN600479YO

Monday, September 27
Introduce Vocabra List # 3
Literature Book: Comparing Fiction and Nonfiction
Read “Why Monkeys Live in Trees” Story, pp. 74-77 & Complete Critical Thinking Questions
Writing Packet

Homework: Finish Critical Thinking Questions

Tuesday, September 28-
Lit Book: Review Plot Line Summary and Homework
Begin Reading “The Case of the Monkeys That Fell From the Trees” pp. 78-84
Media Center Back Tables 9th Period

Homework: Review for Plot Diagram Assessment – it is strongly recommended that you create a plot line of “Why Monkeys Live in Trees” story pp. 74-77
Complete (Lit Book) Vocabulary handout pp. 108-109

Wednesday, September 29 – 2nd Narrative Drafts Returned Today
Plot-line summary assessment
Grammar Lesson 9.7 (pp. 178-179)
Review previous Grammar Sheets

Homework: Vocabra- Choose 6 words and write 3 or more sentences relating words to
short stories read in class. You must underline the words.
Reading Logs due Thursday. You MUST have parent signatures in order for
your log to be accepted.

Thursday: September 30 – Collect Reading Logs today
Lit Book: Finish Reading “The Case of the Monkeys That Fell From the Trees” pp. 78-84
Grammar Lesson 9.8 (pg 181)

Homework: Finish Final Narrative Essays Drafts - due Friday

Friday, October 1- Collect Final Narrative Essays Drafts today
Compare and Contrast Fiction and Nonfiction Stories (read this wk)–handout pp.116-117
Vocabra: Select 2 New Words. Draw The Meaning Of The Words While Using The Word Itself

Homework: You may wish to study for next Tuesday’s grammar test. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

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