Monday, September 27, 2010

Science Syllabus 9/27/2010

Mr. Morrell’s
Science Syllabus
Week of September 27, 2010
Team 6-3

Important Information:
• A Quick Quiz will be given on Tuesday this week to reinforce concepts gone over in class and help prepare students for what future larger tests will look like

Monday, September 27
Review Graphing
Review lesson 3 Reflection Questions
Student Sheet 3.1b
Intro to Lesson 4

Homework: Complete Student Sheet 3.1b, if necessary

Tuesday, September 28
Quick Quiz on lessons 1-3
Introduce lesson 4

Homework: None

Wednesday, September 29
Explore 4.1

Homework: Reflection Questions 1a and 1b on pg 45 and Read pages 50-53

Thursda: ,September 30
Explore 4.2

Homework: Reflection 1b and 1c only on page 48 and Read “Air Masses” on page 49

Friday, October 1
Review lesson 4 and Introduce Lesson 5

Homework: Enjoy the Weekend!!!!

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