Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of January 24, 2011

Email: jmorrell@op97.org

Website: http://op97-morrell.blogspot.com/


Important Information:

  • Conferences are on Thursday, February 3. Conference Schedules went home two weeks ago and is posted on my blog. Remember you need to arrive 15 minutes early. Please email me if you need to change your scheduled time!
  • We are beginning Research TODAY! Please be sure to follow along with the due dates given! Just as a reminder: @ least 15 Note Cards must be completed by Thursday 1/27 and the Final Note Cards/Source Cards are due on Monday 1/31. A BIG thank you to all the parents that volunteered to help out with this major project.
  • Our fifth Reading Log is due on Friday, February 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
  • Dodgeball permission slips and money are due on Friday, January 28.


Monday, January 24

No School: Institute Day


Homework: Enjoy the day off!


Tuesday, January 25

Review Source Cards and Note Cards for Research

Media Center Front Tables ( C.O.W.s)


Homework: Read The Cay Chapters 18-19 and complete the comprehension questions (pages 13-14). Study your Vocabra words. Work on research.


Wednesday, January 26

The Cay Reflection of Novel

Media Center Back Tables (Book Research)


Homework: Work on your Book in A… Project. You need to have at least 15 note cards done by tomorrow. I will be doing outline conferences during 8th/9th period so you need to have the 15 completed by the end of 9th period.


Thursday, January 27 (Stuffing Day)

Vocabra Word Drawing

Note Card CHECK (@ least 15)

Media Center Computers


Homework: Work on research project Note Cards and Source Cards. Study Vocabra Words for the tests TOMORROW!

Friday, January 28

Media Center Front Tables (C.O.W.s)

Vocabra List 9 TESTS

Work on Book in A


Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!! Work on your research! Your final Note Cards and Source Cards are due at the end of 9th period on Monday!

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of January 24, 2010



Team 6-3



Important Information:

  • I have started the New Amazing Example Notebook of Science please use it as a reference,

    from lesson 10 and beyond!

  • Remember you can correct mistakes on your notebooks for points a lot of students did not take advantage of this first trimester!
  • STC Catastrophic Events books will be collected on Wednesday February 2nd. If the book is lost or damaged beyond normal wear and tear the cost to replace the book is $30.00
  • We will be starting a new unit in science on February 7th. Students will need to have their Catastrophic Events Textbooks turned in and have an unused quad-grid composition book.


Monday, January 24

No School!!!!

Institute Day


Homework: None


Tuesday, January 25

Wrap up Drawing and Abstract work

Assess Towers

Collect Data for Graphs


Homework: Abstract and Drawings Due tomorrow!


Wednesday, January 26

Graphing Data EQ tower Data to be Graphed

Go over Graphing Continuum


Homework: Work on Graphs, Don't forget to work on fixing your notebooks for more points!!!


Thursday , January 27

Wrap up work on Graphs

Volcano Reading form STC


Homework: packet, abstract, and final drawing due Wednesday 1/26


Friday, January 28

Bill Nye the Science Guy


Homework: Have a wonderful weekend



Friday, January 21, 2011



February 3, 2011



Below are the times designated for fall conferences on Thursday, February 3. Remember to show up 15 min. prior to your scheduled time to review your student's portfolio.

            Afternoon                        Evening

Thursday afternoon

February 3, 2011


Thursday Evening February 3, 2011




12:35 – 12:50 p.m.

Anna Long


5:45 – 6:00 p.m.

Jimmy Kumpin


12:50 – 1:05 p.m.

Jeremiah Kennedy


6:00 – 6:15 p.m.

Nathan Thompson


1:05 – 1:20 p.m.

Maja Hampton


6:15 – 6:30 p.m.

Ryan Murray


1:25 – 1:40 p.m.

Mia Petrosino


6:30 – 6:45 p.m.

Alejandra Serratos


1:40 – 1:55 p.m.

David Trisko


6:45 – 7:00 p.m.

Levi Neiburger


1:55 – 2:10 p.m.

Mia Williams


7:00 – 7:15 p.m.

Leah Brumfeild


2:10 – 2:25 p.m.



7:15 – 7:30 p.m.

Henry Johnson


2:25 – 2:40 p.m.



7:30 – 7:45 p.m.

Charles Hawkins


2:40 – 2:55 p.m.



7:45 – 8:00 p.m.

Keith White


2:55 – 3:10 p.m.



(8:00 – 8:15 p.m.)

Maya Gary


3:10 – 3:25 p.m.

Shayna Deluc


(8:15 – 8:30 p.m.)

Navya Mohlajee


3:25 – 3:40 p.m.

William Hoffenkamp




3:40 – 3:55 p.m.


3/1 12:35-12:50pm

Sam Thornton


3:55 – 4:10 p.m.


3/2 12:50-1:05pm

Katherine Bromley


4:10 – 4:25 p.m.

Jack Runyan

3/2 5:30-5:45pm

Irwin Loud


4:25 – 4:40 p.m.

Nathanael Bhooshi

3/2 8:15-8:30am

Grace Halverson


4:40 – 4:55 p.m.



4:55 – 5:10 p.m.

Chardonnay Leark



5:10-5:45 p.m.

Teacher Dinner



Thursday, January 20, 2011

Template for Earthquake Tower Abstract

Design Problem

In this section write a couple of sentences describing what you are trying to do with your prototype, what problem are you attempting to solve.

Criteria for Measuring Success

In this section write a few sentences about how you are determining success of this prototype. For example we outlined how we are going to compare one tower to the next, which can also be how we measure success.

Prototype Design

Here you want to reference your drawing (see drawing: Title) and give a quick description of your procedure used to build your tower. What concepts did you use when building your tower and why you chose them. (Example: I chose to use cross bracing and triangles to build my tower because…) This does not need to be exhaustive, just share a couple of ideas.

Prototype Procedure (I built a prototype)

In this section you will write about the steps you took and how it all came together. (I began by mixing sand and glue for the base…) This should include all major steps in building the tower a little on why you chose to take those steps.

Prototype testing

During your teams multiple tests what did you observe. What was working and what was not working. Did you choose to reinforce things and why you chose to make those changes.

Analyzing Data and Evaluating the Results

Report your data here according to our "Structurability" formula. How did your tower fare during the earthquake. Give you time survived for both trials etc.

Identifying Improvements or New Design Based on Results:

Basically this is if you were to do this again how would you approach this problem based on knowledge gained from the earthquake tower technological design lab.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of January 17, 2011

Email: jmorrell@op97.org

Website: http://op97-morrell.blogspot.com/


Important Information:

  • Conferences are on Thursday, February 3. Conference Schedules went home last week and is posted on my blog. Remember you need to arrive 15 minutes early. Please email me if you need to change your scheduled time!
  • We are beginning our major Research project this week! Information with project requirements and due dates is being sent home Tuesday!
  • Our fifth Reading Log is due on Friday, February 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
  • Students will have a Chapter 4 Verb Test on Friday, January 21.
  • Dodgeball permission slips and money are due on Friday, January 28.


Monday, January 17

No School: MLK Day


Homework: Enjoy the day off!


Tuesday, January 18 (Schedule Flipped Periods 1, 8, 9, 2, 3)

Introduce Vocabra List #9

Introduce Research Letter

Verbs Lesson 4.8 PP pg 19-20

Assign The Cay Book in A… Groups


Homework: Get your Research Parent Letter Signed- due tomorrow! Also you need to rank your TOP FIVE topic choices. One member from your Book in A.. Group needs to bring in a container.


Wednesday, January 19

Turn in Signed Parent Letter and Top 5 Topics

Verb Lesson 4.9 (PP pg 21)

Read The Cay Chapters 14-15

Complete The Cay 14/15 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 12)

The Cay Chapter 16-19 Guided Vocab Notes (Cay PP Page 6)

Work on Book in A… Project


Homework: Work on your Book in A… Project


Thursday, January 20

Read The Cay Chapters 16-17

Complete The Cay 16-17 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 13)

Review for Chapter 4 Verb Test


Homework: Study for Verb Test. Tomorrow Research Folder, Note Cards, and Ziploc bag are due.

Friday, January 21

Due TODAY: Research Folder, Note Cards, and Ziploc bag

Assign Research Topics TODAY

Chapter 4 Verb TEST

8th Period Presentation: Website Reliability and Advanced Internet Searches


Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!!

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of January 17, 2010



Team 6-3



Important Information:

  • I have started the New Amazing Example Notebook of Science please use it as a reference,

    from lesson 10 and beyond!

  • Remember you can correct mistakes on your notebooks for points a lot of students did not take advantage of this first trimester!
  • We will be putting our buildings to the test on Wednesday January 19th and finish up on Thursday January 20th if necessary. Let me know if you would like to stop by and check out the event!


Monday, January 17

No School!!!!

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


Homework: None


Tuesday, January 18

Intro to final earthquake tower writing abstract

Intro to final earthquake tower drawing


Homework: Work on your eq tower writing and drawing


Wednesday, January 19

Begin Earthquake tower destruction dun, dun ,dun


Homework: finish reflection portion of the packet and continue working on the drawing and abstract due Friday


Thursday , January 20

We will be continuing Earthquake Building construction if necessary

Work on drawing and writing abstract


Homework: packet, abstract, and final drawing due Wednesday 1/26


Friday, January 21

Bill Nye the Science Guy


Homework: Have a wonderful weekend



Friday, January 7, 2011

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of January 10, 2010



Team 6-3



Important Information:

  • I have started the New Amazing Example Notebook of Science please use it as a reference,

    from lesson 10 and beyond!

  • Remember you can correct mistakes on your notebooks for points a lot of students did not take advantage of this first trimester!
  • Don't forget to bring in your empty Kleenex boxes or toilet paper rolls
  • We will be constructing our very own earthquake resistant structure all of this week
  • Due to MAP testing we will be meeting in B204 all of this week!
  • We will be putting our buildings to the test on Wednesday January 19th and finish up on Thursday January 20th if necessary. Let me know if you would like to stop by and check out the event!


Monday, January 10

Earthquake Building construction


Homework: Work on your writing portion


Tuesday, January 11

Earthquake Building Construction


Homework: Work on your writing portion


Wednesday, January 12

No Science Today L


Homework: Work on your writing portion


Thursday , January 13

Schudule Change for today

1st science will meet during 3rd period

2nd period science will meet during 8th period

3rd Period science will meet during 9th period


We will be continuing Earthquake Building construction


Homework: Work on your writing portion


Friday, January 14

Earthquake Building construction


Homework: Work on your writing portion



Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of January 10, 2011

Email: jmorrell@op97.org

Website: http://op97-morrell.blogspot.com/


Important Information:

  • Our fifth Reading Log is due on Friday, February 11. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
  • Students will have a Chapter 4 Verb Test on Friday, January 21.
  • Conference Sign-Up forms went home on Friday 1/7. Please be sure to fill this out and send it back to school as soon as possible. Conferences are on Thursday 2/4.


Monday, January 10

Verb Lessons 4.3 (PP pg 7) and Complete pg 9

Vocabra Sell It (12 Groups)

Read The Cay Chapter 6

Assign The Cay Books


Homework: Turn in conference sign-up sheets! Read The Cay Chapter 7 and answer the Chapter 6-7 Comprehension Question (The Cay PP pg 9-10)


Tuesday, January 11

Verb Lesson 4.4 (PP pg 10)

Vocabra: Word Drawing using the Word Itself

Read The Cay Chapter 8-9

Complete The Cay 8/9 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 10)


Homework: VERB Practice Packet Page 12


Wednesday, January 12

Verb Lesson 4.5 (PP pg 13-14) and Complete pg 15

Read The Cay Chapters 10-11

Complete The Cay 10/11 Comprehension Questions (PP pg 11)

The Cay Chapter 1-3 Comp Questions (Cay PP Pages 7-8)

Vocabra Whiteboard Spelling Race


Homework: Read Chapter 12 and 13. Complete the Chapter 12/13 Comprehension questions in The Cay PP pg 11.


Thursday, January 13

No Reading/LA due to MAP Testing


Homework: Study for List #8 Vocabra Tests

Friday, January 14

Vocabra List #8 Tests

Verb Lessons 4.6 and 4.7 (Verb PP page 16-18)


Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!!

Mr. Morrell

Reading/ LA Syllabus

Week of January 3, 2011

Email: jmorrell@op97.org

Website: http://op97-morrell.blogspot.com/


Important Information:

  • Our forth Reading Log is due on Thursday, January 6. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read. Don't forget to log your Sci-Fi book!


Monday, January 3 (WELCOME BACK)

Media Center Front Tables: 8th Period

Introduce Vocabra List #8

Introduce The Cay (The Cay Practice Packet Pages 1-3)


Homework: NONE


Tuesday, December 4

Local Color Handout

The Cay Ch 1-5 Guided Vocab Notes (Cay PP pg 4)

Begin Verb Unit: Lesson 4.1 PowerPoint (Verb PP pg 1-2)

Read The Cay Chapter 1


Homework: VERB Practice Packet Page 3


Wednesday, January 5

Read The Cay Chapters 2-3

The Cay Chapter 1-3 Comp Questions (Cay PP Pages 7-8)

Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Family


Homework: Your 4th READING LOG IS DUE TOMORROW! Be sure to have everything logged and your parent signatures. Finish your word story, if necessary.


Thursday, January 6

Turn in Rdg Log #4

Verb Lesson 4.2 PowerPoint (Verb PP pg 4-5)

Complete Verb Packet Page 6

Read The Cay Chapter 4

Foreshadowing Handout


Homework: Word Drawing

Friday, January 7

Read The Cay Chapter 5

The Cay Chapter 4-5 Comp Questions (Cay PP Pages 9)

The Cay Ch 6-15 Guided Vocab Notes (Cay PP pg 5)


Homework: Have an OUTSTANDING weekend!!!

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of January 3, 2010



Team 6-3




Important Information:

  • I have started the New Amazing Example Notebook of Science please use it as a reference,

    from lesson 10 and beyond!

  • Remember you can correct mistakes on your notebooks for points a lot of students did not take advantage of this first trimester!



Monday, January 3

Guided Reading Volcanoes


Homework: None


Tuesday, January 4

Guided Reading Volcanoes Cont.


Homework: Finish Guided Reading, if necessary


Wednesday, January 5

Review Guided Reading

Intro to Earthquake construction


Homework: Begin planning your earthquake building


Thursday , January 6

Earthquake Construction


Homework: None


Friday, January 7

Earthquake Construction


Homework: Have a Super Weekend!!!!!