Thursday, January 20, 2011

Template for Earthquake Tower Abstract

Design Problem

In this section write a couple of sentences describing what you are trying to do with your prototype, what problem are you attempting to solve.

Criteria for Measuring Success

In this section write a few sentences about how you are determining success of this prototype. For example we outlined how we are going to compare one tower to the next, which can also be how we measure success.

Prototype Design

Here you want to reference your drawing (see drawing: Title) and give a quick description of your procedure used to build your tower. What concepts did you use when building your tower and why you chose them. (Example: I chose to use cross bracing and triangles to build my tower because…) This does not need to be exhaustive, just share a couple of ideas.

Prototype Procedure (I built a prototype)

In this section you will write about the steps you took and how it all came together. (I began by mixing sand and glue for the base…) This should include all major steps in building the tower a little on why you chose to take those steps.

Prototype testing

During your teams multiple tests what did you observe. What was working and what was not working. Did you choose to reinforce things and why you chose to make those changes.

Analyzing Data and Evaluating the Results

Report your data here according to our "Structurability" formula. How did your tower fare during the earthquake. Give you time survived for both trials etc.

Identifying Improvements or New Design Based on Results:

Basically this is if you were to do this again how would you approach this problem based on knowledge gained from the earthquake tower technological design lab.

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