Friday, January 7, 2011

Mr. Morrell's

Science Syllabus

Week of January 10, 2010

Team 6-3



Important Information:

  • I have started the New Amazing Example Notebook of Science please use it as a reference,

    from lesson 10 and beyond!

  • Remember you can correct mistakes on your notebooks for points a lot of students did not take advantage of this first trimester!
  • Don't forget to bring in your empty Kleenex boxes or toilet paper rolls
  • We will be constructing our very own earthquake resistant structure all of this week
  • Due to MAP testing we will be meeting in B204 all of this week!
  • We will be putting our buildings to the test on Wednesday January 19th and finish up on Thursday January 20th if necessary. Let me know if you would like to stop by and check out the event!


Monday, January 10

Earthquake Building construction


Homework: Work on your writing portion


Tuesday, January 11

Earthquake Building Construction


Homework: Work on your writing portion


Wednesday, January 12

No Science Today L


Homework: Work on your writing portion


Thursday , January 13

Schudule Change for today

1st science will meet during 3rd period

2nd period science will meet during 8th period

3rd Period science will meet during 9th period


We will be continuing Earthquake Building construction


Homework: Work on your writing portion


Friday, January 14

Earthquake Building construction


Homework: Work on your writing portion



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