Monday, February 25, 2008

2/25 Reading and Language Arts Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 25, 2008

Important Information:
• Next week is ISAT testing week. Students should come to school on time, well rested, and with a healthy snack. Due to the ISAT testing schedule next week students will not receive a syllabus in any of their core classes. Their only core homework next week will be to read their author study novels and work on their timeline.
• Students must have their first AS novel read by Thursday, February 28. The plotline summary is due on Friday, February 29. The AS timeline is due on Monday, March 10.
• Our next reading log is due on Tuesday, March 11.

Monday, February 25
Introduce Timeline
ISAT Practice Test: Persuasive Essay
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Work on Author Study projects and novels

Tuesday, February 26
Media Center Computer Lab (9th Period)- Timeline Research
Vocabulary Practice: Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes
Author Study Work Time

Homework: ISAT Practice: Words by Themselves. Work on Author Study projects and novels.

Wednesday, February 27
ISAT Practice Test: Narrative Essay
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Read Author Study Novels- first novel must be finished by tomorrow.

Thursday, February 28
Media Center Computer Lab (8th Period)- Timeline Research

Homework: Finish Plotline Summary for first novel- due tomorrow

Friday, February 29
Poetry and Figurative Language Review
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Enjoy your weekend! Continue working on Author Study Novel and Timeline.


Anonymous said...

where is the science sylabus from this week?

Mr. Morrell said...

Sorry About that I thought I had published it. Turned out it was in the draft file.

thanks for the heads up.