Tuesday, February 5, 2008

2/4 Reading and Language Arts Syllibi

The Cay

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 4, 2008

• Conference confirmations went home last week with you child
• We are still in need of Kleenex tissues. Please send a box if you haven’t already done so
• Our fifth reading log is due on Wednesday, February 6
• Some students need a new Ziploc style baggie for their novel study
• We will begin writing a persuasive essay this week. A typed, rough draft is due by Thursday, February 7th.
• The final persuasive draft is due by Friday, 15th

Monday, February 4
Chapters 6-15 vocabulary
Read Ch. 7 and do comprehension questions for 6 & 7
Introduce new persuasive writing assignment, discuss introduction, and do prewriting
Homework: Read Ch. 8 and
Write introduction and first paragraph

Tuesday, February 5
Discuss and read Ch. 9 and do comprehension questions for 8 & 9
Discuss theme
Peer edits of intro and first paragraph
Work on essay
Homework: Read Ch. 10
Reading Log due Wednesday. Be sure to get parent signatures.
Continue to work on essay – due Thursday morning, give to L/A teacher

Wednesday, February 6
Pop Quiz Ch. 10
Read Ch. 11 and do comprehension questions for 10 & 11
Writing in the Active Voice handout
Begin survival activity
Homework: Read Ch. 12, 13, 14 and complete questions for 12 and 13- due Monday

Thursday, February 7 – Students dismissed at noon due to conferences
No class today
Homework: Remember to finish reading Ch. 12-14 and do questions for Ch. 12 & 13

Friday, February 8- Students dismissed at noon
Read-a-thon and P.J. day
Bring several good books to read and a healthy snack.
You may bring only one of the following: a pillow, blanket, or stuffed animal
Homework: Enjoy your weekend!


Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 4, 2008

• Conference confirmations went home last week with you child
• We are still in need of Kleenex tissues. Please send a box if you haven’t already done so
• Our fifth reading log is due on Wednesday, February 6
• Some students need a new Ziploc style baggie for their novel study
• We will begin writing a persuasive essay this week. A typed, rough draft is due by Thursday, February 7th.
• The final persuasive draft is due by Friday, 15th

Monday, February 4
Chapters 7-15 Vocabulary
Read Ch. 7 and do comprehension questions
Introduce new persuasive writing assignment, discuss introduction, and do prewriting

Homework: Read chapter 8
Write introduction and first paragraph

Tuesday, February 5
Read Ch. 9, Discuss and do comprehension questions for Ch 8 and 9
Discuss theme
Peer edits Of Introduction and first paragraph
Work on essay

Homework: Read Ch. 10
Reading Log due Wednesday. Be sure to get parent signatures.
Continue to work on essay – due Thursday morning, give to L/A teacher

Wednesday, February 6
Pop Quiz Ch. 10
Read Ch. 11, Discuss and do comprehension questions for Ch 10 and 11
Writing in Active Voice handout

Homework: Read Ch. 12, 13, and 14 and complete questions for 12 and 13 due Monday

Thursday, February 7-Students are dismissed at Noon
No Language Arts and Reading!!!!!!!!

Homework: Remember to finish reading Ch. 12-14 and do questions for Ch. 12 & 13

Friday, February 8 (P.J. Day)-Students are dismissed at Noon
Bring several good books to read and a healthy snack.
You may bring only one of the following: a pillow, blanket, or stuffed animal

Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

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