Tuesday, February 5, 2008

2/4 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of February 4, 2008

Important Information
• The Water Cycle Writing Assignment is due on Friday, February 8th.
• We will go outside for a few minutes a couple of days this week to view clouds so please dress appropriately.
• I still need USED TENNIS BALLS for my tables and chairs...Up to 10 pts of extra credit!!!!
• Thursday and Friday are half days this week

Monday, February 4
Review Section Review page 43
The Man Who Named the Clouds
Latin Cloud Names

Homework: None

Tuesday, February 5
Cloud Notes

Homework: None

Wednesday, February 6
Finish Cloud Notes
Cloud Reading and Questions

Homework: Finish Cloud Reading and Questions if necessary

Thursday, February 7 (Conferences are TODAY- Noon Dismissal)
Review Cloud Reading and Questions and Intro to the Microscope Worksheet

Homework: Finish Water Journey Writing Assignment

Friday, February 8 (Noon Dismissal)
No Science- Water Cycle Writing Assignment is due today.

Homework: Have a WONDERFUL weekend! Be Safe, Be Good!


Anonymous said...

do we have to write the whole story in words like everything thats happening in the story of the water droplet

Mr. Morrell said...

No, The picture can express what is happening, like in a comic book for instance. You do need to express the entire story in some medium though.