Friday, October 10, 2008

10/13 Science Syllabus

Science Syllabus
Week of October 13, 2008

Important Information:
o Students need their Science Text Book in class all of this week.
o Progress reports went out Friday 10/10

Monday, October 13
No School!!! Columbus Day

Homework: None

Tuesday, October 14
Science Vocabulary
Graphing Friction lab results

Homework: Finish Bar Graph, if necessary

Wednesday, October 15
The Fall of Galileo
Introduction to Gravity
Notes: Gravity

Homework: None

Thursday: October 16
Notes: Gravity
Directed Reading: Gravity, pages 21-25

Homework: Read pages 21-25

Friday, October 17
Directed Reading pages 21-25

Homework: Finish Directed Reading, if necessary

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