Friday, October 12, 2007

10/15 Language Arts and Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 15, 2007

Important Information:
o Progress reports were sent home last Friday. Please sign and return it to me.
o Greek Myth book will be assigned today. Please send a 2 gal Ziploc bag with your child or buy one from me for 25 cents.
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, October 30.
o Don’t forget that conferences are this week, Thursday Oct. 18th. If you have not signed up for a conference please get In touch with me a.s.a.p.
o Our read-a-thon and P.J. day is Friday, Oct. 19th. Besides bringing several good books to read, students may bring only one of the following: a pillow, blanket, or stuffed animal. He/she may also bring a healthy snack.
o On Monday, I gave selected students the opportunity to participate in an enrichment group for the Greek Myths. Students participating in this group must thoroughly read and chart the first section of the book (up to page 69), and be ready to take a test on the material on Monday, Oct. 22nd. If the student passes the test he/she will work independently on several projects, and then finish reading the rest of the Greek Myth book.

Monday, October 15
Spelling- Take pretest for Lesson 4 and discuss p. 20
Reading- Vocabulary for Hera, Hephaestus, & Aphrodite, read and discuss myths, and do charts
Homework: Do Spelling Master 4B; read Ares myth and complete story element chart

Tuesday, October 16
Spelling- Review homework and do p. 21 Pt B and discuss
Reading- Vocabulary for Ares, Athena, and Poseidon. Review Ares myth then read and discuss Aphrodite and Athena myths, and do the myth element chart
Homework: Read Poseidon and complete story element chart

Wednesday, October 17
Spelling- Do p. 22 Build Word Power and discuss
Reading- Vocabulary for Apollo & Artemis. Review Poseidon myth then read and discuss Apollo and Artemis myths, and do myth charts
Homework: Spelling - Remember to study for spelling test on Friday
Finish reading Artemis myth and do chart, if necessary

Thursday, October 18 – ½ day No Class - Students dismissed at noon

Friday, October 19 – Read-a-thon and Pajama Day - ½ Day- Students dismissed at noon
Spelling – Take test for Lesson 4
Homework: None! Enjoy your weekend!

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