Wednesday, October 31, 2007

10/29 Language Arts and Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mr. Morrell
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 29, 2007

Important Information:
o On Tuesday, there will be a comprehension test over the first section of myth book, up to p. 69.
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, October 30.
o Students participating in the Greek Myth enrichment group do not have to participate in the myth activities with the rest of the class. Instead they will work on selected enrichment projects. The projects are due Nov. 9th. They are also expected to finish the entire myth novel and complete a handout for the minor gods.
o Students wishing to retake their pictures will take retake their pictures on Tuesday Oct. 30 and must return the pictures in order to retake them.
o Students have received a letter in their Thursday’s packet, regarding appropriate Halloween costumes, behavior, and informing them they need to donate a can good if they plan to wear a costume on Halloween. Children are not allowed to bring candy to school on Halloween.
o All students are expected to complete a “Minor Gods” handout while reading this next section of the myth book.

Monday, October 29
Review for test- Jeopardy Game
Spelling Lesson 5: Take Spelling pretest and discuss p. 24
Homework: Reading- Study for test and reading logs are due on Tuesday
Spelling: P. 25 Pt A

Tuesday, October 30
Reading: Take myth test. Read p. 70 -71 in myth book and make a prediction
Scary Story Graphic Organizer and Story
Spelling Lesson 5: Review P. 25 Pt. A and do Pt. B
Homework: Writing Your Scary Story

Wednesday, October 31
Reading: Review pp.70-71, vocabulary, read, & review Prometheus myth
Prometheus comprehension handout
Values handout regarding Prometheus myth
Spelling Lesson 5: Review Pt. B
Homework: Spelling P. 26 Pt. C (Top)– Dictionary only

Thursday, November 1
Reading: Vocabulary, read, & review Pandora myth
Spelling Lesson 5: Review homework and review for test
Homework: Read Deucalion myth
Spelling –Study for test

Friday, November 2 - Schedule Change – Reading /LArts in A.M. (teachers will explain)
Reading: Read and discuss Prometheus poem
“Think Pair Share” activity- regarding Prometheus, Pandora, & Deucalion myths
Spelling Lesson 5: Take spelling test
Homework: None

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