Monday, October 22, 2007

10/22 Science Syllabus Revised

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of October 22, 2007

• Start collecting materials for your mousetrap cars. Bring things that you think will make good wheels, axles, and bodies. Also bring in a box or container to keep your materials in.
• You will need your textbook Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Monday, October 22
Construct a bar graph form the centripetal force lab results
Current Events in Super Science Scholastic Magazine

Homework: Read Pages 4-7

Tuesday, October 23
Begin Speed and Velocity Notes
Notes and vocabulary on gravity and motion

Homework: Read pages 8-10

Wednesday, October 24
Directed Reading pages 4-10

Homework: None

Thursday: October 25
Finish review of directed reading 8-10
Finish Speed and Velocity Notes
FYI: We didn't get to speed and velocity practice this week so we will pick it up when we get back next week.

Homework: None

Friday, October 26
Bubble Gum physics

Homework: Finish Bubble Gum physics, if necessary

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