Wednesday, October 31, 2007

10/29 Science Syllabus

Mr. Morrell
Science Syllabus
Week of October 29, 2007

Important Information:
• We are beginning to discuss Mousetrap Cars this week. All parents should have received a calendar of due dates at the end of last week. Any help you can offer with this project will be greatly appreciated!

Monday, October 29
Review Bubble Gum Lab
Lab: The tortoise and The Hare

Homework: Finish The Tortoise and The Hare, if necessary

Tuesday, October 30
Review The Tortoise and The Hare
Determining Acceleration

Homework: Finish Determining Acceleration, If necessary
Speed and Velocity Practice 1-5

Wednesday, October 31
Review Determining Acceleration
Review Speed and Velocity
Finish reviewing Directed Reading 4-10

Homework: Have a safe and fun Halloween!

Thursday: November 1
Review Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration

Homework: None

Friday, November 2 (First Fridays: Julian Spirit Day!)
Introduce Mousetrap Cars
Select Groups
View Car Samples
Review Directed Reading 36-42

Homework: Get Parent Letter about Mousetrap Cars signed due-Tuesday Nov. 6

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